Illness and Disease Management

Utilizing the information, you have gathered over the last four weeks regarding the specific illness group you identified, this week, you will create a plan of care for your chronic illness group.

In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA 7 style, (this page requirement includes the holistic care plan). Include the following in your plan:

 Provide a brief introduction describing the chronically ill group you selected and rationale for selecting this illness and the participants.


     Clearly identify the Healthy People 2020 topic chosen and why this topic was selected.



 Develop a holistic plan of care including patient, family and friends acceptance     of the diagnosis, coping and impact on plan of care.

 Summarize the information gathered in each week (Weeks 1–4) over 2 to 3 pages. This is not to be copied and pasted from previous assignments.

 Create a care plan for your chronic illness group organized using the following headings:


     Nursing Diagnoses (at least 3 related to topic and interview results)

     Assessment Data (objective and subjective)

     Interview Results

     Desired Outcomes

     Evaluation Criteria

     Actions and Interventions

     Evaluation of Patient Outcomes



 Identify strategies for the family or caregiver in the care plan and provide your rationale on how they will work.

Support your responses with examples and information from library resources, textbook and lectures.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA 7 format.


Discussion Question: Read a qualitative nursing study. If a different investigator had gone into the field to study the same problem, how likely is it that the conclusions would have been the same? How transferable are the research findings? 

Nutrition and exercise for middle aged and aging families

Why is there increasing emphasis on nutrition and exercise for middle aged and aging families? Why is it more significant than 30 years ago?

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook

Evidence Translation and Change

What are the common barriers to evidence translation in addressing this problem?

           There are many barriers when it comes to translating evidence into practice. In regards to obesity, the most common barrier to translate evidence-based changes locally, nationally, and globally are the stakeholders. According to Chamberlain College of Nursing, (2020, translating research into practice relies on the clinician knowing who the stakeholders are and getting them involved in the planning stage and in every aspect of the practice change. Some stakeholders may not be conducive to change. In order to adopt and launch a practice change, the change leader has to be able to sell the project to key stakeholders. For a project leader to get others to go along with a practice change, the leader has to be knowledgeable, motivated, and believe in the research he or she is presenting to the stakeholders.

           Additional barriers in translating research evidence into this practice problem would cost, available resources, and timing. For instance, it is less likely for individuals living in a low socioeconomic community to prioritize a 30 minutes time slot five days a week for exercising activities. Barriers like work schedules, family commitment, and financial obligations may impede these practices. The lack of motivation may also be a factor. Most individuals may not have a membership to the local gym, and rain and cold weather may prevent walking in the local park. The lack of appropriate lighting in the parks may fend off participation in outdoor activities in the fall and winter months. According to Tucker, the individuals, the location, and the practice itself and have a huge role in influencing evidence-based practice (2017). For an evidence-based practice to be adapted effectively it must be realistic in all public health settings.

What strategies might you adopt to be aware of new evidence?

           I would create an interprofessional group to include clinical and research practitioners to discuss new and upcoming research evidence appropriate to the practice problem. Focus groups both locally and nationally as well as globally are great outlets to discover what is working in different areas of healthcare. Small focus group outlets in which to gather people with the same interest to discuss and present new research (Chamberlain College of Nursing 2020). I would sign up for alerts on new research, evidence-based practice interventions, and quality improvement publications on obesity throughout the country and globally. Tucker indicated that research experts are great resources to look into and introduce the latest pieces of evidence (2017). I also believe an expert Ph.D. colleague would be a great mentor to help guide me in this practice problem intervention. Dang and Dearholt indicated that a team approach between DNP and Ph.D. scholars influenced the best clinical outcome. 

How will you determine which evidence to implement?

           First, I would focus on finding evidence to support my practice intervention, base not only on research but evidence that supports the participants' cultural values and beliefs. I would look at the available evidence and ask myself, whether this is appropriate for my particular demographic. There are many quality improvements in evidence-based research practice in healthcare that can be pilot to other practice problems. I would look at the data for similarities and tailor it to this particular focus practice problem on a local level. The team would appraise the appropriate data and determine whether it is pertinent to obesity. Most importantly, I would communicate the evidence to all key stakeholders.

How will you ensure the continuation or sustainability of the change?

           To ensure continuity and sustainability of the practice change, I would look at the impact the change has had on individual participants, both locally and nationally. Since the intervention is patient-centered, I think it is appropriate to be familiar with the participant's values and preferences. Without the support and commitment of the participants, the practice problem intervention will be ineffective. Taylor et al. wrote evidence-based practice is a combination of best evidence, patients choice, and the skillfulness of the practitioner (2016). I believed that persons who have had positive outcomes tend to continue to participate in activities more so than those who have had negative experiences. I would continue to involve participants and families in the planning and implementing phase of the intervention. I would also mandate ongoing training to all interprofessional team members. I would reinforce the ongoing review of the evidence to maintain current research. Clear and respectful communication and teamwork are also important in sustaining and continuing change. Evidence-based intervention is being carried out throughout the globe, I believe by working alongside interdisciplinary teams and familiarizing myself with the evidenced available will give me a global sustainability outlook.


Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2020). NR-701 Week 7: Translation of Evidence: Overcoming Barriers [Online lesson]. Downers Grove, IL: Adtalem.

Dang, D., & Dearholt, S. (2018) John Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice model and guidelines (3rded.). Sigma Tetu Tau Intentional.

Taylor M.V., Priefer, B.A. & Alt-White, A.C. (2016). Evidence-based practice: Embracing integration. Nursing Outlook 64(6) 575-582.

Tucker, S. (2017) People, practice, and places: Realities that influence evidence-based practice uptake. Worldviews on Evidence-based Nursing 14 (2) 87-89. Doi10.111/wvn.12216

Late Adulthood and End of life

The Terry Schiavo case raised several ethical issues about death education, including living wills and euthanasia. Weigh in on this particular case and justify your position. (late adulthood and end of life stage)

Cultural diversity questions

Why is cultural diversity important for the nursing profession? 


What are some barriers to diversity in the nursing profession?

Explain the concept of acculturation (use an example).

Healthcare financial statement

Find a healthcare financial statement on the internet. Identify the factors that influence quality care in the document. 

Qualitative research

Select a qualitative question you are interested in investigating. Discuss the basics of qualitative research: what are the characteristics, what is included, what are the 4 designs of the qualitative type research, which type would be appropriate for your qualitative research question and why?


,Discuss one personal strength and one weakness you have regarding professional presentations. Name one method for improvement for each of these and discuss why it is important for you to work on these skills if you want to present your findings in a more formal setting

Discussion: Technology Applications

Review the rubric that is linked below to make sure you understand the criteria for earning a maximum of 30 points for this discussion.

 In the textbook Applied Clinical Informatics for Nurses, read:


     Chapter 1

     Chapter 2

     Chapter 10

     Chapter 11

     Chapter 12

     Pages 256-257



 Examine one additional scholarly source that discusses the use of computer applications in the healthcare environment.

 Prepare to discuss the following prompts:


     Summarize “the burden of fragmentation” described in your reading. Discuss how clinical informatics reduces this problem in the healthcare environment.

     Identify a minimum of two clinical applications and describe how they support nursing practice by improving safety and quality of delivered care. Cite information from one scholarly source in addition to your textbook to support your discussion. Include personal examples of your experiences with these applications (without patient information).

     Describe several challenges related to the adoption of electronic health records. What have you experienced? Describe specific ways that nurses can overcome these challenges.



 Your initial post should be four paragraphs in length, with a minimum of three sentences in each paragraph. Your post should be submitted by the end of day #4 of this workshop.

 Cite and reference two current scholarly sources to support your insights and answers.

 Learn the correct format for citing chapter authors in this edited textbook by reviewing the provided file: Citing and Referencing Chapters in Edited Books.

 Read and respond to at least two classmates’ initial posts by the end of the workshop. You are encouraged to respond to the follow-up instructor questions directed to you. Your responses to classmates should be a minimum of six sentences in length.

 Whether written or spoken, interactions are expected to:


     clearly and thoroughly address the prompt with meaningful information that shows critical thinking.

     introduce your own ideas and questions to add greater depth to the discussion, rather than restating what your classmates have shared. (Include much more than ""Great post,"" or ""I agree."")

     refer to relevant course concepts as you discuss your learning together.

     develop insightful conversation by directly addressing your classmates' ideas.

     demonstrate professionalism.



 Forum participation (including initial post and responses) occurs on at least two different days of the workshop.