Professional Development in Nursing

Nursing is the only health profession with multiple pathways to entry-level practice. Three leading health scientists affiliated with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation are among those who have shown that pathways that lead to a bachelor’s degree in nursing and higher may improve patient outcomes (RWJF, 2018). Nurses who graduate from a BSN program receive a comprehensive education. They are prepared to apply essential competencies such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and attention to detail for a broader scope of practice. In addition, they learn clinical, leadership, and case management skills. Nurses who have the expertise and preparation that enables them to provide optimal patient care leading to fewer clinical errors and fatalities.

 It is clear that research has linked registered nurses with higher education to having fewer medication errors, positive patient outcomes, and lower patient mortality rates. In an article published in the March 2013 issue of Health Affairs, nurse researcher Ann Kutney-Lee and colleagues found that a 10-point increase in the percentage of nurses holding a BSN within a hospital was associated with an average reduction of 2.12 deaths for every 1,000 patients and for a subset of patients with complications, an average reduction of 7.47 deaths per 1,000 patients. In the February 2013 issue of the Journal of Nursing Administration, Mary Blegen and colleagues published findings from a cross-sectional study of 21 University Health system Consortium hospitals which found that hospitals with a higher percentage of RNs with baccalaureate or higher degrees had lower congestive heart failure mortality, decubitus ulcers, failure to rescue, and postoperative deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism and shorter length of stay (,2020)


Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references. Sources must be published within the last 5 years.

Martha Roger's Theory

Explain Martha Roger's Theory, name it, and how does it apply to your nursing practice? Explain minimum of 150 words.","Explain Martha Roger's Theory, name it, and how does it apply to your nursing practice? Explain minimum of 150 words.



Describe the organizational characteristics of a facility in which you currently work. Include the following: the type of organization, its organizational culture, its structure, and its formal and informal goals and processes.

Define three different kinds of power, and describe how power affects the relationships between people of different disciplines (e.g., between staff in nursing, medicine, physical therapy, housekeeping, administration, finance, social work) in a health-care organization.

400 words. APA format 7th edition.

Advanced Role Development

Based on your readings, discuss the pros and cons of the DNP as a terminal degree for advanced nursing practice.

A minimum of 150 words, scholarly written, APA formatted, and referenced. A minimum of 2 references

Health Promotion

Elder Specific Discussion Topics

Please choose only ONE of the following topics and respond to the thread corresponding to the question you select.

1. Dementia in the elderly. Discuss ways in which the cost associated with dementia can be curtailed along with maintaining the individual’s quality of life. Dementia is not only Alzheimer’s disease, so please consider multiple types of dementia within your answers (types of dementia include: Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies [DLB], mixed dementia, Parkinson's disease, frontotemporal dementia, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and normal pressure hydrocephalus).

2. Elder abuse. Include physical, emotional, sexual, etc. How, as an APRN, can you screen for and address elder abuse? What types of health promotion concepts can be used to help advocate for the personal safety of our elders? Are there screening tools available? In what unconventional locations within your community might an elder screening be performed?

3. Fall prevention. What are specific geriatric risk factors that create an increase in fall risks? What can be done from a health promotion standpoint to decrease falls in the elderly? Define fall risk and what types of assessments are available in the outpatient and inpatient settings.

4. Financials, levels of neglect in the elders. Consider financial risk, scams, family, and other pitfalls the elderly may find themselves in relating to their finances. Provide examples and ways to advocate for our patients and our communities as an advanced practice nurse.

5. Components of a well elder evaluation. Define a well elder evaluation. Make sure you address components that pertain to the home environment and the communities in which they live. How can an APRN assist in these evaluations and promote different aspects within your community.

6. Functional status. Consider ADLs and IADLs. What is the difference? What types of assessment can be done and by whom to determine if an elder is capable of caring for themself at home. In addition, what types of services are available to help promote overall elder health not only in their homes but when living with family or in assisted living and nursing homes? What types of supportive services are available to assist the elderly in staying in their own homes?

7. Cognition. Describe how cognitive functioning may change as we age. What are neuropsychological examinations, and when should these be requested? Describe what this type of testing can accomplish and how, as a provider, you would use these results. Discuss ways in which we can improve and maintain our cognitive health (for example, diet, exercise). Provide specifics.

8. Polypharmacy. Consider medication compliance, risk of adverse effects, creatinine clearance <50ml/min. As an Advanced Practice Nurse, how can you address this growing problem? What type of surveillance will you put into place within your own practice, and how can you advocate to help address this concern within your own community?

9. Pain assessment and treatment. Discuss specifics regarding pain within the elder population: perception of pain, pain assessment scales, etc. In addition, provide evidence-based cited information relating to the opioid epidemic within your state and what percentage of addicted individuals are elderly. What type of resources are available in your community to help those with substance abuse problems? Are there any services specific to the elderly? 

- Please include at least 3 scholarly sources within your initial post.

- APA style.

- Minimun 400 - 450 words.

- Turnitin Assignment (No plagiarism)

Note: My background for you to have as a reference: I am currently enrolled in the Psych Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program, I am a Registered Nurse. I work at a Psychiatric Hospital

Role and Scope of Practice of PMHNP

In this type of discussion, you will not see the responses of your classmates until after you have posted your own response to the question below.

Initial Post

The Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) fills a unique space in the healthcare environment.

 Research your state's current scope of practice for the role of PMHNP.

 Do these regulations present a barrier to mental health care?

 What groups or cultures do you see most impacted by your states current scope of practice regulations?


Reply to at least two of your classmates. Your reply posts should compare and contrast your state compared to another state you are reviewing.

Your response should include evidence-based research to support your statements using proper citations and APA format

Leadership and management

Becoming a Manager

Elaine has worked in the IMCU of a community hospital for 11 years. She is one of the best nurses, and serves as a preceptor and a resource for other nurses on the unit. Elaine has made numerous contributions to the unit. She has presented training classes, in-services, and booklets. Elaine has been the day shift charge nurse for 5 years.

In January, the unit manager decided to retire. The IMCU manager position was posted. A very unpopular nurse from another unit bid on the position, as well as a nurse from another hospital. The staff has approached Elaine, imploring her to bid for the job. They tell her she will be a terrific manager, and they all love her. Elaine is very happy with her job, but she knows that things will change with a new manager.

After serious deliberation, Elaine bids on the position. Her qualifications are undisputable, and she is offered the position. She is warned, however, that her relationship with her co-workers will not be the same. She has long been a leader, but she must now see herself as a manager. Try to imagine that you are Elaine:

 What steps will you take to initiate this change?

 How will you establish your new position with the staff?

 What type of management/leadership style would you employ?

 How do the “Cores of Credibility” apply to your new role?

Your response should consist of complete sentences and should be at least one complete paragraph, but it should be no more than three paragraphs in length.

Post your individual responses by the end of the day on Friday of Module 2.

Read the postings of other students, and thoughtfully respond to at least two other student postings by end of the day on Sunday of Module 2.

Please click the Grading Information button, then the View Rubric button to the right of the discussion board window for grading criteria.


To complete this Assessment:

 Download and review the Community General Hospital Case Study.

 Research quality and safety measures using the links provided in the Case Study document and in the Learning Activities.

 Consider the priority areas for measurement for Community General Hospital. Based on the case study, select 6–8 measures for inclusion in a dashboard for the Community General Hospital Board.

 Determine how you will display the measures in your dashboard.

Click each of the items below for more information on this Assessment.

Part 1: Dashboard

Using Excel or PowerPoint, create a ONE SLIDE quality dashboard based on the Community General Hospital Case Study. Your dashboard must include 6–8 measures. Use mock data to represent the measures you have chosen.

Part 2: Written Summary

To accompany your dashboard, write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you do the following:

 Identify the 6–8 quality measures you have chosen for your dashboard. Explain why these measures are important to the organization.

 Analyze how the Triple Aim/Quadruple Aim is represented in your chosen measures. 

 Explain how you displayed the measures. Justify your choice of display.

 Provide a strategy for communicating the dashboard throughout the organization.

 Explain how the dashboard could be used as a leadership tool to improve patient outcomes.

Nursing capstone

Review your problem or issue and the cultural assessment. Consider how the findings connect to your topic and intervention for your capstone change project. Write a list of three to five objectives for your proposed intervention. Below each objective, provide a one or two sentence rationale.

After writing your objectives, provide a rationale for how your proposed project and objectives advocate for autonomy and social justice for individuals and diverse populations.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:


1.5: Advocate for autonomy and social justice for individuals and diverse populations.


Elder Abuse 

There are many types of elder abuse.


 1.Choose two types of elder abuse and discuss challenges you perceive in abolishing them. 

 2. Justify why you consider them as the most crucial. 

 3. Discuss how you can advocate and protect the elderly from abuse