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Step 1. Type of the Order

Select the correct type of paper you need in the order form. The type of paper refers to the type of service you need help with.

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Step 2. Paper Instructions

At this step, submit/write-up all instructions required for the paper. Upload case studies and relevant reading materials needed to complete the paper accordingly. These instructions are the governing method for us to deliver a quality paper.

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Step 3. Valid Contact Information

Kindly provide us with a valid email and phone number for easier communication. We use the email to send you the completed paper, and also contact you in case we need clarification on your order. In addition, the email is used as a security to your account.

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Step 4. Secure Payment

After you are through with creating your order and filling all the required details, you proceed to the last step of making payment. You can either pay via credit cards or PayPal. Our payment gateway is secure, and the information cannot be derived by anyone.

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Step 5. Revision

Should you feel that the order needs to be revised in any way, you are more than welcome to let us know what it is, specifically, that you need changed and we will do the rest. Note that as long as you need something revised in the order, we are more than eager to help out to make it perfect. Your positive experience is our top priority.

Get Custom Written Essay

We have writers who are qualified in more than 70 disciplines. Our services range from short essays to lengthy dissertations. We make an extra effort to ensure that all customers are satisfied with our services. We also offer a high level of confidentiality to ensure that the details of the customers are not shared with third parties.

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  • 100% custom written college papers
  • Writers with MA and PhD degrees
  • Any citation style available
  • Any subject, any difficulty
  • 24/7 service available
  • Privacy guaranteed
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  • Satisfaction guarantee

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