Inter-professional Practice and Collaboration

The future of health care delivery will require multidisciplinary teams of health care professionals that collaborate to provide patient-centered care. The key to high performance in multidisciplinary teams is an understanding of the distinctive roles, skills, and values and ethics of all team members. What will be your role as an NP and how do you see yourself collaborating with other health care professionals? Why is this important to know and understand? Who benefits? Who are the stakeholders.Support your work with examples and evidence-based research.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

 be sure to read the Assignment description carefully(as displayed above);

 consult the Grading Rubric(under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and

 Utilize spellingand grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writingAssignment should:

 follow the conventions of Standard English(correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);

 be well ordered,logical,and unified,as well as original and insightful;

 display superior content, organization, style, andmechanics; and

 use APA 6th Editionformat as outlined in the APA Progression Ladder

Case Study

Mr. C.,"t is necessary for an RN-BSN-prepared nurse to demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the pathophysiological processes of disease, the clinical manifestations and treatment protocols, and how they affect clients across the life span.

Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mr. C., presented below.

Based on this information, formulate a conclusion based on your evaluation, and complete the Critical Thinking Essay assignment, as instructed below.

Health History and Medical Information

Health History                                                            

Mr. C., a 32-year-old single male, is seeking information at the outpatient center regarding possible bariatric surgery for his obesity. He currently works at a catalog telephone center. He reports that he has always been heavy, even as a small child, gaining approximately 100 pounds in the last 2-3 years. Previous medical evaluations have not indicated any metabolic diseases, but he says he has sleep apnea and high blood pressure, which he tries to control by restricting dietary sodium. Mr. C. reports increasing shortness of breath with activity, swollen ankles, and pruritus over the last 6 months.

Objective Data:

 Height: 68 inches; weight 134.5 kg

 BP: 172/98, HR 88, RR 26

 3+ pitting edema bilateral feet and ankles

 Fasting blood glucose: 146 mg/dL

 Total cholesterol: 250 mg/dL

 Triglycerides: 312 mg/dL

 HDL: 30 mg/dL

 Serum creatinine 1.8 mg/dL

 BUN 32 mg/dl

Critical Thinking Essay

In 750-1,000 words, critically evaluate Mr. C.'s potential diagnosis and intervention(s). Include the following:

 Describe the clinical manifestations present in Mr. C.

 Describe the potential health risks for obesity that are of concern for Mr. C. Discuss whether bariatric surgery is an appropriate intervention.

 Assess each of Mr. C.'s functional health patterns using the information given. Discuss at least five actual or potential problems can you identify from the functional health patterns and provide the rationale for each. (Functional health patterns include health-perception, health-management, nutritional, metabolic, elimination, activity-exercise, sleep-rest, cognitive-perceptual, self-perception/self-concept, role-relationship, sexuality/reproductive, coping-stress tolerance.)

 Explain the staging of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and contributing factors to consider.

 Consider ESRD prevention and health promotion opportunities. Describe what type of patient education should be provided to Mr. C. for prevention of future events, health restoration, and avoidance of deterioration of renal status.

 Explain the type of resources available for ESRD patients for nonacute care and the type of multidisciplinary approach that would be beneficial for these patients. Consider aspects such as devices, transportation, living conditions, return-to-employment issues.

You are required to cite to a minimum of two sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. 

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


A nurse educator is preparing an orientation on culture and the workplace. There is a need to address the many cultures that seek healthcare services and how to better understand the culture. This presentation will examine the role of the nurse as a culturally diverse practitioner. 

 Choose a culture that you feel less knowledgeable about: HISPANIC OR MEXICAN

 Compare this culture with your own culture: ISLAND PACIFIC 

 Analyze the historical, socioeconomic, political, educational, and topographical aspects of this culture

 What are the appropriate interdisciplinary interventions for hereditary, genetic, and endemic diseases and high-risk health behaviors within this culture?

 What are the influences of their value systems on childbearing and bereavement practices

 What are their sources of strength, spirituality, and magicoreligious beliefs associated with health and health care?

 What are the health-care practices: acute versus preventive care; barriers to health care; the meaning of pain and the sick role; and traditional folk medicine practices?

 What are cultural issues related to learning styles, autonomy, and educational preparation of content for this culture?

This PowerPoint® (Microsoft Office) or Impress® (Open Office) presentation should be a minimum of 20 slides, including a title, introduction, conclusion and reference slide, with detailed speaker notes and recorded audio comments for all content slides. Use at least four scholarly sources and make certain to review the module’s Signature Assignment Rubric before starting your presentation. This presentation is worth 400 points for quality content and presentation.

Total Point Value of Signature Assignment: 400 points

Substance abuse as a community health problem

Read chapters 26 and 27 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations. Once done answer the following questions.

 Discuss the historical trends and current conceptions of the cause and treatment of substance abuse.

 Identify and discuss the issues related to substance abuse in various populations encountered in community health nursing practice.

 Describe and discuss the concepts of interpersonal and community violence.

 Describe and discuss the role of the nurse in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of violence.

As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard titled “Week 6 discussion questions” and the SafeAssign exercise in the assignment tab of the blackboard.  If you don't post your assignment in any of the required forums you will not get the points. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references besides the class textbook no older than 5 years must be used (excluding the class textbook). You must post two replies to any of your peers on a different dates sustained with the proper references no older than 5 years as well and make sure the references are properly quoted in your assignment. A minimum of 800 words is required. Please make sure to follow the instructions as given and use either spell-check or Grammarly before you post your assignment.

Please check your assignment after the week is due because I either made comments or ask for clarification in some statements.

Health assessment

PICK any Case study

Case 1:

A 27-year-old man with Crohn’s disease has been admitted to the emergency room with an extreme flare-up of his condition. He explains that he has not been able to afford his medications for the last few months and is concerned about the costs he may incur for treatment.

Case 2:

A single mother has accompanied her two daughters, aged 15 and 13, to a women’s health clinic and has requested that the girls receive a pelvic examination and be put on birth control. The girls have consented to the exam but seem unsettled.

Case 3:

A 17-year-old boy has come in for a check-up after a head injury during a football game. He has indicated that he would like to be able to play in the next game, which is in 3 days.

Write a detailed max of 2-page narrative (not a formal paper) explaining the health assessment information required for a diagnosis of your selected patient (include the scenario number). Explain how you would respond to the scenario as an advanced practice nurse using evidence-based practice guidelines and applying ethical considerations. Justify your response using at least three different references from current evidence-based literature.",######$$$$$$$$$##########

Assessment: Evidence-Based Practice and the Quadruple Aim,"Write a brief analysis (no longer than 2 pages) of the connection between evidence-based practice and the Quadruple Aim. 

· Define the Quadruple Aim and explain its application to evidence-based practice.

Your analysis should address how evidence-based practice might (or might not) help reach the Quadruple Aim, including each of the four measures of:


o Patient experience (2–3 paragraphs)


o Population health (2–3 paragraphs)


o Costs (2–3 paragraphs)


o Work-life of healthcare providers (2–3 paragraphs)


Provide a citation for each resource you used to write your response to this Assessment. The following citation has been provided as an example

Observe staff in delivery of nursing care provided

Practice settings may vary depending on availability.

 Identify the Model of nursing care that you observed. Be specific about what you observed, who was doing what, when, how and what led you to identify the particular model

 Review and summarize one scholarly resource (not your textbook) related to the nursing care model you observed in the practice setting.

 Review and summarize one scholarly resource (not including your text) related to a nursing care model that is different from the one you observed in the practice setting.

 Discuss the nursing care model from step #9, and how it could be implemented to improve quality of nursing care, safety and staff satisfaction. Be specific.

 Summarize this experience/assignment and what you learned about the two nursing care models.

Worksheet will be attached.

Each question must be thoroughly answered with paragraphs 

References and in text citation

Annotated Bibliograpgy

For this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography on social determinants.

 Select five articles you wish to annotate. Make certain to select different types of disparities, such as race, gender, SES, age, language, liability status, etc.

 Upload your document to this assignment when complete.

For more information about the elements of an Annotated Bibliography.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

Grading Rubric


Annotated Bibliography Rubric

Annotated Bibliography Rubric – 100 PointsAssessment QuestionExceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsNeeds ImprovementInadequateTotal PointsSources - Are sources appropriate for the assignment?Sources are credible and are scholarly materials, appropriate for college-level work. Most sources are from scholarly publications.

17 pointsMost sources are scholarly and appropriate for the assignment.

15 pointsFew sources are considered appropriate for the assignment.

13 pointsNot enough sources to meet the assignment requirements. Or inappropriate sources were used, indicating student did not go beyond an Internet search.

11 points17Summaries - Do the annotations contain clear, concise summaries of source materials?Annotations contain clear, complete summaries. Main points are summarized, including evidence in support of the main point and examples.

17 pointsMost annotations contain complete summaries, but some may lack clarity or evidence.

15 pointsSeveral annotations may have omitted key content. Main ideas may be confusing or unclear. Summaries may be incomplete or sketchy.

13 pointsSummaries may indicate that source was misinterpreted, or that author’s ideas were not accurately represented. No real indication that student read or understood the sources.

11 points17Objective Evaluation - Do the annotations contain evidence of objective evaluative criteria?All annotations contain evidence of objective evaluation criteria, as related to the field of nursing. These may include author’s credentials within the discipline, accuracy of materials, objectivity, and strengths or weaknesses. Most evaluations address the criteria from a disciplinary point of view.

17 pointsMost annotations address many of the criteria for evaluation. Some annotations may include the criteria, but in a generic way without showing relevance to the discipline.

15 pointsAnnotations may superficially address the criteria for evaluation, or the evaluation is absent in some annotations.

13 pointsMost of the annotations fail to include elements of critical evaluation. May include only statements such as “this was a good source” with no explanation.

11 points17Subjective evaluation - Do the annotations include a clear assessment of the usefulness of the source, reflecting its context within the discipline?All annotations contain an assessment of the usefulness of the source & student’s reaction to the source. Agreement or disagreement? Helpful? Did the source offer a unique contribution or contradict other sources?

17 pointsMost of the annotations include an assessment of the usefulness of the source and the student’s reaction to how the source contributes to the literature of the discipline.

15 pointsFew of the annotations have a subjective evaluation as to the usefulness of the source and/or its contribution to the literature of the discipline.

13 pointsAnnotations may include statements such as “this was a good source,” but fail to explain why the source was chosen or its usefulness.

11 points17Did the student communicate clearly and effectively?The student communicates effectively and well in standard written English. Annotations are meaningful, professional, informative and meet assignment requirements.

16 pointsThe student communicates adequately and is easily understood. Occasional grammar or spelling errors.

14 pointsThe student communicates but with numerous errors that contribute to a lack of clarity or effectiveness. Repeated grammar or spelling errors.

12 pointsThe student’s communication is strained and difficult at times to comprehend. Multiple errors make it hard to understand.

11 points16Are the annotations properly formatted, ensuring ethical treatment of sources?All bibliographic entries are correct in format. Any quotes within summaries are properly attributed.

16 pointsMost entries are formatted correctly, perhaps with a few minor errors. No intentional plagiarism.

14 pointsEntries may not consistently follow APA format, or minor elements are missing. No intentional plagiarism.

12 pointsCitations may be missing important elements, making it hard for the reader to locate the sources. Summary may not be in student’s own words or may too closely resemble the database article abstract or the online book review.

11 points16Total Points100

Health Policy and economics

Human trafficking, extreme poverty, preventable diseases, the opioid crisis and the lack of adequate low-income housing are a few current societal concerns worthy of social change. Nurses and healthcare leaders are in a good position to shape and influence health care policy. 

Think of a cause you believe in strongly. Access the website of your elected officials either at the local, state, or federal level using the following link: or use the website of your choice. Explore some of the issues and committees your legislators are involved in and select at least one that interest you or align with your beliefs. You may also contact your legislator’s office and speak to his or her legislative assistant by calling the U.S. Capitol switchboard operator at (202) 224-3121 for the Senate and (202) 225-3121 for the House. Legislator assistants are very knowledgeable about the legislator’s agenda and can provide a wealth of information.  

This assignment will be at least 1500 words or more. This week reflect on advocacy, collaborative partnerships with other health care practitioners and stakeholders, and the policy making process and write a paper that addresses the following:


 Describe the policy issue, policy problem of interest or a particular bill that your legislator has introduced

 Elaborate on why the policy matters and what you can possibly do to strengthen the policy?  

 Briefly define the role you would play as an advocate for the healthcare consumer and healthcare professionals. 

 Explain how the policy impacts the public at large or a particular population.  

 What stakeholders would you collaborate with to promote the cause?  

Assignment Expectations

Length: 1500-2000 words in length

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the module number (for example, “RHall Module 1.docx”)

Submission: Submit to the D2L dropbox for grading

Use California state as model state

Ethical concerns

2 A 49-year-old woman with advanced stage cancer has been admitted to the emergency room with cardiac arrest. Her husband and one of her children accompanied the ambulance.

Lab Assignment: Ethical Concerns

As an advanced practice nurse, you will run into situations where a patient’s wishes about his or her health conflict with evidence, your own experience, or a family’s wishes. This may create an ethical dilemma. What do you do when these situations occur?

In this Lab Assignment, you will explore evidence-based practice guidelines and ethical considerations for specific scenarios.

To Prepare

Review the scenarios provided by your instructor ( ABOVE)

· Based on the scenarios provided:

o Select one scenario, and reflect on the material presented throughout this course.

o What necessary information would need to be obtained about the patient through health assessments and diagnostic tests?

o Consider how you would respond as an advanced practice nurse. Review evidence-based practice guidelines and ethical considerations applicable to the scenarios you selected.

The Lab Assignment

Write a detailed one-page narrative (not a formal paper) explaining the health assessment information required for a diagnosis of your selected patient (include the scenario number). Explain how you would respond to the scenario as an advanced practice nurse using evidence-based practice guidelines and applying ethical considerations. Justify your response using at least three different references from current evidence-based literature.

Resources for reference

Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2019). Seidel's guide to physical examination: An interprofessional approach (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

 Chapter 24, “Sports     Participation Evaluation”


      In this chapter, the authors describe the process of a sports     participation evaluation. The chapter also states the most common     conditions encountered in a sports participation evaluation.

 Chapter 25, “Putting It All Together”


      In this chapter, the authors tie together the concepts introduced in     previous chapters. In particular, the chapter has a strong emphasis on the     patient-caregiver relationship.

Tingle, J. & Cribb, A. (2014). Nursing law and ethics (4th ed.). Chichester, UK: Wiley Blackwell. 

Furman , C. D., Earnshaw, L. A., Farrer, L. A. (2014). A case of inappropriate apolipoprotein E testing in Alzheimer’s disease due to lack of an informed consent discussion. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias, 29(7), 590–595. doi:10.1177/1533317514525829.

Navarro-Illana, P., Aznar, J., & Díez-Domingo, J. (2014). Ethical considerations of universal vaccination against human papilloma virus. BMC Medical Ethics, 15(29). doi:10.1186/1472-6939-15-29. Retrieved from

Maron , B. J., Friedman, R. A., & Caplan, A. (2015). Ethics of preparticipation cardiovascular screening for athletes. Nature Reviews Cardiology, 12(6), 375–378. doi:10.1038/nrcardio.2015.21

May, K. H., Marshall, D. L., Burns, T. G., Popoli, D. M. & Polikandriotis, J. A. (2014). Pediatric sports specific return to play guidelines following concussion. The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 9(2), 242–255. PMCID: PMC4004129. Retrieved from 

American Academy of Pediatrics. (2008). Recommendations for preventative pediatric health care (periodicity schedule). Retrieved from

This resource provides recommendations for preventative pediatric healthcare from infancy through adolescence. The periodicity schedule covers a variety of areas, from health history to measurements, developmental/behavioral screenings, physical exams, procedural screenings, and oral health.

Rourke, L., Leduc, D., & Rourke, J. (2017). Rourke Baby Record. Retrieved from

This website provides information on the Rourke Baby Record (RBR). The RBR supplies guidelines on growth and nutrition, developmental surveillance, physical exam parameters, and immunizations for well-baby and child care.

Case study

: A group of nurse educators are having a discussion about the minority student nurses. The nurse educators believe that there are numerous barriers to minority student success in nursing education. The nurse educators want to develop strategies to increase the success rate in graduation of these students.

1. The nurse educators make a list of the barriers that exist for minority student success. What are common barriers for minority student success?

2. The group of nurse educators is acutely aware that different generations are represented in nursing today. These different generations have different attitudes and value systems, which greatly affect the settings in which they work. What are the key characteristics of the four generational groups that are present in today’s workforce?

3. Analyze and describe how the different generations present in nursing today affect nursing care and the nursing workplace.