Problem Solving

 Find the answers to the following problems by providing line-by-line (step-by-step) solutions for each applicable question. You must show your work for questions 1-4 to get full credit for each question. Each question is worth 20 points. Please be sure to include the appropriate units as part of your final answer. 

 1. Mercury, the only metal that exists as a liquid at room temperature, melts at 234.3 K. Convert this melting point to degrees Celsius. 

2. Mercury has a boiling point of 356.58°C. Convert this temperature to degrees Fahrenheit.

 3. Mercury metal is poured into a graduated cylinder that holds exactly 22.5 mL. The mercury used to fill the cylinder weighs 306.0 g. From this information, calculate the density of mercury, in grams per cubic centimeter.

 4. What is the density of mercury in pounds per cubic inch (lb/in3)? a. 1 lb = 454g, 1 in= 2.54 cm.

 5. What are some of the physical and chemical properties of Mercury? Mention at least two of each.

Chemistry Essay Assignment

The point of this Assignment is to have you research one of the topics listed below and write an essay based on your research.  Please read the main instructions on the Essay in the Syllabus. Here is the list of suggested Topics, but feel free to contact me if you find something you would rather write about:

1. Aristotle and his ideas of matter

2. Democritus – how did he come up with the idea of indivisible particles? How does this idea still apply to modern view of the metter?

3. Antoine Lavoisier – experiments and the theory

4. John Dalton – what made his theories work

5. J. J. Thomson – making the electrons fly

6. Robert Millikan – all his contributions to science 

7. Ernest Rutherford – a very empty atom? Not     a likely story!

8. James Chadwick – the neutral particle – how did he discover it?

9. Niels Bohr – the atom and the solar system?

10. Erwin Schrödinger – why does hardly anyone understand his theory?

11. Dmitri Mendeleev vs. Lothar Meyer – who is the father of the periodic table

12. Wilhelm Roentgen – we still use his invention in so many ways


· Essay should be approximately two pages, and adequate to cover your topic. Imagine writing a paper for a magazine, making sure to cover the topic so that your audience/readers can understand you.

· Reference ALL of your sources. 

· Do not Copy/Paste your work, put your own ideas and research into it

Research Paper Assignment

Write a 2 page APA research paper on one of the following topics:

Vent Enter Search Concept 'VES' or How to 'Read' smoke at a structure fire.

APA requirements are title page, running heads, double spacing, and citing sources. Must have at least 2 sources.

Grading criteria: 10% APA, 10% spelling and grammar, 40% organization of paper, and 40% completeness of content.


Life during the Cold War varied depending on the country in which an individual lived. Choose one Communist and one non-Communist nation and discuss the daily life of their citizens. How did people cope with the tense political situation on a day-to-day basis?  125 words long answer in one hour

Acids and Bases

1. Watch the video titled “Acids and Bases”. 

   2. Post your answers to the following questions on the video:  

   a. What does the term pH stand for?  

   b. Acidity is based on the concentration of which ion?  

   c. Basicity is based on the concentration of which ion?  

   d. Describe the process in the making of red cabbage indicator.  

   e. Describe how the pH of blood is regulated.


Write a summary of the article:

""Putting the Man in Contraceptive Mandate"". Discuss why both the individual and society should be concerned about current and future implications of this issue. Address each of the suggestions for change. Your opinion is valued in this summary


You must choose a topic in modern chemistry for your term paper. See suggested topics you can pick from in the Discussions Section of Canvas. Each student will write a 3 to 4-page term paper.  Sign up for one topic by emailing me a topic that you want to write about. Once a suggested topic is requested from below, it will be removed from the list of available topics that will be updated under Term Paperdiscussion board. You are free to come up with your own topic of interest but email it to me for approval. Keep a record of the topic that you sign up for.

For the paper, use size 12 font, Times New Roman, double-spaced. Include a title page and a reference page and these do not count as one of the 3 to 4 pages. Each student will write this paper in his/her own words and must include all references. Use at least 5 references. Remember, plagiarism is academic dishonesty. Your submitted paper will be checked for plagiarism.

The title page must include the title of the paper, your name and date of submission.

Enzyme Kinetic Lab report

The purpose of this four-week long lab is to determine the kinetic properties of the enzyme tyrosinase. In addition, the efficiency of two inhibitors will be measured, their modes of inhibition will be determined, and they relative efficacy will be compared. Lastly, you will design and conduct an experiment focused on tyrosinase activity

Chemistry discussion

Write a 1-2 page paper answering one of the following questions

How can renewable energy contribute to the economy growth in California?

How can renewable energy contribute to reducing global warming?

 How can energy storage influence the development of renewable energy?

Your paper must include the following:

A minimum of three references one must be from a journal article and the other 2 

can be from the web.

An introduction 

A body – which includes many fact-rich paragraphs or subsections and will allow 

you to build your thesis statement by providing facts to support your argument.

A conclusion – Summarizes the main points in the paper


150 words,"Select a profession of your choice, possibly the one you intend to pursue ( Human Resource Manager). Name at least one way in which a person in this profession could have a positive effect on air quality. Your post must contain at least 150 words.[In addition to your response to the above question, remember that you must respond to the post of at least three other students in the class to complete this exercise. These responses need to be at least 50 words in length]