Responses to your your

In your responses to your peers, describe some factors you think are most important for the clinical nurse to know in treating these patients. Would one of these factors contribute more than the others in making the chosen patient-care technology transition easier?


Peers Response attached below.

 Please respond individually to both peers

Outcomes and Putting it all Together

During this phase you will evaluate what  you have discovered through your evidence and literature search. It is a  time of putting it all together and making sense of what the evidence  tells us. Somethings to consider are as follows. Consider if the  literature supported your question or not. If it did not support your  question it is okay, you simply have to objectively report your  findings. Consider the outcome identified in your PICO question, based  on the evidence will your intervention lead to that outcome? Consider if  your work was implemented into practice, how would you measure the  success or desired outcome? When you think of a method of measurement  remember what we have learned in regards to validity of measurements. 


Evaluate the evidence found through your  literature search. This will be a collaborative effort as you all have  an article you critiqued. I encourage you to take advantage of your  group site here on Canvas. You will need to summarize the findings of  your search and evaluate it. Next, establish your recommendations for  practice. Please include strong rationale based on the evidence found.  If there is a recommendation for implementation into practice, include a  method of evaluation. How will you measure the success of the  intervention. Finally, you will begin to put all of this information  down. You will be building a Power Point Presentation and a Professional  Poster. 

Learning Activity


  Summarize the Evidence

  Recommendations (if there are  recommendations included in your studies you can include these, but I  want to hear your recommendations too)

  Method of evaluation 

  Begin buiding your Power Point Presentation and your Professional Poster

PowerPoint presentation

5- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation,"Provide an overview of the article you selected.


      What population is under consideration?

      What was the specific intervention that was used? Is this a new intervention or one that was already used?

      What were the author’s claims?



  Explain the findings/outcomes of the study in the article. Include whether this will translate into practice with your own clients. If so, how? If not, why?

  Explain whether the limitations of the study might impact your ability to use the findings/outcomes presented in the article. Support your position with evidence-based literature

Community Practice Experience Journal Reflection

A Community Practice Experience Journal Reflection,"I'm doing my Community practice in a health insurance company as a case manager.


What are your upcoming week’s specific learning goals and objectives?


What is your upcoming week’s detailed schedule at your community practice experience placement?


Were there any placement items/issues that occurred this week that you feel your instructor should be aware of that are private in nature and are more appropriately shared here than in the discussion board with your classmates?


Give a brief description of an objective you worked on this week. Make sure to cite at least one reference showing how your objective relates to the public health knowledge you’ve studied during this course or the public health course. You may choose to reference your e-text, journal articles, or videos you've studied during these courses or you may find an outside reference on your own to further enhance your public health knowledge and practices

Cultural factor


In this written assignment, select one cultural factor such as health beliefs, language, perception of time, environment control, etc. (see textbook reading) and apply it to a selected ethnic group. The paper will include the following:


  One impact on medication preparation. Explain.

  Two impacts on medication administration. Explain.

  Two potential adverse reactions. Explain with rationale.

  One possible issue in adherence to medication regimen. Explain how this can be overcome.


The paper should be no more than 3 pages. Use APA Editorial Format for all citations and references used

Project change

Welcome to Samples page

900 words,"Ok so I developed a change project for my unit at ICU for CVC's lines care with HCG bath and early line removal to prevent infection. This project will be implemented in the next couple of months. There will be a checklist at the bedside for the nursing staff to monitor skills and interventions to be done per shift, including HCG bath every shift and dressing change every 7 days and as needed. So this papaer I need you to do is based on this. If you need more information, ask me. Follow the instructions below. Refer in the paper on 1st person, using ""Me, I, ect.."" My goals are to impact the facility to reduce the number of CVC's line infections and create awareness among the nursing staff


Develop your project aims, values, and desired outcomes portion of your paper using a clinical microsystem approach.


  Describe the project aim: The project aim should include examples of features and functions that will occur as a result of implementing your change project.

  Describe the project value: The value should describe the benefits of the change project implementation to the stakeholders, the organization, and the nursing profession.

  Describe the desired outcomes: Specifically, state the purpose, quality focus, and viewpoint of the project as well as its expected accomplishments. A project goal should reference the project’s business benefits in terms of cost, time, and/or quality that address individual and family healthcare needs or changes, results, impacts, or consequences that the project has on people, programs, or institutions. Goals and objectives should be measurable, shared, and agreed on by all key stakeholders. They are directly linked to the concept of project success factors

Outcomes and Putting it all Together

During this phase you will evaluate what  you have discovered through your evidence and literature search. It is a  time of putting it all together and making sense of what the evidence  tells us. Somethings to consider are as follows. Consider if the  literature supported your question or not. If it did not support your  question it is okay, you simply have to objectively report your  findings. Consider the outcome identified in your PICO question, based  on the evidence will your intervention lead to that outcome? Consider if  your work was implemented into practice, how would you measure the  success or desired outcome? When you think of a method of measurement  remember what we have learned in regards to validity of measurements. 


Evaluate the evidence found through your  literature search. This will be a collaborative effort as you all have  an article you critiqued. I encourage you to take advantage of your  group site here on Canvas. You will need to summarize the findings of  your search and evaluate it. Next, establish your recommendations for  practice. Please include strong rationale based on the evidence found.  If there is a recommendation for implementation into practice, include a  method of evaluation. How will you measure the success of the  intervention. Finally, you will begin to put all of this information  down. You will be building a Power Point Presentation and a Professional  Poster. 

Learning Activity


  Summarize the Evidence

  Recommendations (if there are  recommendations included in your studies you can include these, but I  want to hear your recommendations too)

  Method of evaluation 

  Begin buiding your Power Point Presentation and your Professional Poster

Evidence-based practice

Evidence-based practice is extremely important in nursing. Throughout your master’s program, you will complete research on various topics. Knowing how to construct a strong problem statement and complete a critical analysis of the available information to write a literature review is essential. Follow the instructions in the bullets below to direct you where to find resources on problem statements and literature reviews.

This week, you will write a problem statement and perform a literature review in preparation for your ethical issues debate presentation. Share your problem statement in this discussion so that you can review each other’s work and provide peer-to-peer feedback. Also, describe what you think are the most important learning takeaways from the literature review resources you reviewed

Trends in Information


This week's graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcomes (COs).


  CO6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client's right to privacy. (PO 6)

  CO7: Examine the use of information systems to document interventions related to achieving nurse-sensitive outcomes. (PO 7)



This is the week to really see where technology and healthcare are connecting. Select ONE of the following trends and discuss your understanding of this trend in healthcare and its potential impact on your practice as a nurse. What are the legal, privacy, and ethical considerations of this trend? (Everyone attempt to choose a different topic so that we will learn about the many advancements in technology).



  Consumer health informatics (CHI)

  Social media healthcare applications

  Health-focused wearable technology


  Artificial Intelligence


  Computerized provider order entry (CPOE)

  Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA)

  Creative measures in healthcare for use with 3D printers

  Smart Pumps

  Smart Rooms

  Robotics in healthcare

  Mobile technology in outpatient care

  Web-based tools and software technology

  Risk Management tools

  Chatbots or Bots in healthcare







  Technology advancement from your clinical practice

Federal law or regulation related to patient safety

Select a state or federal law or regulation related to patient safety that has been implemented within the last five years requiring hospitals or any other health care organizations to change the way they manage the delivery of care. Discuss the changes that have occurred because of this law or regulation.


Additionally, discuss the technology associated with either your selected law/regulation or a similar one. Are there ethical dilemmas that have resulted from technology changes when delivering care to patients or patient safety? Explain the dilemmas and how they might be resolved