
Categorize the following formulas into the following, and fill out the attached chart below as directed:

 Ionic or molecular compounds

 Molecular compounds: Are there any prefixes needed? List on the chart.

 Ionic compounds: Which ones need Roman numerals? Why?

 On the chart, indicate which ones have polyatomic ion. Are they cations or anions?

 Are there any acids or bases? Mark the chart.

 Are the acids binary acids or oxyacid? Mark the chart.

 Check the box if you have a strong acid or a strong base.

Why do you think it is important to understand how to write formulas? How will this knowledge help you in your healthcare career?

Scientific research project

Research project about the scientific human impact on the Ozone layer like 4 slides in PowerPoint about it provide some pictures and chemical formula 

scientific research presentation using PowerPoint that addresses the human impact on ozone layer . research focusing on the Chemistry aspects of the human impact of Ozone layer

Also, provide References: Your references must be listed at the end of your presentation using APA format. Citations must be complete and references listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name. you can use  a variety of sources including newspapers, periodicals, scientific journals, WWW, full-text databases, etc. Books should be used sparingly as they are often outdated. Encyclopedias are not acceptable references

History of Chemistry

Part 1: In this assignment, you will first identify your selection. Give the history of the person, his/her research that won them the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Also, share the process as to how the winner is chosen. Finally, state why you selected this person in your assignment. You may use the ""Online Librarian"" to assist in your research.

This assignment must meet the following criteria:

 Minimum word count: 500 words

 APA format

 Works Cited page

Part 2: Provide feedback to me if this assisted in giving you a better understanding of the history of chemistry, and what could be done differently (three paragraph maximum).

Carbohydrates in Our Everyday Life

Research a specific carbohydrate and its importance in biology. Discuss its structure, whether it is a monosaccharide, disaccharide, or polysaccharide. If it is a monosaccharide, discuss its various isomers, including where they are found and their approximate composition (i.e., percentages). If it is a disaccharide or polysaccharide, discuss its important linkages as well as where it is found in nature.

Also describe which carbohydrate test could be used to detect its presence in solution.

Your initial post must meet a minimum writing requirement (one paragraph with at least five sentences). Respond to at least two posts (one paragraph with at least three sentences each). Your responses must contribute meaningfully to the discussion. Posts consisting of ""Thank you"", ""You're welcome"", ""I agree"", or ""Me too"" do not contribute meaningfully to the discussion. Critique other students' postings in a positive manner. Make sure your post is NOT a copy of someone else’s post. Always remember netiquette.


How is the calorific value of food determined? Which food has the highest and which one has the lowest calorific values? Is there any negative impact of high calorific food on human health?,I need help solving this question.

Chemistry reflection

Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:

 Explain basic atomic structure.

 Interpret the Periodic Table of Elements.

 Analyze the principles of chemical reactions.

 Apply the scientific method to experimental data.

 Apply principles of measurement.

Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.

 For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.

 Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to professional application.

Reflect back on your journey through this course and answer the following:

 What topic in the course did you find most interesting and applicable?

 Thoughts on your learning in the course?


Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response.

Choose a drug or vitamin of interest

 Using PowerPoint, insert the structure of your compound.

 Using the DRAW feature of PowerPoint, identify the functional groups by circling or highlighting them and label each functional group. Here are videos for help with drawing in PowerPoint

 Find the function of the molecule and relate the function to the functional group(s) that they have. (i.e. How does the structure of the molecule relate to its function?)

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Organic Molecules

Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response.

Choose a drug or vitamin of interest

 Using PowerPoint, insert the structure of your compound.

 Using the DRAW feature of PowerPoint, identify the functional groups by circling or highlighting them and label each functional group. Here are videos for help with drawing in PowerPoint

 Find the function of the molecule and relate the function to the functional group(s) that they have. (i.e. How does the structure of the molecule relate to its function?)

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Video and Lab Report

Your lab report for Lab 1 should include the following information in order to earn full points for this assignment:

Name: (0.25 points) Be sure to include your full name (First and Last).

Date: (0.25 points) You can use a MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY format, or type out the date

Experiment #: (0.25 points) Be sure the experiment number matches the Lab Module.

Title: (0.25 points) The title of the experiment should also match the title given in the Lab Module.

Purpose: (1 point) This section should be written in complete sentences using third person, and present or past tense. The purpose should include the goal of the experiment. If there is more than one part to the experiment you may summarize all goals in this section. This short description should make it clear what skills or knowledge should be gained from the completion of the experiment.

Procedure: (2 points) The procedure should be a step by step set of instructions that is detailed enough that someone could use it to replicate the experiment. This is very similar to a recipe in cooking. You can write this section using paragraphs, numbered lists, or bullet points, however it should be written in complete sentences (third-person, present or past tense), and well-organized. If there is more than one part to the experiment, you can have multiple subsections in the procedure.

Be sure to include a procedure for:

Part 1:

 The different types of pipettes

 How to use a pipette

 The precision experiment

 The accuracy experiment

Part 2:

 SDS-Page Electrophoresis

 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

Data/Results/Calculations: (2 points) In this section you should organize all the observations and data that was collected as part of the experiment, being sure to clearly label each measurement and/or part of the experiment. You may wish to construct a data table for a neat and professional looking report. Please note that screen shots from the lab video of data are not permitted.

Be sure to include data/results/calculations for:

Part 1:

 Pipette Precision (Variable Volume vs. Graduated Glass Pipette)


     Mass Data

     Calculated Volume


     Standard Deviation



 Pipette Accuracy (Variable Volume vs. Graduated Glass Pipette)


     Set Volume

     Measured Volume




Part 2:



     Data Table

     Equation from Plot of Log MW vs. Rf

     Calculation of MW of P2

     Calculation of MW of P2



 Agarose Gel


     Which dog is the unknown?



Discussion Questions: (2 points)

How is a glass pipette similar and different from an automatic pipettor?

What is the difference between accuracy and precision?

When pipetting how should you treat volatile organic compounds differently than water-based solutions?

Is electrophoresis an analytical or preparative technique? Explain giving one piece of evidence in your rationale.

Conclusion: (2 points) The conclusion section should be a well developed paragraph (at least 6 sentences), separate from the Data/Results/Calculations section. It should be written in complete sentences (third-person, present or past tense) and should summarize the results of the entire experiment(s). You should emphasize what important concepts were explored, what the results showed, what conclusions can be drawn, and how the purpose of the experiment was accomplished.

Be sure to include:

Which pipette was the more precise?

Which pipette was the more accurate?

Notes: The notes section is where you should put information that does not belong in other sections. This would include background information, or anything else that you deem important that was not directly related to performing the experiment


In a 150 to 200 word response, present your answer to one of the following questions:

 Is there discrimination associated with bipolar disorder? How can pharmacy technicians help patients dealing with the stigma associated with mental illness?