
Each week an industry produces 2.0 × 10^3 m3/d of a strong acid waste (pH = 1.5) during a 48 hour production,"Each week an industry produces 2.0 × 10^3 m3/d of a strong acid waste (pH = 1.5) during a 48 hour production cycle (total 4.0 × 10^3 m3/week). The plant engineer would like to discharge the waste into a river that passes near the plant. The river has a 7-­‐day, 10-­‐year flow of 25 × 10^3 m3/d, an alkalinity of 150 mg/L as CaCO3, and a pH of 7.7. If the temperature of the mixture is 25oC, will it be possible to discharge all the waste into the river within a 7-­‐day period if the river pH must be maintained above 7.0?

Chuck Bednarik Eagles

If you were sceptical that the recently concluded high power climate talks at Copenhagen was a lot of hot air and nothing more Tommy McDonald Eagles Jersey , the bad news is you are dead right. Reports of one of the most large scale carbon and methane emissions in Nigeria's oil rich Niger delta by the Opolo-Epie plant leaves one shell shocked, you guessed right the oil company in question is none other than Shell the Dutch oil giant. Let us take a look at what causes this mindless pollution of the atmosphere, oil refining by itself is not the culprit but 'flaring' a process by which unwanted associated gas that surfaces when the oil is pumped out is burnt leaving huge deposits of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere. The process of flaring seems to follow the Churchillian dictum of fighting the enemy in the land in the sea and the air by polluting the fields Herman Edwards Eagles Jersey , water bodies and injecting rain bearing clouds with acid. Interestingly flaring as a process has been declared as illegal by the Nigerian government back in 1984 and oil companies served with deadlines to stop the practice, The law has obviously not had any impact and the oil giants like Exxon, Shell and Mobil continue to resort to flaring to get rid of gases they do not need. If the damage that the burning of such huge volumes of natural gas - life expectancy is a low 43 years in the Niger delta region coupled with one of the world's lowest infant mortality rates where 12% of children do not survive beyond their first year' the beneficial effects if this gas if harnessed is also mind boggling - it could meet a quarter of UK's power requirement or the entire needs of German industry Chuck Bednarik Eagles Jersey , The companies engaged in oil refining in the region are obviously not unaware of this but for cost or reasons only known to them do not deploy the technology which they have that would prevent such diabolic dissemination of hazardous gases on a largely unsuspecting and gullible populace. Oil refining in the Niger delta is one of the largest single emission of greenhouse gases in the planet which would have far reaching effects not only on Nigeria but the whole world. While companies like Shell claim that they are spending huge sums of money to contain and minimise flaring, it is apparent that these are just tall claims. The question rightly raised by local activists is - why do these companies adopt double standards when it comes to implementing safety measures, will they drill oil in this manner in their own countries or in the gulf Jerome Brown Eagles Jersey , do Nigerians not deserve the basic right to health and life if not a share of the huge profits that these companies drill from the belly of their motherland.


H2S+Cl2-->2HCl +S what are the following reactions with the species oxidized or reduced,H2S+Cl2-->2HCl +S what are the following reactions with the species oxidized or reduced,


How many mL of .35 M solution of A12(SO4)3 can you prepare by dissolving 4.500g of substance?,How many mL of .35 M solution of A12(SO4)3 can you prepare by dissolving 4.500g of substance?

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style for building software applications that use services available in a network such as the Web. SOA is based on standard protocols such as HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), etc. SOA services are consumed by client applications over the Internet. SOA exposes business services to a wide range of service consumers. Assess SOA in terms of business integration, security,interoperability, and IT infrastructure.A Web service is a set of technologies used for exchanging data between applications. Web services allow businesses to connect their processes to their business partners. This form of business integration results in Business Process Management (BPM) mashups. Assess the benefits of BPM mashups in terms of ease of integration, composition of services, and information sharing""Software Provisioning"" Please respond to the following:When a company has a need for software, one option is to buy it from a software vendor or build it internally if the IT department can develop the software.This results in a build-or-buy debate. Take a stance on the build versus buy debate.Justify your decision in regard to cost, flexibility, reliability, and security.Software development methods include Joint Application Development (JAD), Rapid Application Development (RAD), Extreme Programming (XP), Software Prototyping,and Open-Source Development. Choose the best software development method from those listed here and explain why you believe it is best.


1. Draw on a separate and ungraded paper the Lewis Dot Structure of borane, BH3 and of phosphine, PH3, and list the bond angles. Then, draw the orbitals involved in bonding (valence orbitals) on the boron atom in BH3 and on the phosphorous atom of PH3­. Label each orbital (for example: s, p, sp, sp2, or sp3). In each case give the number of electrons that occupy these orbitals on B and on P.Question: A reaction occurs between borane and phosphine involving an overlap of an occupied orbital on one molecule and an unoccupied orbital on the other. Considering your drawing, specify which orbitals are involved in this reaction.2. Oleic and elaidic acid are both unsaturated fatty acids with the chemical formula C18H34O2. Look up the structures of these two fatty acids. Explain why elaidic acid is a solid at room temperature, but oleic acid is a liquid.3. Imagine that you drive your car high in the mountains, where you have a minor accident. The car airbag deploys, but instead of forming a large air pillow to cushion the driver, the airbag bursts open. How can you apply the gas laws to explain what happened with the airbag?4. Assuming that both diethyl ether (C2H5-O-C2H5) and carbon dioxide (CO2) behave as ideal gases at 200°C, what mass of carbon dioxide would you need under the same conditions (200 °C in a 2 L container) to obtain the same pressure as you obtain from 7.4 g of diethyl ether? Show your work.5. While neither diethyl ether nor carbon dioxide always behaves as an ideal gas, which of the two more closely resembles behavior of the ideal gas? Explain your answer considering the molecular structure and properties of the two molecules.6. Compare two gas samples. Sample A: A 1 L sealed container filled with 0.060 moles of N2 at 400 K. Sample B: A sealed container at 6 atm with 0.020 moles of CO at 300 K.How do the average speeds of the gas molecules in Samples A and B compare? Explain your answer.7. A metal can filled with hot water vapor was closed with a rubber stopper and allowed to cool. After a few minutes, it imploded.  Explain why this happened using known properties of real gases


a metal tank contains three gases: oxygen, helium, and nitrogen. If the partial pressures of the three gases in the...","a metal tank contains three gases: oxygen, helium, and nitrogen. If the partial pressures of the three gases in the tank are 38 atm of O2, 4 atm of N2, and 27 atm of He, what is the total pressure inside of the tank


sample of a mixture of magnesium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide is treated with nitric acid....,"(11 pts) A 1.43 g sample of a mixture of magnesium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide is treated with nitric acid. The reaction produces 0.236 L of gas at 28.3°C and 743 torr. (a) (2 pts) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction, assuming there are equal moles of each component. Hint: Write each reaction separately; then, combine them. (b) (1 pt) Write the net ionic reaction for the neutralization. (c) (3 pts) In reality, there are not equal moles of each substance. Assuming that the reaction completed, calculate the percentage by mass of magnesium carbonate in the sample. (d) (3 pts) If the sample was treated with 30.45 mL of acid, what is its concentration? (e) (2 pts) If the heat of reaction is Hrxn = -75 kJ/mol acid, how much heat must be added or removed by the surroundings to maintain a constant temperature of 28.3 °C?

Critical Thinking Principles

Prepare: In preparation for discussing the importance of critical thinking skills, please read Chapters 1 through 3 of Think Smarter: Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills, as well as the following articles: “Critical Thinking and the Challenges of Internet,” “Common Misconceptions of Critical Thinking.”  Critical thinking gets you involved in a dialogue with the ideas you read from others in this class. To be a critical thinker, you need to be able to summarize, analyze, hypothesize, and evaluate the new information that you encounter.  Write: For this discussionDefine, describe, and explain the principles of critical thinking.Search the Internet, media, or the Ashford University Library, and find an example of good, careful (critical) thinking, and explain why you think it exemplifies strong critical thinking skills. Post a link or reference information for that source, describe the content, and explain how it is a good example of critical thinking.Search the Internet, media, or the Ashford University Library and find an example that lacks good, careful (critical thinking). Post a link or reference information for that source, describe the content, and explain why you think it demonstrates poor critical thinking skills.Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references.Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length.


Compare your various absorption spectra and explain what they mean. Compare your absorption spectra to each other and to those...,Compare your various absorption spectra and explain what they mean. Compare your absorption spectra to each other and to those provided by the instructor. What differences among the spectra do you see? Explain the similarities and differences in detail