Discussion board

Saturated and unsaturated fats are included in American diets. Foods containing fatty acids include milk, fish, beef, eggs, cookies, bread, crackers, chips, margarine, fish and vegetable oils, butter, and lard. They may also contain cis and trans unsaturated fats in different proportions. Where do you stand on eating any kind of fat regardless of its level? Why?


Balance the following chemical equations

(a) ___Fe +  ____Cl2 −−→ ____FeCl3 

(b) ___Fe+ ___O2 −−→ ___Fe2O3

(c) ___FeBr3 + ___H2 SO4 −−→ ___Fe2 (SO4 ) 3 +___ HBr 

(d) ___C4H6O3 + ___H2O −−→ ___C2H4O2

(e) ___C2H4 + ___O2 −−→ ___CO2 + ___H2O 

(f) ___C4H10O+ ___O2 −−→ ___CO2 + ___H2O 

(g) ___C7H16 + ___O2 −−→ ___CO2 + ___H2O 

(h) ___H2 SiCl2 + ___H2O −−→ ___H8 Si4O4 + ___HCl 

(i) ___HSiCl3 + ___H2O −−→ ___H10Si10O15 + ___HCl 

(j) ___C7H9 + ___HNO3 −−→ ___C7H6 (NO2 ) 3 + ___H2O 

(k) ___C5H8O2 + ___NaH + ___HCl −−→___ C5H12O2 + ___NaCl

For each of the following problems, write complete chemical equations to describe the chemical process taking place. Balance the equations.

1) When lithium hydroxide pellets are added to a solution of sulfuric acid (H2SO4), lithium sulfate and water are formed. 

2) Magnesium reacts with sodium fluoride to produce magnesium fluoride and elemental sodium. 

3) If a copper coil is placed into a solution of silver nitrate, silver crystals form and copper (I) nitrate is generated. 

4) When crystalline C6H12O6 is burned in oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapor are formed. 

5) Calcium carbonate combines with hydrochloric acid (HCl) to produce calcium chloride, water and carbon dioxide gas

Diversity and Inclusion Project

,"This is for you to upload the first draft of your essay. This assignment will be worth 50 points, and will be graded using the rubric posted as if it were your final submission so that you can fine tune your final submission. Your TA and Instructor will provide feedback and comments on your essay within 2-3 business days of your submission.

Your essay needs to meet the following criteria.

 At least 1500 words in length. This word count does not count your Works Cited section.

 At least four (4) sources that do not include Wikipedia. These sources must be cited in your essay using appropriate in-text citations. You may use whatever citation style is comfortable for you (MLA, APA, Chicago Style, ACS, etc.). The key here is to cite your information and provide sources.


     Wikipedia is a wonderful resource to start your research. When preparing a research paper, I generally start with Wikipedia and then refer to the sources listed there for direct referencing.

     You may NOT cite, personal websites or blogs, or unsubstantiated newspaper claims.



 Plagiarism will be evaluated using TurnItIn. You will have access to your Similarity Report immediately after submission. If your Similarity Report is more than 20%, you will automatically receive a grade of zero for this assignment and it will be investigated for Academic Integrity violations.

 If uploading a document, it must be a DOCX, DOC, or PDF file. (Canvas and TurnItin do not support PAGES documents or GoogleDocs.)


     You are allowed to copy your essay directly in to Canvas as direct text.



 All answers to the Starting Point Questionnaire need to be answered in your essay.

Your score will be broken down as follows.

 32 points based on attached rubric.


     The rubric score will be multiplied by 2.



 10 points for meeting the 1500 word count minimum.

 5 points for having at least four unique sources with proper in-text citations.

 3 points for submitting the essay.


Core CommunicationCore CommunicationCriteriaRatingsPts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent DevelopmentProvides a structure for assessing content development.threshold: 3.0 pts4 ptsAdvanced: Thorough development of content3 ptsProficient: Adequate development of content2 ptsDeveloping: Partial development of content1 ptsBeginning: Minimal development of content0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt4 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCorrectnessProvides a structure for assessing the application of the rules of standard English.threshold: 3.0 pts4 ptsAdvanced: Mastery application of the rules of standard English3 ptsProficient: Above average application of the rules of standard English2 ptsDeveloping: Acceptable application of the rules of standard English1 ptsBeginning: Minimal application of the rules of standard English0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt4 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization/StructureProvides a structure for assessing organizational patterns.threshold: 3.0 pts4 ptsAdvanced: Skillful implementation of an organizational pattern enhances the content's cohesion3 ptsProficient: Organizational pattern makes the content mostly cohesive2 ptsDeveloping: Organizational pattern, in spite of interruptions, contributes to cohesion1 ptsBeginning: Organizational pattern is intermittently observable and results in minimal cohesion0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt4 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStatement of PurposeProvides a structure for assessing the ability to present a main idea. threshold: 3.0 pts4 ptsAdvanced: Presents a sophisticated central idea3 ptsProficient: Presents a central idea2 ptsDeveloping: Attempt to present a central idea1 ptsBeginning: Minimal attempt to present a central idea0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt4 pts

Total Points: 16PreviousNext

Discussion & essay

1. Connect concepts within astronomy and cosmology to current scientific research and discovery.

2. Discuss the role of science and technology in our everyday lives. 

3. Identify the different branches of science and their applications


Describe Proteins, Carbohydrates and Lipids. Describe the atomic and molecular components of each of these biological molecules. How does the body use these molecules in it's biochemical functions?

Interactive Activity

Associated Objectives

 Investigate the atmospheric greenhouse effect, utilizing the scientific method and an interactive simulation

The Greenhouse Effect

In this activity, you will apply the scientific method to investigate the atmospheric greenhouse effect. The activity involves experimentation using a web-based interactive simulation. The URL for the simulation is provided in the activity file. 

Notes on the simulation:

 This simulation is optimized for use on computers (MACs or PCs) and may not run on some tablets, notebooks, cell phones, or other devices

 Running the simulation will require an updated version of Java software (free). If you do not have (or are not sure if you have) Java on your computer, go to the Java website (Links to an external site.)

 Having trouble getting the simulation to run? Consult this PhET Simulation Troubleshooting Guide download


Perform a search that pertains to the drinking water that is delivered to your house in your specific town. Include the following information: a. From where does your drinking water come? b. What steps are used in purifying it? c. What is this concentration of chlorine, fluorine and the hardness? Are these acceptable levels? Include the source(s) used for your essay.


Consider the following articles regarding batteries and renewable energies:




What questions do you have about renewable energy? What are your thoughts about having access to renewable energy in your community? You may refer to lecture material and other articles besides the ones above to write your original post.

Please respond to one other original post. When you respond, you might want to consider:

What can I contribute to this post?

Does it move the discussion forward?


You will choose a current drinking water crisis and contamination scenario. You will act as an environmental scientist, describing the cause of the contamination, THE CHEMISTRY OF THE CONTAMINANTS, and the impacts on local communities. You will then give suggestions on how to clean up the water and prevent further crises.

Term paper presentation

Students will be required to submit an 800-1000 word term paper. The paper must focus on a quality issue in health care management and include at least one intervention from the text that the student, as a health care manager, would utilize to correct the quality issue. The student is expected to explain how the intervention will be implemented and evaluated and explain how the intervention will improve quality of the selected issue.

The topic of your paper must be from “Patients Safety”.

The paper will utilize APA format and be double-spaced with 1-inch margins, Times New Roman, and 12-point font. The 800-word minimum requirement means at least 800-1000 words of written material of which no less than 75% must be your own words, not quotations. Cover sheets, tables of contents, pictures, diagrams, charts, excessive quotations, and reference pages do not count as part of the minimum requirement. The professor reserves the right to determine what constitutes “excessive.”

Term Paper Presentation

You are required to create a presentation about ”patient safety” from your term paper topic. It is recommended that the you use Microsoft PowerPoint for this presentation. The presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides in length, covering all of the relevant aspects of the term paper. The use of the notes section to capture relevant talking points for each slide is expected.