Nursing Informatics

Choose a topic related to health that has meaning to your personal health, interests, and well-being. This may be a disease, such as diabetes, or a healthy fitness activity.

Conduct a database search comparing one of the following database directories with Google Scholar.

CINAHL and Google Scholar PubMed and Google Scholar

Explain how you were able to narrow down the number of article hits you had initially, and present within your post a summary of the credible article you chose as your resource. How do you know your article choice is credible? Which database do you prefer and why?

How will using a database search facilitate your

· scholarly work;

· nursing work (evidence-based practice); and

· personal self-development?

Ad Analysis

Choose an advertisement, either on television, on the radio, on the internet, or in print.

Describe and analyze the advertisement by answering the following items:


 Where did you find the ad?

 Briefly describe the scenario depicted in the ad.

 What product is being advertised?

 Identify the main claim in that advertisement.

 Is the claim credible? Why or why not?

 What might make the claim more credible? What might make it less credible?

DB1 replies

Screening for breast cancer means looking for signs of breast cancer in all women, even if they have no symptoms. This screening method plays an important role in the mitigation of the morbidity/ mortality rates. Early-stage cancers are easier to treat than later-stage cancers, and the chance of survival is higher. Screening for breast cancer is done by mammography with the main objective of advance the time of diagnosis to improve prognosis through the implementation of early interventions. The first importance is that it helps develop early detection strategies. This is momentous in minimizing the treatment and recovery time. On top of this, early detection accentuates the patient’s survival chances (Health resources & services administration, 2019). The second importance is that it improves patient knowledge about their health. The mammography and additional examination advise women to take up the necessary course of action, which will protect them from getting breast cancer. 

         The limitations, however, outweigh the benefit, with the first being that a lack of understanding leads to increased waiting and anxiety whenever additional examinations are needed. At least half of the women who take part in the screening process require an additional examination (Loberg, 2015). The exams raise depression, and anxiety. The second major limitation is possible overdiagnosis. This means finding something on a mammogram that is breast cancer or has a chance of becoming breast cancer, but is such a low-risk type of tumor that it would never have caused any health problems if left alone. Instead, because it was found on mammogram, cancer treatment is recommended. These unnecessary treatments are costly and patients can suffer physical and psychological side effects (Loberg, 2015).  


Health resources & services administration (2019). Women's preventive services guidelines. Retrieved from

Loberg, Magnus (2015). Benefits and harms of mammography screening. Breast cancer  research; 17(1): 63.

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

,Outline a proposal for health education that can be used in a family-centered health promotion to address the issue for African Americans with Heart Disease and Stroke. Ensure your proposal is based on evidence-based practice.

Dosage Calculation

Welcome to Samples pageComplete the dosage calculation practice test. To best prepare yourself for the dosage calculation test, only allow yourself to use a pencil and calculator. You will have 30 minutes to complete 10 questions for the actual dosage calculation test. You do not need to turn in the dosage calculation test. This is for you to practice. I will open the answers next week so that you can review your work.

Family Nursing Dosage Calculation Practice

1. A physician ordered Magnesium Sulfate bolus 4 grams in 100 MLS of LR to be given over 20 minutes. What rate should the nurse set the infusion pump at? 

2. Your patient Zachary weighs 6 kg. He has prescribed rifampin 75 mg per nasogastric tube. You have rifampin 20 mg/mL suspension. How many mL will you give via the nasogastric tube? Round to the nearest 10th.

3. A Physician ordered Magnesium Sulfate 40 grams in 1,000mL of LR at a rate of 2g/hour for a woman in preterm labor. What rate should the infusion pump be set at? It should be a whole number.

4. Betony is a 2 ½-year-old who is newly diagnosed with HIV infection. She is to be started on Retroviral 120 mg by mouth every 12 hours. She weighs 13 kg and is 90 cm long.

A. Using the formula for BSA calculate her body surface area:

BSA (m2) = Ht (cm) X Wt. (kg) / 3600

B. Retroviral is prescribed on an individual basis ranging from 180 to 240 mg/m2 per dose every 12 hours. It comes in a concentration of 10 mg/mL. 

Is her dose of 120 mg within the acceptable range? 

How many mL with you administer? 

5. Your patient Nicole is admitted with sepsis and you have an order for meperidine 29 mg intramuscular. A vial comes up Meperidine 100mg/ml. How many mL will you give? Round to the nearest 100th.

6. Your post-op patient has fentanyl 42 mcg intramuscular ordered. The vial you have is 250 mcg/mL. How much will you give? Round to the nearest 100th.

7. Your patient weighs 21 lbs. She has captopril 3 mg PO QD ordered. The safe range is 0.3 to 0.5 mg /kg/day. You have a Captopril solution 1mg/mL on hand. Is this dose within the safe dose range and if so how many MLS would you administer? Round to a whole number. 

8. Your 5-year-old post-op patient is having pain. The doctor wants to order fentanyl and ask for the safe dose range. Your patient weighs 53 lbs. The safe range for fentanyl is 1-2 mcg/kg. What would be a safe dose for this patient? The doctor wants to order 42 mcg, is this within the safe dose? You have an ampule that contains 50mcg/mL. How many MLS would you administer IV? Round to the 100th place. 

9. Your patient has metoclopramide 0.68 mg PO. You have metoclopramide syrup in a concentration of 5 mg/ 5 mL. How many MLS will you administer? Round to the nearest 100th. 

10. You have oral Lasix 10 mg/ mL. The prescribed dose is 25 mg PO once daily. The patient weighs 9.5 kg. The safe range for this medication is 1 to 6 mg/kg/day. How many MLS will you administer? Round to the nearest 10th.

Health Assessment

Assignment Description



Choose one older adult community population and create an infographic on a topic of preventative screenings or vaccines for this population. You may choose to focus on one specific preventative screening (like colonoscopy) or one specific vaccine (like pneumovax). You will create a one page infographic and then write an essay on the topic you chose. 

View websites on How to create Infographics: 



Submit an 8 X 11.5 color (one page Word or pdf. document) infographic on the importance of one of the concepts found in one of the assigned websites.

Include a detailed description of the infographic and the APA references in an APA-formatted essay.

The description part of the essay assignment should be written in an APA-formatted essay. The essay should be at least 750 words in length and include at least two scholarly sources other than provided materials

Article Analysis

Search the GCU Library and find two new health care articles that use quantitative research. Do not use articles from a previous assignment, or articles that appear in the Topic Materials or textbook.

Complete an article analysis for each using the ""Article Analysis: Part 2"" template.

Refer to the ""Patient Preference and Satisfaction in Hospital-at-Home and Usual Hospital Care for COPD Exacerbations: Results of a Randomised Controlled Trial,"" in conjunction with the ""Article Analysis Example 2,"" for an example of an article analysis.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance

Nursing research

Is your world view closer to the positivist or the constructivist paradigm? Explore the aspects of the two paradigms that are especially consistent with your world view.

Hypothesis testing

Provide two different examples of how research uses hypothesis testing, and describe the criteria for rejecting the null hypothesis. Discuss why this is important in your practice and with patient interactions.(In nursing)

American Diabetes Association website

Explore the American Diabetes Association website. Click on the Research and Practice Tab to open a drop down menu - Practice Resources, which includes Patient Materials and Clinical Practice Guidelines. Explore other sections of this website which has many resources available.

Post a summary of one of the articles or Clinical Practice Guidelines from the ADA website, related to care of the Diabetic patient. Discuss nursing clinical judgment, or functional abilities of the patient in regards to key risks, complications, or unique concerns related to care of the Diabetic patient. Post both 1st and 2nd responses online.