Discussion: Time Management

Visit the Mind Tools website and explore the many resources available that relate to time management. Only three pages are available free of charge from this website.

 Explore websites or articles that provide helpful information on strategies and approaches for effective time management.

 Download and view the PowerPoint presentation Writing Goals and Objectives. Using the format presented in this presentation, create one academic goal (written with SMART criteria) and write two specific objectives for achieving that written goal.

 Download and open the file Time Management Assessment Tool. Complete the self-assessment tool and follow the instructions on page 2.

 Prepare to discuss the following prompts:


     Share a summary of your time management self-assessment. Be sure to include your areas of strengths and weaknesses and personal barriers to efficient use of time.

     Discuss effective strategies that adult learners could utilize to balance various life roles along with the new role of full-time student. Describe strategies that assist you in effectively managing time as a student.

     Share your created SMART goal (see #5 above) with your faculty and classmates. Discuss the specific objectives that you will take to achieve that academic goal.



 Your initial post should be four paragraphs in length, with a minimum of three sentences in each paragraph. Your post should be submitted by the end of day #4 of this workshop.

 Cite and reference two current scholarly sources to support your insights and answers.

 Read and respond to at least two classmates’ initial posts by the end of the workshop. You are encouraged to respond to the follow-up instructor questions directed to you. Your responses to classmates should be a minimum of six sentences in length.

 Forum participation (including initial post and responses) occurs on at least two different days of the workshop


Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue.

 Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient.                                       Describe what additional assessment questions you would need to ask and define the ethical parameters regarding what you can and cannot share with the parent or guardian.

 Discuss support options for adolescents encountering external stressors. Include specific support options for the contemporary issue you presented

Big Data Risks and Rewards

When you wake in the morning, you may reach for your cell phone to reply to a few text or email messages that you missed overnight. On your drive to work, you may stop to refuel your car. Upon your arrival, you might swipe a key card at the door to gain entrance to the facility. And before finally reaching your workstation, you may stop by the cafeteria to purchase a coffee.

From the moment you wake, you are in fact a data-generation machine. Each use of your phone, every transaction you make using a debit or credit card, even your entrance to your place of work, creates data. It begs the question: How much data do you generate each day? Many studies have been conducted on this, and the numbers are staggering: Estimates suggest that nearly 1 million bytes of data are generated every second for every person on earth.

As the volume of data increases, information professionals have looked for ways to use big data—large, complex sets of data that require specialized approaches to use effectively. Big data has the potential for significant rewards—and significant risks—to healthcare. In this Discussion, you will consider these risks and rewards.


To Prepare:

 Review the Resources and reflect on the web article Big Data Means Big Potential, Challenges for Nurse Execs.

 Reflect on your own experience with complex health information access and management and consider potential challenges and risks you may have experienced or observed.

 Post a description of at least one potential benefit of using big data as part of a clinical system and explain why. Then, describe at least one potential challenge or risk of using big data as part of a clinical system and explain why. Propose at least one strategy you have experienced, observed, or researched that may effectively mitigate the challenges or risks of using big data you described. Be specific and provide examples. 

Strategic Visioning With Stakeholders

Prepare a 10–20-slide presentation of the strategic plan you developed in Assessment 2, to be delivered to key stakeholders at a strategic visioning session.

Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

SHOW LESS                                                                                              

The implementation and success of a strategic plan depends on the support of key stakeholders. This in turn depends on your ability to communicate clearly and persuasively with decision makers and to sell your vision of the future. You must also be able to lead the initiative and sustain strategic direction. This assessment provides you with an opportunity to showcase your strategic thinking and exercise the communication skills necessary to move your strategic plan forward toward implementation.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

 Competency 1: Evaluate qualities and skills that promote effective leadership within health care organizations.


     Explain why one's leadership qualities and skills are well suited to successfully implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction.



 Competency 2: Apply strategies to lead high-performing health care teams to meet organizational quality and safety goals.


     Summarize a strategic plan aimed at achieving desired quality or safety improvements within a care setting.

     Describe the necessary actions for aligning the structure, systems, shared values, management style, staff, and skills of a care setting with strategic goals.

     Explain how the implementation and outcomes of a strategic plan will be evaluated against current performance benchmarks.



 Competency 3: Apply cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations to leadership decision making.


     Explain how relevant cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations influence the design of a strategic plan and strategies for its implementation.



 Competency 4: Integrate leadership and health care theories into the role of the nurse leader.


     Explain one's role, as a nurse leader, in successfully implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction.



 Competency 5: Communicate with stakeholders and constituencies to build collaborative partnerships and create inclusive work environments.


     Explain a strategy for communicating with stakeholders and constituencies who are essential to implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction.

     Communicate analyses clearly and in a way that demonstrates professionalism and respect for stakeholders and colleagues.

     Integrate relevant and credible sources of evidence to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.



Questions to Consider

As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

Reflect on the current cultural climate in your care setting.

 What aspects of the current cultural climate would aid in achieving one or more specific goals contained in your strategic plan?

 What aspects of the current cultural climate would present a challenge in achieving one or more specific goals contained in your strategic plan?

 What leadership theories, models, or strategies could help you turn this challenge into an opportunity?

Effectively communicating with internal and external stakeholders and constituencies can help in achieving strategic initiatives.

 How would you communicate the essential aspects of the strategic plan you developed in Assessment 2 to stakeholders or groups, both internal and external to your care setting?


Assessment Instructions

Note: In this assessment, you will develop a presentation to stakeholders for the strategic plan you developed in Assessment 2.


Your strategic plan has been reviewed, and you have been asked to present your plan—including operational recommendations and strategic control mechanisms—at a strategic visioning session with key stakeholders (senior leaders if your plan is organization-wide, community leaders if your plan is for a community health project, or the nurse manager of a specific department or team). This session is the next step in moving your plan toward implementation.

Your deliverable for this assessment is a slide deck of 10–20 slides to supplement your presentation and facilitate discussion of your plan. You may use Microsoft PowerPoint or any other suitable presentation software. Please use the notes section of each slide to develop your talking points and reference your sources, as appropriate.

If you choose to use PowerPoint and need help designing your presentation, a link to Microsoft tutorials is provided in the Supplemental Resources in the left-hand navigation pane of your FlexPath courseroom. An additional PowerPoint guide is linked in the Resources.

Presentation Design Tips

Being able to effectively address any audience is a necessary leadership skill. Remember that you are the speaker, not a projectionist. Your purpose is not to present a slide show. Your audience is there to listen to what you have to say, not read your slides—or worse, listen to you read them. Design your presentation slides to compliment and reinforce your message and engage your listeners.

The following tips will help you create presentation slides that work to your advantage:

 Focus on the content of your presentation and the development of your main points. Remember that your purpose is to garner support for your plan and build partnerships for implementation.

 Consider your intended audience and how best to communicate effectively with them.

 Create slides that support your presentation. They should not be your presentation.


     Use a professional presentation template, or one used in your organization.

     Ensure that your slide background provides sufficient visual contrast for your text and graphics.

     Avoid filling your slides with text. Use speaker notes to record the details you want to communicate to your audience.

     Be judicious in your use of bulleted lists. You might even consider a separate slide for each main point.

     Use images and graphics, when appropriate, to illustrate information and make your points. Presentation slides are a visual medium. Images are more effective than text at engaging your audience.

     Avoid using images that are simply decorative. They can be a visual distraction and do not contribute to your message.

     Avoid using flashy slide transitions and animations. They can be both distracting and annoying. Keep your slide transitions consistent throughout the presentation.

     Add a slide to the end of your presentation to prompt questions from the audience.




Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so, at a minimum be sure to address each point. In addition, you are encouraged to review the performance level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

Communication, Supporting Evidence, and APA Style

 Present your plan in a professional and respectful way, with the goal of garnering support for your plan and building partnerships for implementation.


     Address stakeholders' needs and concerns.

     Communicate the need to work collaboratively on implementation.



 Integrate relevant and credible sources of evidence to support your assertions.


     Cite at least 3–5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence.



 Apply correct APA formatting to all in-text citations and references.

 Add a references slide to your slide deck.

 Proofread your slides to minimize errors that could distract the audience and make it more difficult to focus on the substance of your presentation.


 Summarize your plan for achieving 2–3 main goals. Include corresponding metrics, targets, and initiatives to help achieve the desired quality or safety improvements in the care setting.

Note: It may be useful to think about what you hoped to achieve in addressing your care setting's positive core or specific area of concern in Assessment 1. For example:

 Progress toward achieving the Triple Aim.

 Better patient safety outcomes.

 Lower readmission rates.

 Higher volume of patients and care.

 Increased financial gain.

 Minimizing staff burnout.

 Improved relationship and trust with the community or a specific population.

In addition, remember to consult the literature, research studies, and resources from professional and governmental organizations when developing metrics, targets, and initiatives.

 Explain how you will communicate your plan to those stakeholders and constituencies who are essential to implementing your plan and sustaining strategic direction.


     Identify the key individuals or groups with whom you must communicate.

     Identify the cultural or ethical factors, if any, that are relevant to the design of your communication plan, including how key individuals or groups typically prefer to be contacted.



 Describe the actions you will take to align your care setting's structure, systems, shared values, management style, staff, and skills with your strategic goals.


     Describe the changes that are needed to achieve your goals.

     Describe the goals and processes for on-boarding relevant individuals or groups.



 Explain how you will evaluate the success of your strategic plan.


     Define successful implementation.

     Describe the successful outcomes for this project.

     Explain how will you compare outcomes to current performance benchmarks.

     Explain how will you collect data to evaluate whether you have achieved specific goals and outcomes.

     Identify your priorities, assuming you cannot accomplish everything.



 Explain how relevant cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations influenced the design of your strategic plan and strategies for its implementation.

 Explain your role, as a nurse leader, in successfully implementing your proposed plan and sustaining strategic direction.


     Explain how leadership and health care theories support your role.



 Explain why your leadership qualities and skills will enable you to successfully implement your plan and sustain strategic direction.


     Explain why should you be the one to lead this initiative.

 Explain how have you demonstrated some or all of these qualities in past work.



Additional Requirements

In addition to your slide deck, submit any other relevant documentation or links for this assessment (if you used presentation software or technology other than PowerPoint).


1- Summarize a strategic plan aimed at achieving desired quality or safety improvements within a care setting. 

Passing Grade: Summarizes a strategic plan aimed at achieving desired quality or safety improvements within a care setting, and notes inherent weaknesses or threats. 

2- Explain a strategy for communicating with stakeholders and constituencies who are essential to implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction. 

Passing Grade: Explains a strategy for communicating with stakeholders and constituencies who are essential to implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction, and identifies assumptions on which the strategies are based. 

3- Describe the necessary actions for aligning the structure, systems, shared values, management style, staff, and skills of a care setting with strategic goals. 

Passing Grade: Describes the necessary actions for aligning the structure, systems, shared values, management style, staff, and skills of a care setting with strategic goals; proposes criteria for evaluating the success of orientation and on-boarding. 

4- Explain how the implementation and outcomes of a strategic plan will be evaluated against current performance benchmarks. 

Passing Grade: Explains how the implementation and outcomes of a strategic plan will be evaluated against current performance benchmarks, and identifies areas of uncertainty or knowledge gaps. 

5- Explain how relevant cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations influence the design of a strategic plan and strategies for its implementation. 

Passing Grade: Explains how relevant cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations influence the design of a strategic plan and strategies for its implementation; identifies potential conflicts related to cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations. 

6- Explain one’s role, as a nurse leader, in successfully implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction. 

Passing Grade: Explains one’s role, as a nurse leader, in successfully implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction, and identifies assumptions. 

7- Explain why one’s leadership qualities and skills are well suited to successfully implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction. 

Passing Grade: Explains why one’s leadership qualities and skills are well suited to successfully implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction, including plans that acknowledge opportunities for personal growth. 

8- Communicate analyses clearly and in a way that demonstrates professionalism and respect for stakeholders and colleagues. 

Passing Grade: Communicates analyses clearly, logically, and persuasively, demonstrating professionalism and respect for stakeholders and colleagues. Grammar and mechanics are virtually error-free. 

9- Integrate relevant and credible sources of evidence to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style. 

Passing Grade: Integrates relevant and credible sources of evidence to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style. Citations are error-free

Nursing and the aging Family

The following post is from another student that i have to reply adding some extra information.

Short answer                                                                                                                                                  


less than 10 % similarity. 

 Hypochondriasis can be a problem for older adults. What situations contribute to hypochondriasis and what interventions can nurses provide that will address this problem in older adults? 


Hypochondriasis refers to persistent anxiety with the likelihood of having one or more severe and progressive physical disorders. There is a wide range of differences between regular health anxiety and persistent incapacitating hypochondriasis (Bailer et al., 2016). The primary cause of hypochondriasis is unknown, but some factors increase the risk of developing the condition. Hypochondriasis is prevalent in older adults due to the aging changes and the fear of losing their memory. Memory issues and a time of high stress in life are some of the situations that contribute to the condition. Other situations include the history of abuses when one was a child, threats of severe illness that turn out to be less severe, and some personality traits, including having a worrier. Sometimes when an older adult had a severe childhood illness or had a parent with a severe illness, they are likely to develop health-related anxiety. Older adults experience a lot of changes in their bodies as a result of aging, which makes them feel more anxious.

           Nurses can provide cognitive behavioral therapy to older adults by using mindfulness techniques. Health anxiety can cause potential real distress to older adults, which can also make them uncomfortable in life. Through this therapy, they can be taught how to think positively and how to handle stress. Cognitive behavior therapy is essential since it involves challenging unnecessary fears and beliefs about health anxieties and monitoring your self-talk. The adults can be guided on managing their thoughts and viewing some of those physical symptoms they experience as less serious illnesses, and the past experiences may never reoccur. Nurses can also administer antidepressant drugs such as fluoxetine, which is also considered an effective treatment for hypochondriasis (Fallon et al., 2017). Antidepressants will help manage their anxieties and make them less depressed. Meanwhile, their families and close relatives can be informed to keep talking to them and reassure them, although it only has a temporary impact on the patients.


Bailer, J., Kerstner, T., Witthöft, M., Diener, C., Mier, D., & Rist, F. (2016). Health anxiety and hypochondriasis in the light of DSM-5. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 29(2), 219-239 https://doi.org/10.1080/10615806.2015.1036243

Fallon, B. A., Ahern, D. K., Pavlicova, M., Slavov, I., Skritskya, N., & Barsky, A. J. (2017). A randomized controlled trial of medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy for hypochondriasis. American Journal of Psychiatry, 174(8), 756-764 https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ajp.2017.16020189

Nursing- Illness & Disease Management Across Life Span

Nursing- Illness & Disease Management Across Life Span

The Impact of Chronic Illness (Heart Disease and Stroke)

Identify one person from the illness group you chose in Week 1(Week one assignment Attached) to interview. The person should not be a patient at the facility in which you work. You can use friends, family members, or coworkers. Do not use the person’s name in the paper, only initials.

In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, describe/compile a report of your interview and the information collected about a person with a chronic illness. 

Administer the questionnaire you created in Week 1(Attached) to that person and address the following:

· Compile the data and analyze the responses to better illustrate where this person, his or her family, and friends are in relation to accepting the diagnosis in relation to the standard health or illness definitions.

o The analysis should also include coping skills, treatment, and support aspects of the illness.

· Explain how this information will direct care plan development for the chosen illness group.

· Include a copy of the interview you created with the responses from the person interviewed in an Appendix.

Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.

On a separate references page, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. Support your work, using your course lectures and textbook readings. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the University Online Library. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references at APA Style

Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue

The Quadruple Aim provides broad categories of goals to pursue to maintain and improve healthcare. Within each goal are many issues that, if addressed successfully, may have a positive impact on outcomes. For example, healthcare leaders are being tasked to shift from an emphasis on disease management often provided in an acute care setting to health promotion and disease prevention delivered in primary care settings. Efforts in this area can have significant positive impacts by reducing the need for primary healthcare and by reducing the stress on the healthcare system.

Changes in the industry only serve to stress what has always been true; namely, that the healthcare field has always faced significant challenges, and that goals to improve healthcare will always involve multiple stakeholders. This should not seem surprising given the circumstances. Indeed, when a growing population needs care, there are factors involved such as the demands of providing that care and the rising costs associated with healthcare. Generally, it is not surprising that the field of healthcare is an industry facing multifaceted issues that evolve over time.

In this module’s Discussion, you reviewed some healthcare issues/stressors and selected one for further review. For this Assignment, you will consider in more detail the healthcare issue/stressor you selected. You will also review research that addresses the issue/stressor and write a white paper to your organization’s leadership that addresses the issue/stressor you selected.

To Prepare:                                                                                                                                                                                       

 Review the national healthcare issues/stressors presented in the Resources and reflect on the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for study.

 Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post for the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected.

 Identify and review two additional scholarly resources (not included in the Resources for this module) that focus on change strategies implemented by healthcare organizations to address your selected national healthcare issue/stressor.

The Assignment (3-4 Pages):

Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue

Develop a 3- to 4-page paper, written to your organization’s leadership team, addressing your selected national healthcare issue/stressor and how it is impacting your work setting. Be sure to address the following:

 Describe the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected and its impact on your organization. Use organizational data to quantify the impact (if necessary, seek assistance from leadership or appropriate stakeholders in your organization).

 Provide a brief summary of the two articles you reviewed from outside resources on the national healthcare issue/stressor. Explain how the healthcare issue/stressor is being addressed in other organizations.

 Summarize the strategies used to address the organizational impact of national healthcare issues/stressors presented in the scholarly resources you selected. Explain how they may impact your organization both positively and negatively. Be specific and provide examples.

Looking Ahead

The paper you develop in Module 1 will be revisited and revised in Module 2. Review the Assignment instructions for Module 2 to prepare for your revised paper.

Personal Class Design Project

Complete this assignment according to the following:

 Design a class that you would like to teach someday. The class must be at least 4 hours in length and must be multiple sessions. It can be four sessions of 1 hour each, or two sessions of 2 hours each, depending on your topic and target audience.

 Begin by describing the institution that is sponsoring the class (e.g., academic, hospital, or community agency). Include the philosophy of the sponsoring organization and how that will affect the course you are developing.

 Explain how you determined a need for this class (needs assessment).

 Write a one-paragraph description of the class.

 Identify the target audience.

 Identify the learning resources you will use for the class (textbooks or other resources).

 Write the program outcomes for the course and the learner objectives for each class session. Indicate which domains of learning are represented by each learner objective.

1500 words. It is intended that each student will develop a class that they can use in their selected area of education. You will complete this project in your next course, NUR-649E.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation

This assignment consists of both an interview and a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation.


Select a community of interest in your region. Perform a physical assessment of the community.

1. Perform a direct assessment of a community of interest using the ""Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment Guide.""

2. Interview a community health and public health provider regarding that person's role and experiences within the community.

Interview Guidelines

Interviews can take place in-person, by phone, or by Skype.

Develop interview questions to gather information about the role of the provider in the community and the health issues faced by the chosen community.

Complete the ""Provider Interview Acknowledgement Form"" prior to conducting the interview. Submit this document separately in its respective drop box.

Compile key findings from the interview, including the interview questions used, and submit these with the presentation.

PowerPoint Presentation

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 15-20 slides (slide count does not include title and references slide) describing the chosen community interest.

Include the following in your presentation:

1. Description of community and community boundaries: the people and the geographic, geopolitical, financial, educational level; ethnic and phenomenological features of the community, as well as types of social interactions; common goals and interests; and barriers, and challenges, including any identified social determinates of health.

2. Summary of community assessment: (a) funding sources and (b) partnerships.

3. Summary of interview with community health/public health provider.

4. Identification of an issue that is lacking or an opportunity for health promotion.

5. A conclusion summarizing your key findings and a discussion of your impressions of the general health of the community.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA format ting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance

Evidence Translation and Change

  Define evidenced informed practice. How can this be applied to your project proposal? Explain why evidenced informed practice is integral in effecting change.  

 What are the common barriers to evidence translation in addressing practice problems?

  How you involve your team and yourself in changes?

 What strategies might you adopt to be aware of new evidence? 


Use an APA style and a minimum of 200 words. Provide support from a minimum of at least three (3) scholarly sources. The scholarly source needs to be: 1) evidence-based, 2) scholarly in nature, 3) Sources should be no more than five years old (published within the last 5 years), and 4) an in-text citation. citations and references are included when information is summarized/synthesized and/or direct quotes are used, in which APA style standards apply. 

• Textbooks are not considered scholarly sources. 

• Wikipedia, Wikis, .com website,s or blogs should not be used.