
The objective of assignment is to provide a power point presentation about vaccines including the Flu vaccine in the pediatric population. The primary goal as an FNP is to educate parents about the importance of vaccination, and understanding their beliefs and preference by being cultural sensitive in regards this controversial topic. 

The presentation must include a minimum of 8 slides with a maximum of 10 slides. This presentation must include a “Voice Presentation” and the following headings: Introduction, Clinical Guidelines EBP per CDC, Population and Risk Factors, Education, Conclusion.  APA 7 


Introduction (20%) Clearly identifiesthe topic and Establishes goals and objectives of presentation 

Risks Factors (10%) The population is identified and addressed as well the topic(s) and issue(s) 

Research Content EBP Clinical Guidelines Analysis (20%) Presents an insightful and through analysis of the issue (s) identified. Excellent Clinical guidelines 

 Body and Content (20)% Makes appropriate and powerful connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied. Very creative and Supports the information with strong arguments and evidence. Provided 8-10 slides *Voice attached in all slides. 

Education (10%) Presents detailed, realistic, and appropriate recommendations and education including parents/patient. 

Conclusion (10%) Excellent Conclusion clearly supported by the information presented 

 APA Including Grammar and Spelling (10%) Excellent used of the APA guidelines and consistently cite sources. No grammar errors. References with 5 years.




1. Menstrual Cycle (How long, when is ovulation, temperature)

2. Amniotic Fluid (Function, index)

3. Fetal circulation (Umbilicus, Ductus Arteriosus)

4. Nagele’s Rule


6. Presumptive, Probable, Positive Pregnancy signs 

7. Fundal Height landmarks (12, 16, 22, 36, 40 weeks of gestation)

8. Linea Nigra, Lordosis

9. Folic Acid, Listeria Monocytogens, Kcal during breastfeeding, lbs to gain during pregnancy


11. Coomb’s Test, Dipstick, Biophysical Profile, Percutaneous umbilical sampling, Alpha Feto Protein, Amniocintesis 

12. Nonstress (Reactive, Nonreactive), Stress test (Positive or Negative)

13. Types of Abortions

14. Chorioamnionitis

15. Diabetes Mellitus/Gestational Diabetes

16. Disseminated Intravascular coagulation 

17. Ectopic Pregnancy

18. Hematoma

19. HIV/Hep B

20. Fetal Death in uterus

21. Hyditiform Mole

22. Hyperemesis Gravidarum

23. Gestational Hypertension

24. Preeclampsia/Eclampsia/ HELLP Syndrome

25. Tuberculosis

26. 4 P’s (Process of Labor)

27. Fetal Positions (where to detect the HR?)

28. Leopold’s Maneuver

29. True/False labor

30. Mechanisms of Labor

31. Stages of Labor, (Stations, Dilation, Effacement)

32. Premature Rapture of Membranes

33. Prolapsed Umbilical Cord

34. Placenta Previa

35. Abroptio Placenta

36. Supine Hypotension

37. Dystocia 

38. Rapture of the Uterus

39. Uterine Inversion

40. Lochias

41. Breast-Feeding Procedure

42. Uterine Atony

43. Breast Engorgement

44. Mastitis

45. Involution vs. Sub-involution

46. Perinatal Loss (Interventions, grieving process)


1. Tocolytics (Indomethacin, Nifedipine, Terbutaline)

2. Magnesium Sulfate (Eclampsia, Antidote, can also be used as tocolytic)

3. Betamethasone/Dexamethasone

4. Misoprostol

5. Oxytocin

6. Methylergonovine 

7. Hemabate

Conflict Resolution Model Submission

This week, you will identify the conflict resolution model for your research paper. To gain a more complete understanding, refer to the assignment details above and instructions before beginning this assignment.

Compose a one- to two-page paper that addresses the following:

 A description of the model

 The reason you selected this model over others

Format, cite, and reference according to APA Style.

To assist you, download the Conflict Resolution Table.(use the link for the table) 


List of Conflict Models( you can selected the model you want use from here)

 The Circle of Conflict model

 The Triangle of Satisfaction model

 The Boundary model

 The Interests/Rights/Power model

 The Dynamics of Trust model

 The Dimensions of Conflict model

 The Social Styles model

Discovering Relationships and Building Models

Describe how epidemiological data influences changes in health practices. Provide an example and explain what data would be necessary to make a chance in practice.


Discuss ways your organization uses technology to gather patient and health care information, and how this information and data are used to direct patient care and outcomes.


Discussion 250 words minimum and 3 references,"Choose a clinical nursing topic and find 3 credible websites and 2 suspect websites. Then, create a patient education handout on evaluating web sites for credibility. Be specific in your criteria and the support for the criteria chosen. The HON Code (Links to an external site.) can be utilized to evaluate websites. 

Resources related to Health Literacy:

Health Literacy Resource Guide.pdf

Equity in the Digital age 2013.pdf

NEJM Article on Health Illiteracy.pdf

Health Literacy Harvard.pdf

Evidence-Based Practice Guideline

Write a fully developed and detailed APA essay addressing each of the following points/questions. There is no required word count; be sure to completely answer all the questions for each question in detail. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Sources are not required; however, if sources are used make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay and complete a reference page. The cover page is required. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Utilize the databases identified in the text to locate an Evidence-Based Practice Guideline, related to your topic identified in Module 1. Perform a rapid critical appraisal of the Evidence-Based Guideline by answering the following questions in APA format. All questions should be answered in detail and explanations offered according to guideline content when applicable.


 Who were the guideline developers?

 Were the developers of the guideline representative of key stakeholders in this specialty (inter-disciplinary)?

 Who funded the guideline development? 

 Were any of the guideline developers funded researchers of the reviewed studies?

 Did the team have a valid development strategy?

 Was an explicit (how decisions were made), sensible, and impartial process used to identify, select, and combine evidence?

 Did its developers carry out comprehensive, reproducible literature review within the past 12 months of its publication/revision?

 Were all important options and outcomes considered?

 Is each recommendation in the guideline tagged by the level/strength of evidence upon which it is based and linked to the scientific evidence?

 Do the guidelines make explicit recommendations (reflecting value judgments about the outcomes)?

 Has the guideline been subjected to peer review and testing?

 Is the intent of use provided (i.e. national, regional, local)?

 Are the recommendations clinically relevant?

 Will the recommendations help me in caring for my patients?

 Are the recommendations practical/feasible? Are resources (people and equipment) available?

 Are the recommendations a major variation from current practice? Can the outcomes be measured through standard care?

Be sure to include the database from which the guideline was obtained and please submit a copy of the guideline with your paper.

Your APA formatted paper fully answer each question in complete sentences.

Assignment Expectations:

Length: Clearly and fully answer all questions; include database; attach a copy of the guideline

Structure: Include a title page and reference page (if sources were used) in APA format. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. No minimum sources are required for this assignment; if sources are used APA format is required

Culturally Competent Care for Native Americans

Based on the readings, viewing the online materials & resources on the Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources page, and your own experience, what strategies would you recommend encouraging culturally competent care of Native Americans? 

Read and watch the lecture resources & materials below early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).

(Note: The citations below are provided for your research convenience. Students should always cross reference the current APA guide for correct styling of citations and references in their academic work.)


Ritter, L.A., Graham, D.H. (2017). Multicultural Health (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

ISBN: 9781284021028

Chapter 8

 Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

Local Practice Problem Exploration

· From a local perspective, how does the practice problem impact nurses, nursing care, healthcare organizations, and the quality of care being provided?

· Identify the local key stakeholders related to the selected practice problem.

· Describe one approach used at your unique setting to address this problem. From your perspective, is this intervention effective in addressing the problem? Why or why not? If this practice problem is not addressed at your workplace, propose an intervention that could be implemented on a local scale to address the problem.

In Skagit County, WA, where I live and work, the prevalence of obesity is on the rise. According to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (2020), in 2012, the prevalence of obesity was 36.48% for women in Skagit county, 34.81% in Washington, and 33.85% in the U.S. For males, in Skagit county, the prevalence was 33.79%, 33.6% for Washington, and 33.85% for the U.S. This means that more than 1/3 of the population in my area is obese. This is not just a health problem felt by the individual, but repercussions are noted within the entire realm of health care.

Obesity itself is an epidemic. But there are many co-morbidities that accompany obesity such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney disease, cancer, and respiratory illnesses. In obstetrics, obesity often leads to pregnancy-induced hypertension, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia/eclampsia, and thromboembolisms. The risks are higher for cesarean section, failed induction, and other delivery complications such as shoulder dystocia (Cochrane, 2019). These threaten the lives of both mother and baby. Because care for obese patients is more complex, they are at a very high risk of developing pressure ulcers and wound infections (Hahler, 2002). Simple acts of getting out of bed, mobilization, and even changing the bed linens require the help of at least 2 or more nurses. This is not just to protect the nurses from physical injury, but to also avoid adverse events such as patient falls. In a recent study, it was concluded that there must be an increase in nursing staff in order to provide adequate care to the ever-increasing obese patient population (Carrara, et al., 2016). Therefore, the nursing staff is overworked, especially on Med/Surg units where nurse-to-patient ratios are 1:6. In addition, if one of those 6 patients requires 70% of the nurse’s time, patient care for the other 5 will suffer. This will lead to adverse events such as falls, medication errors, and death which can end up costing the hospital large amounts of money in litigation. Morale in the nursing unit will decrease leaving many unhappy nurses who are burnt out. It is important that more nurses be hired to accommodate the growing numbers of obese patients. This will also cost money for the health care organization as the amount of reimbursement will not increase.

The key stakeholders in all this are first and foremost the patient and family. The poor health of yourself or a loved one can cause great stress to all those involved. And it is important that they receive high-quality health care. Those participants in the micro-, meso-, and macrosystems are all stakeholders. This includes nurses and other clinicians who work at the bedside, middle management, upper management and administration, and board of directors of the health care organization. Even further, leaders at the local level, such as politicians, lobbyists, clergy, and public health officials can help create and support local health initiatives in the community (Folta, et al., 2015).

As discussed earlier, obesity has many negative implications in pregnancy. Therefore, it is important, that as providers, we address this problem during the first intake visit and at every subsequent prenatal visit. When the patient meets with the nurse at approximately 8 weeks gestation, they discuss BMI and appropriate weight gain throughout the pregnancy. If the patient is obese, a referral to the nutritionist is ordered along with first-trimester glucose screening and TSH. The nurse also informs the provider to update the problem list to indicate a high-risk pregnancy. Whether or not this is an effective means to control obesity in pregnancy remains to be seen. Most women welcome the referral to nutrition because they want to take an active part in the health of the pregnancy. Also, they usually adopt a more nutritious diet when pregnant. There are still those women who refuse to follow up appropriately or, follow provider recommendations. And because I practice in a rural setting, transportation issues are prominent.

Carrara, F., Zanei, S., Cremasco, M., & Whitaker, I. (2016). Outcomes and Nursing Workload Related to Obese Patients in the Intensive Care Unit. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 35, pp 45-51.

Cochrane, L., Brumpton, K., Winter, S., Bell, K., Brunham, H., Wadwell, K., & Kitchener, S. (2019). Prevalence and Outcomes of Overweight and Obesity among Pregnant Women in Rural Queensland. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 27, pp 164-169.

Folta, S., Koomas, A., Metayer, N., Fullerton, K., Hubbard, K., Anzman-Frasca, S., Hofer, T., Nelson, M., Newman, M., Sacheck, J., & Economos, C. (2015). Engaging Stakeholders from Volunteer-Leg Out-of-School Time Programs in the Dissemination of Guiding Principles for Healthy Snacking and Physical Activity. Preventing Chronic Disease, 12, pp 1-7.

Hahler, B. (2002). Morbid Obesity: A Nursing Care Challenge. Dermatology Nursing, 14(4), pp 249-256.

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. (2020). US health. http://www.healthdata.org/us-health



Choose one health-promoting behavior in which you personally could but don’t engage. Identify factors, as defined in the health promotion model, which contribute to your decision not to participate. Include immediate competing alternatives.

2. Analyze factors that contribute to your participation in a health-promoting activity and place each factor under the appropriate label from the health promotion model.

3. Consider your own philosophy of health and prepare your description of wellness. Is absence of disease more prominent than positive, active statements of health?

4. Anticipate the health-promoting behaviors important at various stages of development across the life span. What health promotion topics do you include in your practice?

Nursing Care of Physiologic and Psychologic Disorders PowerPoint Presentation

Discuss the Nursing care of age-related Physiologic or Psychologic Disorder.


 Present the age-related Physiologic or Psychologic Disorder

Choose from one: Integumentary function, Urinary function, Musculoskeletal function or Endocrine function.

 Describe the age-related changes and common problems and conditions.

 Summarize the nursing management appropriate for your Physiologic or Psychologic Disorder chosen


Submission Instructions:

 Presentation is original work and logically organized. 

 Followed current APA format including citation of references.

 Power point presentation with 4-6 slides were clear and easy to read. Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.

 Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

 Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style.