Pharmacology and therapeutics

1. What is selective toxicity?

2. How does antibiotic use promote resistant organisms? What are ways that nurses can help to reduce the spread of resistant organisms in hospitals?

3. What is broad spectrum vs. narrow spectrum antibiotics? Name an example of each.

4. How is clostridium difficile treated initially? How about for a severe infection?

5. What medication can cause “red mans syndrome?” How is this treated?

6. What organs can be affected by aminoglycosides?          

7. What are some nursing teaching points for the patient being prescribed Tetracycline?

8. Who is at the highest risk for tuberculosis (name some populations of people).


Describe three key changes in healthcare finance over the last 30 years. 


300 words 

APA style

Peer reviewed reference

vulnerable population

1. Find an interesting article on The Right to Die and post it for others to comment on.

2. Do you think all persons should be offered the same quality of health care regardless of ability to pay?

3. What about when resources are limited? Who should decide who gets what test, medication, etc?

4. APA format for references and 3 posts with thoughtful responses

vulnerable population

1. Find an interesting article on The Right to Die and post it for others to comment on.

2. Do you think all persons should be offered the same quality of health care regardless of ability to pay?

3. What about when resources are limited? Who should decide who gets what test, medication, etc?

4. APA format for references and 3 posts with thoughtful responses

Pediatrics Discussion

For this assignment, you will review the latest evidence-based guidelines in the links provided below. Please make sure you are using scholarly references and they should not be older than 5 years. The posts/references must be in APA format.

After completing your research, answer the following questions: 

1) What are the sources of pediatric primary care in the United States? Are these sources sufficient for providing health-care services to the pediatric population? Why or why not?

2) Are there certain pediatric populations that lack access to healthcare services? Why?

3) What are the barriers to children in accessing healthcare services in the United States? Why do these barriers exist?

Food-Bourne Illnesses

Using the following scenario, complete the case study.

During Spring Break, Angela, Bridgette, and Laura went to a small Mexican town near the Gulf of Mexico. On Friday night, the girls went to a restaurant. Angela and Bridgette shared a pizza with ground beef, refried beans, cheese, and some vegetable toppings. Laura ate a large portion of chicken fajitas. After dinner, Laura brought her leftover chicken fajitas back to the hotel and stored them in the room’s refrigerator. Saturday morning, the girls ate bagels and fresh fruit. For lunch, the girls stopped at a deli. Angela had a spinach salad with fresh strawberries, blueberries, and poppy seed dressing. Bridgette had a shrimp salad sandwich on a toasted multigrain roll. Laura had a bowl of seafood gumbo soup. The young women were having so much fun that evening, they didn’t have time for a sit-down dinner, so they each ate a hot dog from a street vendor. When they returned to the hotel later that evening, they were a little bit hungry, so they shared Laura’s chicken fajita leftovers after reheating them in a microwave. Between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, Angela and Bridgette each woke up feeling nauseous and bloated. They spent most of Sunday sick with vomiting and diarrhea. Angela also had a very bad headache and chills. Laura felt fine, but she was stuck in the hotel room taking care of her sick friends all day.  


Determine what food(s) you think could have potentially been the source of Angela and Bridgette’s food-borne illness. Explain your reasoning.

Identify potential sources of food-borne illness for each of the meals the girls ate over the weekend.  

Based on their symptoms, suspected food source(s), and the time of onset, analyze which microorganism(s) were most likely to have been responsible for their illness. Use references to support your claims.

Discuss any precautions that Bridgette and Angela could have done differently to prevent developing a food-borne illness. Explain your answer.

Diet Trends

Select a best selling weight loss plan or Diet Trend Program 

Evaluate and explain the nutrition and fitness information of the diet trend. 

Include information on dietary adequacy of the food plan

Identify and discuss any possible benefits

Identify and discuss any negative health consequences of following the plan

Discuss information about the author(s) credentials. T

Include information about the safety and effectiveness of the diet plan.

Hunger and Obesity in the United States

Identify important nutrition-related health problems facing people who live in the United States.

Determine and discuss any possible ways to alleviate the hunger and obesity problems in these countries

Include what kinds of barriers interfere with implementation of these solutions

Nursing leadership

From your assigned readings and outside research on the topic, consider the difference between a “manager” and a “leader.” What do you feel are the three biggest differences? What is the benefit and disadvantage of a manager, and what is the benefit and disadvantage of a leader?

 Be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source. APA format 7th edition


Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explain why these are significant to nursing practice.

 Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and opportunities for BSN‐prepared nurses.

 Explain why it is important that a nurse's role and education evolve to meet the needs of an aging and increasingly diverse population.

 Discuss the significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health‐illness continuum.

 Discuss how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system.