Nursing Leadership and management

Read Chapter 9

1. Try taking a different route to class the next time it meets. Before you do this, think about how many changes, large and small, you will have to make to do this.

a-Will you have to leave earlier to be in class on time?

b-Will you meet different people on your way to class?

c-See different sights?

d-Would you change your route to class on the day of the final exam?

e-Why or why not? Summarize the positives and negatives of this small change. Relate your responses to this change to the way staff nurses feel when an administrator makes what he or she thinks is a “minor” change.

2. Think about a change that has occurred in your life. Some examples may be a change of role, a move, a marriage, a birth, a divorce, or a death.

a-How did you react to the change?

b-Would you have reacted differently if you had had more information?

c-Using Lewin’s model, describe the basic elements in the situation and how you eventually achieved a comfortable outcome.


Based on your readings, compare and contrast (view any similarities or differences between) the theories of Dr. Marth Rogers and Dr. Rosemarie Rizzo Parse’s theories. 

1-Which one would you prefer for your nursing practice and why?

Students are to post a total of 3 posts weekly; one original and 2 responses. Remember grammar and punctuation according to APA 6th edition guidelines. 

(See the grading rubric below).

Discussion Board Rubric



Introduction and quality of discussion’s Argument 

1 point

It is consistent with application in research related to its context. Clarity of ideas.

0.50 point

The topic has a partially weak association to the clarity of ideas and related topics. 

The objectivity of Tone, overall quality & Review of

Literature in APA 6th format within the past 7 years

1 point

The tone is consistent, addressed professionally and objectively. 

Evidence in literature supports arguments.

0.50 point

The tone is not consistently objective. Partially poor evidence in the review of the literature.

Quality of Reply posts

1 point

Consistent clarity and supported by research evidence.

0.25 point

Partially lack clarity or lack of support with research evidence.

Top three trends

Imagine that you recently began working in a department that supports your company’s strategic planning for growth in the industry. Your department head has asked you to do research from a newcomer’s perspective to inform future marketing directions for the company. He has asked you to write a detailed memo that identifies the three top trends in the industry. If he likes your work on this initial research, he will ask you to write a position paper on the most important issue related to these trends. (The position paper will be your assignment for project 3.) He is hoping to use your research to prepare your department to launch a new strategic plan. 

This is your first real task for your new job, and you are excited and a little nervous about the assignment. You think you have a sense of the industry but know you need to do more research to be accurate in your analysis. The ability to spot trends in your industry is an important skill, and your boss wants to spend energy and capital on new growth areas, products, and services. Writing for Entrepreneur, Spader (2007) offers ideas about how to Spot the Latest Trends.

Your assignment is to produce a well-researched and properly cited memo of approximately 500 words (about two pages in double-spaced Times New Roman font) in which you identify three trends in your industry and discuss each one briefly. You are to provide citations for at least THREE SOURCES. These sources should be a mix of journal articles from the UMGC library, information from Vault, and other pertinent and valid websites or online materials pertaining to your trends. Be sure to cite any words or ideas from your sources in correct APA format, and include a properly formatted list of references. For example, please refer to the APA formatted template for project 2.

1. Submit your APA-formatted title page, introductory paragraph, and reference list to the DRAFT of Project 2 Memo assignment 

2. Submit your full 500-word memo with a title page, citations, and at least three references in APA format to the FINAL Project 2 Memo assignment

Organizational Policies and practices to support Healthcare issues

Quite often, nurse leaders are faced with ethical dilemmas, such as those associated with choices between competing needs and limited resources. Resources are finite, and competition for those resources occurs daily in all organizations.

For example, the use of 12-hour shifts has been a strategy to retain nurses. However, evidence suggests that as nurses work more hours in a shift, they commit more errors. How do effective leaders find a balance between the needs of the organization and the needs of ensuring quality, effective, and safe patient care?

In this Discussion, you will reflect on a national healthcare issue and examine how competing needs may impact the development of polices to address that issue.

To Prepare:

 Review the Resources and think about the national healthcare issue/stressor you previously selected for study in Module 1.

 Reflect on the competing needs in healthcare delivery as they pertain to the national healthcare issue/stressor you previously examined

Work and Social Adjustment Scale

           The Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS) is an assessment completed by the client to measure the degree of functional impairment perceived related to a diagnosed health problem (Thandi & et al., 2017). The WSAS addresses different areas of the client’s life where an impairment would be evident (Pederson & et al., 2017). This assessment is a simple five item scale that is easily administered. “The WSAS assesses the impact of a person’s mental health difficulties on their ability to function in terms of work, home management, social leisure, private leisure and personal or family relationships” (Mundt & et al., 2002). It can be administered to adults in treatment for mental health disorders and can be modified to evaluate psychosocial impairments in the youth population (De Los Reyes & et al., 2019).  

Psychometric Properties

           The assessment has been used widely for adults with mental health disorders, the psychometric properties have been proven to be accurate and consistent across different forms of psychopathology and unexplained medical symptoms (Jassi & et al., 2020). Disorders include obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, phobic disorders, anxiety and depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and personality disorders. “The WSAS is a simple, reliable, and valid measure of impaired functioning; it is a sensitive and useful outcome measure offering the potential for readily interpretable comparisons across studies and disorders” (Mundt & et al., 2002). Studies have proven that the test is reliable and sensitive to treatment related changes, which can evaluate the efficacy of psychotherapy and psychopharmacological approaches.


De Los Reyes, A., Makol, B. A., Racz, S. J., Youngstrom, E. A., Lerner, M. D., & Keeley, L. M. (2019). The work and social adjustment scale for youth: A measure for assessing youth psychosocial impairment regardless of mental health status. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(1), 1-16.

Jassi, A., Lenhard, F., Krebs, G., Gumpert, M., Jolstedt, M., Andrén, P., ... & Mataix-Cols, D. (2020). The work and social adjustment scale, youth and parent versions: psychometric evaluation of a brief measure of functional impairment in young people. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1-8.

Mundt, J. C., Marks, I. M., Shear, M. K., & Greist, J. H. (2002). The Work and Social Adjustment Scale: a simple measure of impairment in functioning. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science, 180, 461–464.

Pedersen, G., Kvarstein, E. H., & Wilberg, T. (2017). The Work and Social Adjustment Scale: Psychometric properties and validity among males and females, and outpatients with and without personality disorders. Personality and mental health, 11(4), 215-228.

Thandi, G., Fear, N. T., & Chalder, T. (2017). A comparison of the Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS) across different patient populations using Rasch analysis and exploratory factor analysis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 92, 45–48.

Regulatory Environment

Explain how healthcare exchanges change the concept of outpatient treatment. Many clinical information systems now embed practice guidelines and clinical pathways into their electronic medical record systems. Discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of this. Describe demand management and how it can increase consumer involvement in care. Compare and contrast disease management and case management. 

Reading and Resources        

 Ferrier, G. D., & Trivitt, J. S. (2013). Incorporating quality into the measurement of hospital efficiency: A double DEA approach. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 40(3), 337-355.

 Search the site for US Department of Health and Human Services “Hospital Compare” and use the interactive database to compare and contrast health plans, hospitals, etc. How might you use this site with patients as a case manager?

 Chapter 16 pages 297-316, Chapter 23 pages 395-404, Chapter 20 pages 367-375, Chapter 26 pages 439-447 in Fundamentals of Case Management Practice.

 Review clinical guidelines of the AHRQ

 Pizzi, Michael A,PhD., O.T.R./L. (2014). Promoting health, wellness, and quality of life at the end of life: Hospice interdisciplinary perspectives on creating a good death. Journal of Allied Health, 43(4), 212-20.

 Annicka G M van der,Plas, Vissers, K. C., Francke, A. L., Donker, G. A., Jansen, W. J. J., Deliens, L., & Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B. (2015). Involvement of a case manager in palliative care reduces hospitalisations at the end of life in cancer patients; A mortality follow-back study in primary care. PLoS One, 10(7)

 Meyer, Star,R.N., B.S.N. (2012). Care management role in end-of-life discussions. Care Management Journals, 13(4), 180-3.

 Review the National Committee for Quality Assurance certification criteria.

Additional Instructions:

 All submissions should have a title page and reference page.

 Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.

 Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.

 Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.

 Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.

Submission Options:



 4 to 6-page paper. Include title and reference pages


Describe the DNA

Define and describe briefly the following processes:

- DNA replication

- Transcription

- Translation

If gene probes, profiling, and mapping could make it possible for you to know of future genetic diseases in you or one of your children

Discuss whether or not you would wish to use this technology to find out.

 Explain the risks and benefits if these technologies were used to gather information on you or your children. 

 Include how genetic technology can impact your future profession as a Nurse

Discussion Expectations:  

The minimum requirements for class discussions are to respond directly to the discussion prompt and to respond to at least two other posts, by other students or the instructor, by the end of the week. The discussion will close on the due date and will NOT be reopened for a late submission. 

 Submit one main post responding directly to each part of the discussion prompt(s) by Wednesday at 11:59 PM ET.

 This should be a substantive response (between 75 -150 words minimum) to the topic(s) in your own words, referencing (using APA format) what you have discovered in your required reading and other learning activities.

 You may use resources in addition to your textbook that supports your post(s); however, you must mention the source(s) that you used in your post(s) using APA format in-text citations and reference lists. You can review APA formatting here:

Reply to peers

Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Complete your participation for this assignment by the end of the week.


Peer 1

 The personality traits that I have that aid in my leadership abilities is first Dependable, I feel that I am a very dependable person and leader. My staff can rely on me for pretty much anything. I try to work with my staff when ever they may need something or a day off. Another trait would be supportive I am a very supportive person. I believe in everyone being a team player so I show that to my staff. I jump in and help whenever and where ever I can. Another trait would be Accountability I am not afraid to accept responsibility for my actions whether it be good or bad.  

 Traits that hinder my leadership abilities would first be Self Confidence, confidence, the sense of self-assurance without arrogance, provides nurse leaders and managers with an ability to lead through difficult times(Murray 2017).I have always had issues with this throughout my whole nursing career. I am always second guessing myself and questioning. I find that I do not want to mess up at anything or make a mistake, but then that is also how we learn best is from our mistakes. Another would be Time Management this is something that I am learning to work on currently. Another one would be delegating I find it hard to delegate tasks to my team members I usually just end up doing things myself, I do not like to micromanage. I really need to work on this especially since this trait is now in my job description. 

 I am currently working on all the traits that hinder my leadership abilities. I am learning new things about leadership in the position I am currently in. I am always open to learning new things. I am excited to continue to learn and grow as a leader. 

References: Murray, E. J. (2017). Nursing leadership and management for patient safety and quality care. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.

Peer 2

It’s extraordinary to think that it took a devastating pandemic in order for the general public to direct their attention towards the hardships of nursing. We finally have the chance to show the world our challenges we face every day in order to save lives and although I’m grateful for recognition, I wish it did not come at such a cost. The ability to bring awareness pertaining to the burdens of medical staff and generate conversation regarding ways to improve our healthcare system are some very important sources of power that have recently emerged due to Covid19. Despite this acknowledgement from the public, many nurses have been cornered into the position of a reluctant martyr. This pandemic has taken it’s toll not only on the countless patients who have been infected but also on the medical staff who work nonstop to care for them while constantly facing exposure themselves. A leader who can rise to meet the unexpected demands of this illness is critical at this time. Two nurses who bore witness to the tragedies that unfolded in New York poignantly remark that “…transformative leader-mentors who are wise and compassionate can be an essential resource for nurses and the public as we navigate the global future of the ‘new normal’ of the pandemic crisis” (Luis & Vance, 2020, p.163). When it comes to transformative leaders, our readings explain that this “…leadership is viewed as an effective type of leadership for nurses to lead the change necessary to meet the demands of the current health-care system” (Murray, 2017, p.49). The ability to evolve may be one of the most crucial assets for a nurse in a leadership position at this time. Given the constantly changing nature of our situation, having leaders who can modify and transform the course of action for each team or unit as it changes on daily basis can make all the difference in the world.  

Luis, C., & Vance, C. (2020). On leadership. a pandemic crisis: mentoring, leadership, and the millennial nurse. Nursing Economics, 38(3), 152–163.

Murray, E. (2017). Nursing leadership and management for patient safety and quality care. Philadelphia, PA.: F.A. Davis Company.


Academic clinical history and physical notes provide a unique opportunity to practice and demonstrate advanced practice documentation skills, to develop and demonstrate critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills, and to practice identifying acute and chronic problems and formulating evidence-based plans of care.

Complete an academic clinical history and physical note based on a patient seen during clinical. In your assessment, provide the following.

History and Physical Note

 Chief complaint/reason for admission/visit/consult.

 HPI for the H&P or consult notes.

 Medical, surgical, family, social, and allergy history.

 Home medications, including dosages, route, frequency, and current medications, if a consultation note

 Review of systems with all body systems for H&P or consult notes. Review of systems is what the patient or family/friends tell you (by body system).

 Vital signs and weight.

 Physical exam with a complete head-to-toe evaluation. Include pertinent positives and negatives based on findings from head-to-toe exam.

 Lab/Imaging/Diagnostic test results (including date).

Assessment and Clinical Impressions

 Identify at least three differential diagnoses based upon the chief complaint, ROS, assessment, or abnormal diagnostic tools with rationale.

 Include a complete list of all diagnoses that are both acute and chronic.

 List the differential diagnoses and chronic conditions in order of priority.

Plan Component Management and Plan Criteria Incorporation

 Select appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic interventions based on efficacy, safety, cost, and acceptability. Provide rationale.

 Discuss disposition and expected outcomes.

 Identify and address health education, health promotion, and disease prevention.

 Provide case summary with ethical, legal, and geriatric considerations. Consider potential issues, even if they are not evident.

General Requirements

Incorporate at least three peer-reviewed articles in the assessment or plan.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite Technical Support Articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

MSN Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

6.1: Determine differential diagnoses using physiological and pathophysiological evidence.

Purpose of Assignment

According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2008), “Scholarship for the baccalaureate graduate involves recognizing the role of information technology in improving patient care outcomes and creating a safe care environment.”

American Association of College of Nursing. (2008). The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice. Retrieved from:

 Course Competency:

Evaluate the role and scope of practice for nursing informatics.



You are a registered nurse employed at the local hospital working in the education department and have been asked to prepare a digital poster presentation for the local University’s Nursing Student Association’s Annual Conference next week. They have asked you to showcase a specialty in the nursing profession that has changed healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. Your supervisor suggested showcasing the various roles and scope of practice for nursing informatics as it is often not as prevalent to student nurses, as other specialties.


You have started your digital poster presentation and sifting through the multitude of resources to support this specialty. You are carefully showcasing this profession geared for students at the baccalaureate level since that is the intended audience. You have chosen to create an infographic (i.e. Visme, Snappa, Google charts, Piktochart) as it leverages the NI profession perfectly. Specifically, the presentation guidelines require the infographic to include the following elements:


     Identify various roles of nursing informatics.

     Describe specific settings within your community that nursing informatics could be used

     Identify two Nursing Informatics organizations or journals to provide attendees with more information.

     Explain how the building blocks of Nursing Informatics prepare nurses for practice

     Examine defining characteristics from the scope of practice for nursing informatics

     Describe educational requirements for the role

     Analyze the impact nurse informatics has had on healthcare delivery.

     How has it specifically impacted patient outcomes?

Describe the future of Nursing Informatics and its impact on healthcare delivery