Environmental studies: Earth science

Welcome to Samples pageRead carefully and DO NOT open a chat window. Send me a request please in this fourm. Thank you Write a brief description about a weekly environmental event. This can be a weather event, release of new research findings, environmental monitoring or measurement results, or other type of activity specifically related to: Earth science: Environmental studies. From 01/01/2016. There is a sample in the attachment, PLEASE do the same! The description will be a short paragraph, about 5-7 sentences long, that:(1) Describes the event,(2) Explains why it caught your attention,and(3) Explains how it relates to course content. (See the attachement please) There are two ppts YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT.  Just to help you understand the course and how to write:  The course provides you with a basic understanding of the Earth’s physical environment, including such major elements as the solar electromagnetic radiation that heats the planet and moves gases and liquids over the planet surface, and the flow of heat from the Earth’s interior that shows up in short-term features such as volcanoes and earthquakes and in long-term features such as the slow movement of continental plates across the upper layers of the Earth’s crust. Major topics include the Earth’s features, mapping the Earth’s surface, the Earth’s energy balance, weather and climate, ocean circulation, minerals and rocks, plate tectonics, weathering and mass wasting, hydrology, landform creation, and soils


All energy sources have drawbacks. Even the clean hydropower option has negative ramifications. Weigh those against the possible consequences of developing nuclear power, a controversial alternative to fossil fuels. Discuss the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster as well as the 20th century Chernobyl nuclear meltdown in drawing conclusions about risk versus reward of nuclear energy use.  The paper must be two to three pages in length and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least one scholarly resource other than the textbook to support your claims and subclaims. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar

Chemistry Discussion

Calculate the number of grams of sodium in 8.2 gof each sodium-containing food additive. NaCl

 (table salt)",Calculate the number of grams of sodium in 8.2 gof each sodium-containing food additive. NaCl (table salt)


Please show your work,"1. Calculate the energy in J requird to raise the temperature of 200g of ice from -5.5C to 110C at 1atm.2. C3H6 + H2-----><------C3H8                Keq ===7.4 X 10 to the 16 power (I had to write it out)2M propane gas reacts with 1M hydrogen gas to form propane gas. At equilibrium what concentration of hydrogen remains?3. A aqueous 5L salt solution contains 0.5kg of NaNO3. Calculate the melting point, boiling point, vapor pressure and osmotic pressure of the solution at 25C. Assume density of 1.0g/mL

Chemistry Discussion

,1)identify the research hypothesis and restate it2)what is the major issue at the heart of the publication3)what implications are embedded in the paper4)after reading what is the take home message5)what would be your advocacy for patience with some mention or implied chronic infectionNO CITED WORK NEEDEDTHIRD PERSONNO CITATIONSTHANK YOUAPA FORMAT

Chemistry Discussion

1Imagine a scenario in which you recently attended a friend's birthday dinner. From the food served at the dinner, list three menu items that might have been present.Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research on the menu items you selected. Based on your research, respond to the following:Identify the food groups that are represented in your menu items.Find out how many grams of protein, fat, and carbohydrate are present in a single serving of each item; then calculate the kilocalories that are present in each.Identify all the food groups that form a part of a balanced diet along with their sources.Assess the approximate amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrate that comprises a balanced diet in different body types. What are the effects of the consumption of each of these on the human body? Why?Discussion Question 2Kinetic energy causes disposition in the state of a substance. For instance, heat energy on a block of ice changes it first into water and finally into water vapor.Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research on kinetic energy and how energy requirements change. Based on your research, respond to the following:Describe the process that ice on Mount Everest goes through when being heated from 10o Fahrenheit to 305o Kelvin. Explain how the energy requirements change at different steps of the heating curve. What are the energy transfers that happen in the ice on Mount Everest?How might temperature changes in the human body have an impact on human health? (Use an example to help illustrate your understanding). The human body goes through various temperature changes during a single day. Would you agree? Would this mean that the temperatures are not normal? Also, study the various temperature states that are commonly called, for example, fever


1)Under what conditions can a good separation be achieved with a simple distillation?   2) Explain what effect each of the following mistakes would have on the success of a distillation. ) a. No boiling stones. b. The thermometer is positioned too high. C. The flask is strongly heated (high rate of heating) and the distillation occurs too quickly.      3) What is the trend between the boiling point difference of a two-component mixture and the number of theoretical plates required in a column? Based on this data, how many theoretical plates does a simple distillation column have?


Unsaturated hydrocarbons are generally more reactive (less stable) than saturated hydrocarbons. Which of the following organic compounds is the LEAST reactive?      Cyclohexane  CH2=CH-CH=CH2    CH3-C�? C-CH3    2-methylpropene

Fruit or Vegetable Content Discussion

- Please give your opinion and cited work,"Botanically, a fruit is a seed-bearing structure that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant, vegetables are all other plant parts, such as roots, leaves and stems. Peapods are one of the most common fruit that are mistakenly labelled as vegetables.  I always thought a pea was a veggie, but when you think about the ways in which a fruit/veggie is labeled. We grow pea plants from a dried pea which is the seed, so they have to be a fruit. Olives, aubergines and butternut squash also belong to the fruit family.  A tomato is always being debated as to fruit/veggie, but there are a lot of other fruits out there that are mistaken for veggies.  Some that my kids often question is the cucumber, pumpkin, avocado, and the pepper.  I had to think about the pepper for a while but botanically they are a fruit.  I use pepper mainly for seasoning foods that I cook.  I do not eat raw peppers. I am often confused by the rhubarb, I never had it, I was told it is not that great.  But I always assume it was a fruit, because it is used in peas so often, but botanically it is a vegetable. Only recently I was reading an article written by the Mayo clinic about eating more fruits and veggies. From a culinary standpoint, vegetables are less sweet, and served as part of the main dish. Fruits are more sweet and tart and are most often served as a dessert or snack. “Both fruits and vegetables can be made into juice for a refreshing beverage. Some fruits are ""grains"" or ""nuts"" or ""seeds"" and are served accordingly.” http://www.livescience.com/ http://www.mayoclinic.org/


In this assignment, you will conduct a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) analysis for the type of beverage you have selected, and for your company overall. As you work on the assignment, consider why you have chosen one type of non-alcoholic beverage over another and the reasons for that choice. As you complete your SWOT analysis, be sure to include external factors such as industry / market trends and competition, and internal factors such as your capabilities or abilities to reach certain market segments.Write a three to five (3-5) page paper, in which you:Create your revised NAB company name and explain its significance.Develop your revised company’s Mission Statement and provide a rationale for its components.Hints: Use the Statement of Mission template on pp. 72-73 on the course textbook: Successful Business Plan to aid your development. Click here for help accessing a specific page number in your eBook.Extracting appropriate information from the NAB company portfolio, where applicable. You should fill in other required items in the template using your personal preferences.Describe the trends in the non-alcoholic beverage industry, especially the specific type of beverage category you have chosen. Justify at least three (3) reasons why you have chosen this type of non-alcoholic beverage.Hints: Research and outline beverage industry trends. Consider the size and growth rate of the industry overall and the specific beverage type you have chosen. Use the worksheet in the course text (p. 88 | Past and Future Growth of Your Industry) to help you project the future growth rate. Consider the use of industry associations and search engines to find reliable, recent data.Choose one (1) strategic position from the course text (pp. 142–143) that you believe is the best strategic position for your company. Explain the approach you will use to implement this strategic position in order to distinguish your beverage from other non-alcoholic beverages.Provide an overview of your company’s distribution channels. Explain the manner in which your product will reach end users. Provide a rationale for your chosen method.Hints: For example, will you sell your beverage in grocery stores, restaurants, or sports venues? If so, describe the types of resellers and distributors who will sell to resellers and fulfill their orders. If you are attempting to sell direct-to-consumers, such as online via a monthly subscription, how will you manage warehousing / fulfillment / shipping?Outline at least three (3) types of risks (including any regulatory risks) that your business faces. Describe your company’s plan to mitigate such risk.Hints: You may refer to the types of risk listed in the course text (pp. 148–149) as well as any risks not listed in the text. Regulation weighs more heavily on beverage and food businesses than many other types of companies, so be certain to consider any regulatory risks your type of beverage faces. For example, what kind of regulation and / or risks are you likely to face if you make health claims about your beverage?Develop a SWOT analysis for your NAB company using the SWOT matrix worksheet in the course text (p. 153 | SWOT: Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats)Hints: What are your company’s likely strengths? Have you chosen a beverage segment that is growing and lacks an entrenched competitor? Are you in a niche market that has great potential? What are the strengths that you and other team members bring to your company? Do you or other team members have previous experience in the food and beverage industry?Hints: What are your company’s likely weaknesses? Is the competition in your industry segment entrenched? Is your own management team inexperienced? Will it be challenging to actually produce your product and maintain quality?Hints: What are your company’s opportunities? Does your segment have more demand than supply? Have larger corporations stopped serving smaller or niche markets that you could enter? Is a new market emerging because of demographics, immigration, changing tastes?Hints: What are your company’s threats? Is there a clear market leader that will be hard and expensive to displace? Are downward-pricing pressures in the segment making profit margins slim? Are there little or no barriers-to-entry for new competitors; if you have a novel idea that succeeds, can the competition easily enter your market? If you have a global aspect to your company, do factors such as currency fluctuations, political instability, offshoring or outsourcing pose threats?Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements:Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.Cite the resources you have used to complete the exercise. Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in the exercise.The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:Analyze the role of a company mission, vision, and objectives and the impact to business strategy.Describe strategic planning techniques used to formulate alternative strategies designed to achieve stated business goals.Analyze the external and internal environment for opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses that impact the firm’s competitiveness.Use technology and information resources to research issues in strategic management.Write clearly and concisely about strategic management using proper writing mechanics.