Ethical and Legal Aspects of Nursing Practice

Please make a reply to this student post adding something extra of what the student already did. APA references and less than 20 % similarity. 


Evidence-based practice has gained popularity in the healthcare industry in the recent years. This has expanded to other countries who know implement evidence-based practice as part of their approach such as Canada, England and Australia (Huston, 2017). Evidence-based practice is the purposeful use of information that is most up to date and researched for the care of patients (Huston, 2017). The difference between evidence-based practice and best practice is that best practice is more of a proven standard that reports success among practitioners but does not involve the amount of research that backs up evidence-based practice (Huston, 2017). Evidence based practice integrates knowledge, personal preference of patients and cost containment in an effort provide a more wholesome care (Huston, 2017).

Question 2

Randomized controlled trials refer to a group of participants that are given different options to be evaluated based on the outcome. RCTs are used to define the effectiveness of an intervention or medication compared to others which may include placebo. These are provided to groups of people randomly selected and the results have proven to give accurate and strong evidence (Huston, 2017). Integrative review is an approach used when other literature is reviewed in order to provide a more concise and inclusive result which may involve experimental and non-experimental material. Meta-analysis is highly reliable because analysts use different studies to create a larger pool of results (Shorten & Shorten, 2013). However, when it comes to supporting evidence-based practice there is a newer format and that is practice-based evidence for the continuous improvement. This methodology evaluates the different aspects in clinical practice to establish what each patient benefits most from, under which conditions and to what expense (Huston, 2017).

Question 3

Some of the mechanisms that can be used when looking for support in implementing evidence-based practice are to gain support from management, to engage in mentorship from experts who can cooperate with researching and reviewing literature to support the use of evidence-based practice (Huston, 2017). Another very useful method is to review research that has already been condensed such as that in journals (Huston, 2017).

Question 4

The main challenge faced by most nurses looking to implement evidence-based practice is the vast amount of material, research and information that is available for use (Huston, 2017). This information is not synthetized and nurses do not have the necessary time to carefully review this to obtain the answers they need, also many nurses are still not aware of the need and importance of evidence-based practice and what this means for the practice of nursing in general (Huston, 2017)

Critique A Qualitative/ Quantitative Article Using Research Critique

Critique your article of choice using the Research Critique Rubric and following components:

 Identification of the research question/problem/hypothesis.

 Identification of topics explored in review of literature.

 Identification/definition of research methodology and design

 Description of subjects/participants in the study.

 Exploration of ethical issues and protection of human subjects.

 Data analysis.

 Discussion of findings.

 Use of additional sources from nursing journals.

 APA style (title page, abstract, citations and reference page).                                   

 Demonstration of professional grammar and organization.

 The critique should be a scholarly written paper to include a 3-5 typewritten pages in length, excluding the title page, abstract, and reference page.

 Papers must be submitted in APA format with any direct quotes.

 Complete the critique with the use of outside references that adequately critique your article. An example of a valid outside reference would include your course text.

Review and use the Research Critique Rubric to critique your article.


2 coments each one 150 words (CITATION AND REFERENCE),"“Sampling is the process of selecting the study population or study sample” (Helbig, 2018 para 54). “The process of selecting a sample population from the target population is called the “sampling method”” (Elfil & Negida, 2017). It is essential that the researcher has a population in mind when choosing the study sample, all while sharing a common condition or problem like a disease. Elfil & Negida (2017) state the following example: “If we are conducting a study on patients with ischemic stroke, it will be difficult to include the whole population of ischemic stroke all over the world. It is difficult to locate the whole population everywhere and to have access to all the population. Therefore, the practical approach in clinical research is to include a part of this population, called “sample population”.” In the doing of a research study, it is imperative that such small sample represents the target or whole population as best as possible, meeting “predetermined characteristic inclusion criteria” (Hlebig, 2018, para 54). Sampling types can be broken into two categories: “1; probability sampling methods where all subjects in the target population have equal chances to be selected in the sample and 2; non-probability sampling methods where the sample population is selected in a non-systematic process that does not guarantee equal chances for each subject in the target population” (Elfil & Negida, 2017). A population selection example given by Helbig (2018) is Hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPU) as the problem, for men and women between the ages of 60 and 90 years of age (inclusion criteria). The proposed intervention or research conducted would be a skin protectant dressing. Here the nurse is able to try a new skin protectant dressing, either on all or some of the population. The investigator would chose those who are affected, older people who have poor skin turgor and poor mobility as they would benefit from such intervention, avoiding younger people with good skin turgor and great mobility, as they would not benefit from skin protectant dressing.

“The generalizability of clinical research findings is based on multiple factors related to the internal and external validity of the research methods. The main methodological issue that influences the generalizability of clinical research findings is the sampling method” (Elfil & Negida, 2017). Through sampling methods, nursing researchers or investigators can conclude or further investigate results of studies, extending the investigation, allowing further questioning, and perfecting interventions for better outcomes.


Elfil, M., & Negida, A. (2017). Sampling methods in Clinical Research; an Educational Review. Emergency (Tehran, Iran), 5(1), e52. Retrieved from

Helbig, J. (2018). Nursing research: Understanding methods for best practice. Grand Canyon University (Ed). Retrieved from

The sampling theory centers on the collection, analysis and interpretation of data. The collection of data is done in random population samples. Based on this study , it is necessary to identify each person in the population and to have a chance to be selected as part of the sample (Grove et al . 2015). Population parameters are predicted based on an understanding of statistical measures in the sampling theory from sample studies. It also helps to determine whether observed differences are outcomes of chance or are really important, and whether to accept or reject presented hypotheses. Sampling theory also determines the consistency of certain forms of generalizations. Researchers generally prefer a convenience sample in which all patients meet study guidelines and criteria are included, allowing for a larger sample size and a greater data variety.

From a nursing perspective, patient’s care and procedures are founded in evidence- based practice research and proves the effectiveness in a study thru obtaining positive outcomes for the patients. Example will be a study done in a nursing unit about In the context of the nursing perspective, evidenced-based practice is proved efficient through experimentation with positive patient experiences which provide the foundation for the manner in which care is provided. A notable example would be of a study concerning the relationship between the number of CAUTI and nurse driven protocol of Foley’s catheter removal.


Grove, Susan, Jennifer Gray, Nancy Burns. Understanding Nursing Research, 6th Edition. Saunders

Nursing Ethics

Make each paragraph 6 to 10 sentences. You will have point deduction for answers with fewer than 6 sentences of longer than 10 sentences.

1. (5 points) Discuss in view of historical perspective and current laws. What does it mean to be “disabled”? What are employers’ obligations towards new hires?

2. (5points) In “normal times”, what is the process for a nurse (RN/LPN/LVN) to leave Texas and be obtain permanent work in Florida?

3. (5points) A nursing unit in Wise-Town nursing home has many staff and patients infected with Covid-19. The company hired “outside nurses” to provide adequate staffing for the unit. Analyze the situation where the managing team of Wise-Town may be held liable for mistakes made by those “agency” nurses.

4. (5points) A nurse is asked to float to a new unit to cover for loss of staff due to recent infections of Covid-19. Patients and staff are turning positive for the new infection. What are the nurse’s options, how about the law, how about the ethics?

***Remember to use the appropriate chapters in your book to analyze the 

reports. Use the book for reference.

 The PDF Ebook

Pharmacological-Herbal Management PowerPoint Presentations

For this assignment, you are to complete a PowerPoint presentation addressing the specific criteria below.

The PowerPoint presentation will be based on the topic assigned to you, WHICH IS ON GARLIC & CINNAMON.


Your presentation must include the following headings.

Heading - Title Page

Heading - Assigned Herbs & Reported Uses

Heading - Reported Doses of Assigned Herbs

Heading - Cautions of the Assigned Herbs

Heading - Drug Interactions of the Assigned Herbs

Heading - Adverse Reactions of the Assigned Herbs

Heading - Conclusions



Urinary System,

350 word newsletter on Urinary System,"Complete week 5 newsletter (260 to 350 words), in your own words. 

Microsoft Word has a newsletter template that can be utilized for your assignment.

Each of the following elements must be included in your Urinary System newsletter.

 Identify the structure and function of the urinary system.

 Identify the major structures found in the system.

 Define the function of this system.

 Describe major diseases that affect the urinary system.

 Identify 1 or 2 major diseases that affect the system.

 Describe the disease(s) identified.

 Describe major laboratory and diagnostic tests that are used to assess urinary diseases.

 Using the disease(s) identified in the previous prompt, identify the most common laboratory and diagnostic test used to access the disease(s).

 Describe the test identified.

 Describe the main health care providers for the urinary department.

 Identify the main health care providers in this department.

 Describe the role they play (to the patient, facility, or community) and the types of patients they see (typical demographics, age, gender).

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources, log on to the Center for Writing Excellence.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Health promotion

J.R. is a nurse practitioner who serves an urban Chinese community. The challenges she faces daily include coordinating health care for the community members, fostering compliance with treatment regimens, and teaching the community about health prevention and early detection of diseases and conditions.

J.R. has learned that one of the main reasons the community members do not adhere to their treatment regimens is because of mistrust of Western medicine. Many of the patients are older adults who rely on homeopathic treatments they learned in China as children. These patients prefer to take Chinese herbs in lieu of prescription medications. Additionally, these patients do not like to attend health screenings or take part in immunization clinics because they do not believe these measures are beneficial to their health.

What type of prevention J.R. is trying to achieve when she encourages her patient population to attend the blood pressure screening events?

Please elaborate your answer; compare prevention types, give examples and share similar challenges you might have faced during your practice



After studying the course materials located on Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources page, answer the following:

 Explain the difference between spontaneous and procured abortion. As well as their Ethical impact of each one.

 Why can the contraceptive pill, the IUD and the “morning after” pill also be considered abortifacients?

 Abortion methods, depending on the stage of pregnancy. Explain each one.

 Describe the Roe Vs. Wade case and provide a summary of Norma McCorvey’s life.

 Describe some better alternatives to abortion.

 Read and summarize ERD paragraphs # 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 66.


 1- Attached 1 st reference, for 2 nd reference watch this youtube video (  which you can cite, this professor is ok with citing his resources in your own words summarized information. See below if you can not open the video (same).


2- Watch

 Cioffi, A. (2019, February 2). BIO 602 PROSOPON AB 2 2 19 [Video file]. Retrieved fromBIO 602 PROSOPON AB 2 2 19 (Links to an external site.)

Minimize VideoStart watching after time: 1:42; you’re welcome to watch the video from the beginning, but the answers to the assignment questions are given one hour and 42 minutes into this second video.",######$$$$$$$$$##########

Forum #5,Forum #5 1. List 3 things you have learned about nutrition that you did not know prior to taking this course.2 How can you use in your nursing practice what you have learned in nutrition to improve and promote healthy living and prevent diseases?,######$$$$$$$$$##########

critical thinking,"Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual.

 Compare and contrast the differentiated practice competencies between an associate and baccalaureate education in nursing. Explain how scope of practice changes between an associate and baccalaureate nurse.

 Identify a patient care situation and describe how nursing care, or approaches to decision‐making, differ between the BSN‐prepared nurse and the ADN nurse.

 Discuss the significance of applying evidence‐based practice to nursing care and explain how the academic preparation of the RN‐BSN nurse supports its application.

 Discuss how nurses today communicate and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams and how this supports safer and more effective patient outcomes.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


There are 9 Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies according to The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF). One of these competencies is ""Scientific Foundation Competencies"" which uses a research approach to improve the nursing practice. Next is ""Leadership Competencies"" which entails having a leadership role, working with the patients and health care professionals to give optimal health care outcomes, through critical thinking with increased knowledge and collaboration. We also have ""Quality Competencies"" which involves the quality of care we are delivering to patients and how we can improve whether it is financially, safety-related, or changes in structures. Next is ""Practice Inquiry Competencies"" which applies the latest knowledge we have gained into clinical practice to improve health outcomes. Next is "" Technology and Information Literacy Competencies"" which allows us to use technology to aid in reassuring we are providing optimal care to patients, analyzing what needs to be improved in the practice. We also have ""Policy Competencies"" that analyze factors that may be hindering proper health care in society and helps evaluate/advocate for ethical policies to be made. Next is ""Health Delivery System Competencies"" which allows us to see what is needed in diverse populations, affecting how health care is impacted throughout different environments and allows us to use the knowledge gained to improve this type of care. Next is ""Ethics Competencies"" which incorporates morals/beliefs of other individuals into the type of health care they receive and overall health care decisions made. Lastly, we have ""Independent Practice Competencies"" which entails being able to function independently as licensed personnel, demonstrate accountability for actions taken and use the skills learned and knowledge gained to provide screenings and diagnostic tests on different populations, delivering optimal health care outcomes. My past, present, and future academic preparations meet all these requirements as I have been able to use all these competencies in my clinical practice starting from being introduced to all these components from the start of nursing school. I have been taught critical thinking and the importance of delivering efficient, quality care. I have been a part of my Hospital's Quality and Safety council and I have gained insight into the types of minor things we can change in order to deliver more cost-efficient care with the same amazing health outcomes. For future academic preparations, these next couple of years will prepare me in using my knowledge as a Nurse Practioner to work in a leadership role, providing the best possible care and being able to work independently diagnosing and treating patients. All these competencies are important as it relates to clinical practice because all together they make an amazing Nurse Practioner and health care professional in total, delivering the most evidence-based, quality care to every population.


Thomas, A., Crabtree, M. K., Delaney, K., Dumas, M. A., Kleinpell, R., Marfell, J., & Wolf, A. (2017). Nurse practitioner core competencies content. The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties. Retrieved on August 24, 2021 from 

Responses should be between 50-200 words and should also be supported by up-to-date references in APA format


. List 3 complications of Diabetes and your recommendations for preventing or controlling them.2. Find an interesting video about how nutrition affects our mental well being and post it for all to comment on.3 References in APA format