Cell Divison on Mitosis Essay

Make an essay about the cell division on mitosis no more than two pages


Choose ONE topic to write 5 pages essay include the cover page and reference page. Your paper should be written according to the APA guidelines. Please see link: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/1/.

Topics to choose from:

 The chemistry of diet sodas and the effect on bone structure

 Acid rain in your neighborhood and the effects on plants

 The power of fluoride in community water

 Plastics packaging and its effects on food stuffs

 Turning yeast into a biofuel

 Using sugar for batteries

 Organic food vs. Pesticides


Elements in the same row have the same number of (*) levels

Which elements in B O U L A N...","Elements in the same row have the same number of (*) levels

Which elements in B O U L A N would be in the same family? Which would have the same number of energy levels? Highest mass? Lowest mass?

Which is more reactive? Uranium or Lithium

Will elements B and U lose electrons in a chemical reactor?

Will elements B and U form positive or negative ions?


Choose ONE topic to write 5 pages essay (excluding the cover page and reference page. ) Your paper should be written according to the APA guidelines. 

Topics to choose from:

 The chemistry of diet sodas and the effect on bone structure

 Acid rain in your neighborhood and the effects on plants

 The power of fluoride in community water

 Plastics packaging and its effects on food stuffs

 Turning yeast into a bio-fuel

 Using sugar for batteries

 Organic food vs. Pesticides

 Chemical signals from medications

 Chemicals that trigger food allergies


For this discussion, choose at least two different areas of pharmacology and discuss the process by which the drugs work in those areas. Your post should indicate that you know and understand the process, but you should add to that by discussing how this might apply to drug use and addiction. For example, you may want to discuss what is it about drugs that affect the brain function or chemistry that cause people to want more and more, or any other area you choose to discuss.

Chemistry scenario

When was the last time you studied chemistry? Do you have any good stories to tell about your chemistry teacher or your time in the laboratory? Do you or did you like taking chemistry? I remember being in chemistry class as a junior in high school and my teachers name was Mr. Dykema. He, on a couple of occasions, dumped out mercury on the lab tables to teach us about about states of matter and density. I thought the liquid metal moving over the table and breaking apart was facinating. Today, that would be a hazardous waste spill and the school would be closed down! Tell the class about something from your past pertaining to chemistry. Also, as you read chapter 5, you should have noticed the many different chemistry terms and topics. Pick one term or topic and explain it in ""normal"" words/examples as the second part of your post. These are a few of the terms: Charles law, Boyle's law, Dalton’s law, air pressure, barometer, air density, Avogadro’s law, isobar and the law of energy conservation. Topics include periodic table, states of matter, gases, bonding, adiabatic heating and cooling. 

All questions must be answered mention in the above scenario

Solutions and Colligative Properties - Discussion

Answer three questions below. Add comments and/or questions to your classmates' posts, especially if you don't understand their responses. 

Provide thoughtful answers to at least two of these three questions. Your answers should be complete, providing explanations where requested. All responses should be written in YOUR OWN WORDS! Include reference information, if appropriate.

1) If you lived in Alaska, which of the following natural gases could you keep in an outdoor storage tank in winter and why? methane (CH4), propane (C3H8), or butane (C4H10)

2) How does increasing the concentration of a nonvolatile solute in water affect the following properties and why: 

a) vapor pressure

b) freezing point

c) boiling point

d) osmotic pressure

3) There are many different units of concentration used throughout science. List three units of concentration and provide a real-world example of the use of that unit of concentration.

Extinction coefficient

The operational definition of an extinction coefficient is that it is the absorbance that a 1M, 1mM or 1uM solution would have. Thus, the mM extinction for reduced cytochrome c at 550nm is 30mM-1cm-1; this solution would have an absorbance of 30 for a 1mM concentration which is impossible to measure (why?) 

o What would be the absorbance or extinction coefficient for a 1 M solution? Could you measure this absorbance? 

o What would be uM extinction coefficient (and yes, units are important in this class)? 

o Could you measure the absorbance of this solution?

Chemistry discussion

Useful chemical compounds are all around us, from medicines to paints and everything in between. These compounds can be synthetic analogs of naturally occurring compounds or novel molecules that do not exist in nature. Often, naturally occurring compounds are purified and utilized for many different useful purposes. Many pharmaceuticals are naturally occurring compounds that are purified for use.

For this assignment, write a paper about a chemical compound of interest that is either manufactured or purified from natural sources. In the body of the paper, address the following questions:

 Who discovered the molecule and when?

 If naturally occurring, where is it found?

 Who manufactures or purifies it?

 What are the common physical and chemical properties?

 What are the common uses?

 Is it harmful? Describe and explain its effects.


Your paper should be at least 3 pages long with at least 750 words not including the title and reference pages. The paper should have a title page, the body of the paper, and a bibliography of sources. Use at least four reputable sources, which can include scientific journals, popular press, and one Internet source. Write your paper in one Word document in APA format. Submit it to the appropriate assignment dropbox. This assignment is due at midnight on Sunday at the end of Week

Biography of Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev ( Father of the Periodic Table )

Write a biography of Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev two pages long, double spaced in APA format. Must include:

-When he was born

-Easy or not to get into University of Moscow 

-Where he went after that

-Relevant facts about his life