Gerontological nursing

 Post your initial response to one of the two topics below. 

Topic 1

Watch at least 60 minutes of TV, focusing on the depiction of older adults. Analyze and discuss TV programming in the context of at least two of the following:

Portrayal of elderly characters

Intergenerational themes

Conflict in relation to the older population

Aging stereotypes or myths

Cultural diversity in relation to quality of care

Topic 2

Discuss your own philosophy of aging.

When do you think a person becomes elderly?

What do you think of older people?

Are they active, senile, debilitated, etc.?

Provide a description of an elderly person that you know.

As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.


Answer to essay-200 words minimum (YC),"You have to write an answer based on this writing, a minimum of 200 words. You need to add references and quotes, do not use the same references that appear in the writing.


Health care beliefs of people from Asian cultures differ from those of people born in American cultures. The beliefs impact health outcomes in these cultures since they determine health care models utilized. Chinese and Guatemalan cultures have similar and varying health care beliefs. Chinese have high trust in Western medicine in the treatment of diseases like cancer and cardiovascular problems even though they prioritize traditional medicine. On the other hand, Guatemalans believe medical procedures such as drawing blood samples for diagnosis is wrong since it makes one weak and unhealthy.  The beliefs hinder the effective utilization of evidence-based care since they elicit fear. Chinese and Guatemalan cultures have some similar and different health care beliefs that hinder the use of evidence-based health care since they elicit fear.  

Health care beliefs of Chinese Heritage

In Chinese heritage, traditional medicine is prevalent even though they also believe and apply Western medicine. According to Cheung, Buckley, and Watanabe (2017), Goji berry and Ginseng species are commonly used in traditional medicines to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, improve eyesight, and to enhance overall body strength. The young generations seek biomedical health care services unless they believe they are not working where they later substitute with western medicine. On the other hand, older people prioritize the use of traditional medicine over Western medicine. Acupuncture, cupping, and moxibustion are some traditional methods used and are highly regarded by the Chinese. Chinese have high trust in modern medicines in addressing health care problems such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases, but often prioritize traditional medicine (Sun, 2017). Moreover, Chinese culture believes that the balance of Yin and Yang helps to maintain a balance of physical and mental health. The Yin and Yang balance consists of a balanced diet. There also exists a belief that people with mental and physical disabilities are unfit in society. This belief delays medical attention to such cases leading debilitating conditions.  

Health care beliefs of Guatemalan Heritage 

Guatemalans apply both traditional medicine provided by herbalists and Western medicine in their health care practices. According to Hoyler (2018), Maya Guatemalans utilize traditional medicine as the primary source of health care and are guided by Mayan spirits. The people believe that a medical procedure of removing blood samples for testing is wrong since it would make one weak and unhealthy. This reduces the number of people who visit local pharmacists for remedies even though they also value biomedical health care systems. Guatemalans believe that deteriorating illnesses are a result of punishment from God rather than a lack of early diagnosis or prevention. There even exist magical-based beliefs on the causes of diseases such as the evil eye in Mayan culture. Guatemalans believe that a balanced diet plays a significant role in determining their health. For this belief, food is handled with care while cooking to avoid food poisoning and is also eaten when warm since cold food is perceived to cause illnesses.  

Similarities of health care beliefs between both heritages 

One similarity of health care beliefs between Guatemalan and Chinese cultures is that they value traditional medicine over Western medicine. The other similarity is that they use herbs and proper diet to enhance good health. Also, there is high trust in the credibility of biomedical health care systems in both cultures, which implies that there is a high probability of absorbing modern health care models in these cultures. 

Effects of the health care beliefs in the delivery of Evidence-based health care

Health care beliefs in both cultures affect the delivery of evidence-based health care because they favor traditional medicine over Western medicine by eliciting fear. For instance, Guatemalans fear drawing blood samples for testing since they believe it will render one unhealthy and weak. This implies that most people do not access the early diagnosis of illnesses, which hinders the delivery of evidence-based health care. Chinese culture also has high regard for procedures such as cupping and acupuncture, which hinder the utilization of evidence-based health care in pain management. Guatemalans also have negative beliefs about organ donation, which elicit fear on any health concern related to organ donation. This hinders the delivery of evidence-based health care.


Health care beliefs among cultures influence the utilization of evidence-based health care since they tend to favor existing knowledge in preventing and curing illnesses. Chinese and Guatemalan cultures have similar health care beliefs, such as they both prioritize the use of traditional medicine even though they acknowledge Western medicine. Both cultures believe that a balanced diet is crucial for good health. Chinese believe that physical and mental disability is a bad omen, which hinders evidence-based health care. However, Guatemalans believe in the guidance of Mayan spirits in case of health problems before seeking Western medicine. People from Asian cultures have varying health care beliefs from American natives.


Cheung, K. L. C., Buckley, E. R., & Watanabe, K. (2017). Traditional Chinese Medicine Market  in Hong Kong. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine, 4(1), 555-630.

Hoyler, E., Martinez, R., Mehta, K., Nisonoff, H., & Boyd, D. (2018). Beyond medical  pluralism: Characterising health-care delivery of biomedicine and traditional medicine in  rural Guatemala. Global public health, 13(4), 503-517.

Sun, K. S., Cheng, Y. H., Wun, Y. T., & Lam, T. P. (2017). Choices between Chinese and  Western medicine in Hong Kong–interactions of institutional environment, health beliefs  and treatment outcomes. Complementary therapies in clinical practice, 28, 70-74.",######$$$$$$$$$##########

Where in the world is evidence based practice,"Discussion: Where in the World Is Evidence-Based Practice?

March 21, 2010, was not EBP’s date of birth, but it may be the date the approach “grew up” and left home to take on the world.

When the Affordable Care Act was passed, it came with a requirement of empirical evidence. Research on EBP increased significantly. Application of EBP spread to allied health professions, education, healthcare technology, and more. Health organizations began to adopt and promote EBP.

In this Discussion, you will consider this adoption. You will examine healthcare organization websites and analyze to what extent these organizations use EBP.

To Prepare:

 Review the Resources and reflect on the definition and goal of EBP.

 Choose a professional healthcare organization’s website (e.g., a reimbursing body, an accredited body, or a national initiative).

 Explore the website to determine where and to what extent EBP is evident.

By Day 3 of Week 1

Post a description of the healthcare organization website you reviewed. Describe where, if at all, EBP appears (e.g., the mission, vision, philosophy, and/or goals of the healthcare organization, or in other locations on the website). Then, explain whether this healthcare organization’s work is grounded in EBP and why or why not. Finally, explain whether the information you discovered on the healthcare organization’s website has changed your perception of the healthcare organization. Be specific and provide examples.

By Day 6 of Week 1

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by visiting the websites they shared and offering additional examples of EBP or alternative views/interpretations to those shared in your colleagues’ posts.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 1 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 1

Measurement Strategies

Give one example of a data collection method used in one of the studies identified in your project. What variable was this method used to measure? Give one example of a data collection method used in one of the studies identified in your project. What variable was this method used to measure?

 Required Reading Assignments: Chapters 8 (pg. 189-228); 9 (pg. 244-246)

Resource Management in Project Management

As a project manager, part of your responsibility will be identifying resources that you have available and those resources that you may need in addition to what is currently available. Once you know what physical and human resources you have at your disposal, you then use the PM tools introduced in the lesson to allocate and schedule them. In thinking about your project, what resources might you anticipate being the most concerning to secure and/or manage? I look forward to your thoughts and to interacting with some of you this week

Nursing Leadership and management

Question 1

In personal relationships, effective communication helps an individual to advocate oneself, get better understood by others and also express his/her feelings in a positive and safe manner. In therapeutic relationships, effective communication help build confidence in healthcare professionals, transmit information to patients and address issues that may arise for individualized care (Tappen et al., 2004). In an inter-professional healthcare team, effective communication increases communication, reduces the chances of error and improve patient care outcomes.

Question 2

The most important similarity between effective communications in the three interaction is the benefit of improvement of patient care outcomes. In all these communication, the final goal is to ensure the safety and quality of care. On the other hand, the main difference is involves the main persons affected (Tappen et al., 2004). In personal communication, the relationship is between two people; in therapeutic, it involves a healthcare professional and a patient; while two or more healthcare personnel are involved in the last type.

Question 3

Congruence between verbal and non-verbal communication refers to a situation where there is a coherent message passed through the two methods and the verbal and non-verbal messages are mutually enhancing (Eisenhauer, 2018).

Question 4

In communicating emotional messages, electronic communication such as email may lead to miscommunication as it does not allow for expression of emotions (Kumari, 2018). A face to face communication is appropriate emotions can be passed and read.

Question 5

In my clinical experience, I have seen ISBAR used in a variety of areas. Most importantly, the ISBAR framework is used by nurses when developing care plans for patients.

Question 6


The current state of patient

 Name of the nurse/ unit

 Patient name and location

 Current situation


Patient history, clinical background and other additional information

 Reason for admission

 Summary of treatment

 Physician assessment

 Pertinent changes

 H & P


What the nurse thinks is going on with the patient

 The nurse concludes present situation


What the nurse thinks should be done

 What the patient needs and when he/she should get it

Question 7

Dr. Roberts’ situation requires calmness and patient from the nursing department in responding. As a nurse, I would be slow to give an answer to the query. First, the approach involve asking for calmness in the doctor then explain the situation with the lab results.

Question 8

Accountability in delegation means that registered nurses retain the accountability of the patient care outcomes associated with delegation as long as the person who did the task dis it as instructed (Tappen et al., 2004). Legally, delegation is considered accountable if the right task, right person and direction of communication is present.

Question 9

The role of the two RNs in this unit will be to monitor the health of patients and administer the treatments and medications required. They will also be responsible for delegating roles in regard to the care of the patients to the UAPs. The LPNs will also be involved patient care record keeping and monitoring nursing staff and the UAPs. The UAPs will assist the RNs and LPNs in taking care of the patients in the unit after delegation.

Question 10

While in direct delegation involves a direct verbal directive about a task, indirect delegation involves the provision of approved list of activities already included in procedures and policies (Tappen et al., 2004)..

Question 10.1

When delegating patient care, one should consider whether the task is within the scope of practice of for the RN or LPN. Also, consider whether the assessment of client needs is complete. The task must be within the rules of delegation for UAPs. The UAP must also be trained for the task and their capabilities meet the client’s needs.

Question 10.2

In prioritizing care, the severity of illness should be the major factor. Patients who have severe illness are delicate and in urgent need of care.

Question 10.3

 Among some of the tasks that I could delegate in my experience include feeding patients, record keeping and cleaning patient’s wounds.

 My nurse preceptor was highly effective in delegating tasks to others. She considered the capabilities, skills and talents of nurses and other staff before delegating tasks.

 The nurse preceptor was keen on conducting assessments to ensure that tasks were done as she wanted.


Eisenhauer, E. (2018). Informed Choices in Biobanking: An Examination of Participants' Understanding and Congruence between Knowledge, Values, and Decisions (Doctoral dissertation).

Kumari, A., Tanwar, S., Tyagi, S., & Kumar, N. (2018). Fog computing for Healthcare 4.0 environment: Opportunities and challenges. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 72, 1-13.

Tappen, R. M., Weiss, S. A., Whitehead, D. K., & Fletcher, M. (2004). Essentials of nursing leadership and management. The Canadian Nurse, 100(1), 14.


Students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives  throughout the course to combine into one course-long reflective  journal that integrates leadership and inquiry into current practice  as it applies to the Professional Capstone and Practicum course.

In your journal, you will reflect on the personal knowledge and  skills gained throughout this course. The journal should address a  variable combination of the following, depending on your specific  practice immersion clinical experiences:

 New practice approaches

 Intraprofessional  collaboration

 Health care delivery and clinical systems

 Ethical considerations in health care

 Population health  concerns

 The role of technology in improving health care  outcomes

 Health policy

 Leadership and economic  models

 Health disparities

Students will outline what they have discovered about their  professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that  surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced  to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and finally, how  the student met the competencies aligned to this course.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment,  solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and  references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines,  which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student  Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to  beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for  successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite

,Policy & Advocacy

Regardless of political affiliation, every citizen has a stake in healthcare policy decisions. Hence, it is little wonder why healthcare items become such high-profile components of presidential agendas. It is also little wonder why they become such hotly debated agenda items.

Consider a topic that rises to the presidential level. How did each of the presidents (Trump, Obama, and Bush) handle the problem? What would you do differently?


 Excellent 16 (16%) - 17 (17%)Response exhibits synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings.

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Responses to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by at least two scholarly sources.

Demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

Good 14 (14%) - 15 (15%)Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Responses to faculty questions are answered, if posed.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.


The benefits of massage can be categorized into physical level, mental level and emotional level.

1. Choose one of them and mention at least three benefits of massage in that chosen level. Mention at least 3 contraindications of massage.

2. Have you ever had a massage? What type of massage? Please, tell about your experience. 

Guidelines: The answer should be based on the knowledge obtained from reading the book (only the last part of the question is your opinion/ experience). You must answer all the questions. Your grade will be an average of all parts of the question. TEXT BOOK: 

Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Nursing Practice (4th Edition) - Karen Fontaine

Grading Criteria: Choose one level and mention at least three benefits of massage (30%- 10 points each). Mention at least 3 contraindications of massage (30% - 10 points each). Have you ever had a massage? What type of massage? Tell about your massage experience (40%

Data mining in healthcare

We are lining in the data mining age. provide an example on how data mining can turn a large collection of data into knowledge that can help meet a current global challenge in order to improve healthcare outcomes.  


APA style . 150 words minimum. One reference within a 5 years span


As a healthcare professional, you will be working closely with other health care professionals. The best way to create a positive patient experience is to be able to understand the role that each healthcare professional plays in the care of a patient. For this assignment, select two of the following allied health professions (physician, dentist, pharmacist, nurses, advance practice nurse, or health services administrator) and take a deeper look into their specific functions and contributions to health care.

In a paper of 750-1,000 words please discuss the following:

 What is their function/medical training?

 In what type of setting can each profession be found traditionally? Is this changing today?

 Discuss how the expanding roles of allied health in health care delivery have affected each profession.

 How has the health care workforce shortage affected each profession?

Provide a minimum of two references