
A condition/medication template will be provided. Conditions will be given for each system. You will identify one drug/medication to treat each condition and give full details for that medication on the template provided here.







Part II

Answer the following questions.

1. Describe the risk factors for hypocalcemia.

2. Describe osteoporosis.

3. Describe the treatment for abnormal calcium levels.

4. Describe osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Describe the treatment for arthritis.

6. Describe gout, including its risk factors and treatment.

7. Describe the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, and corticosteroids for bone and joint inflammation.

8. Describe phantom limb pain and its treatmen

Part III


When I attended elementary school back in the late 80's, it was not uncommon for the school nurse to visit classrooms and check children's hair for head lice. If the nurse did detect head lice on an individual they would be sent home until successfully treated in order to not spread head lice to other children. It seems that in this day in age checks and restrictions for children with headlice have became much more relaxed. Please follow the link and read the article.


Now answer the question: Should kids with head lice be allowed at school?

Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation

Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation

Program/policy evaluation is a valuable tool that can help strengthen the quality of programs/policies and improve outcomes for the populations they serve. Program/policy evaluation answers basic questions about program/policy effectiveness. It involves collecting and analyzing information about program/policy activities, characteristics, and outcomes. This information can be used to ultimately improve program services or policy initiatives.

Nurses can play a very important role assessing program/policy evaluation for the same reasons that they can be so important to program/policy design. Nurses bring expertise and patient advocacy that can add significant insight and impact. In this Assignment, you will practice applying this expertise and insight by selecting an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation and reflecting on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program/policy.

To Prepare:                                                                                                  

 Review the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template provided in the Resources.

 Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of interest to you.

 Review community, state, or federal policy evaluation and reflect on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program or policy described.

The Assignment: (2–3 pages)

Based on the program or policy evaluation you selected, complete the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template. Be sure to address the following:

 Describe the healthcare program or policy outcomes.

 How was the success of the program or policy measured?

 How many people were reached by the program or policy selected?

 How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?

 At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted?

 What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?

 What specific information on unintended consequences was identified?

 What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.

 Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?

 Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not?

 Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after 1 year of implementation.

By Day 7 of Week 10

Submit your completed healthcare program/policy evaluation analysis.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

 Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK10Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.

 Click the Week 10 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.

 Click the Week 10 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.

 Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK10Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.

 If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.

 Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

 Due to the nature of this assignment, your instructor may require more than 5 days to provide you with quality feedback.

Research and organize literature for the Interdisciplinary paper

Incorporate health outcomes of the health promotion, detection of disease and disease prevention. Organize an interdisciplinary plan of care for your client and the delivery of safe and effective care. Choose a disease process and apply standards that are evidenced based which help support for the protection of your client.

 Incorporate concepts from Care of the Aging book-Gerontological Nursing and Healthy Aging (Toughy & Jett, 2018). 

Paper should be 3 pages not including title and reference page.  

Paper should follow APA guidelines with a minimum of 5 references within 5 years span

Post-Policy Assessment

Locate a policy that has been implemented by the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia in an effort to improve health.

Draft a post-policy assessment to determine whether the policy is effective and how it might be improved. Be sure to include the following information in your substantive evaluation:

 Identify the policy;

 The goals of the policy;                                                                                                                                                               

 Any interventions required of the policy;

 Positive and negative results of the policy, including whether the goals are being met;

 Metrics used to determine the results; and

 Recommendations for improving the policy.

Your report should meet the following structural requirements:

 Be five to six pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.

 Be formatted according to Saudi Electronic University and APA writing guidelines.

 Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of three scholarly articles. One of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but the others must be external.

 Utilize headings to organize the content in your work.

Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two qualitative research studies. Use the ""Research Critique Guidelines – Part 1"" document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide rationale, include examples, and reference content from the studies in your responses.

Use the practice problem and two qualitative, peer-reviewed research article you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment.

In a 1,000 word essay, summarize two qualitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Community Teaching Plan

) Minimum 1 Poster Presentation and minimum 8 full pages- Not words

              Part 1: Minimum 1 Poster Presentation in PPT and 5 pages

              Part 2: 3 pages


Submit 1 document per part

2)¨******APA norms

          All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraphs

          Bulleted responses are not accepted

          Dont write in the first person 

          Dont copy and pase the questions.

          Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

         Submit 1 document per part

3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks) 

********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

4) Minimum 7 references per part not older than 5 years

5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question.


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX

6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering: 


Part 1.doc 

Part 2.doc 


Part 1: 

You must demonstrate empathic writing to develop the points. The titles are points 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Its writing should be fluid as an essay addressing the items of each point.



Place: The palace at home

Location: Miami

Population: Elderly

Attention focus: Problem Focused

Problem: Hypertension

Guide for Poster Presentation:

Avoid using text more than for headlines. Use icons, stickers, images....... You should address the following items to educate an older population about hypertension: 

1. 3 Risk factors (For example, hereditary hypertension)

2. 3 Protective factors (For example, exercise)

3. 3 prevention mechanisms (For example, low salt diet)

4. 3 Control mechanisms (For example, medical controls)

5. Education: secondary and primary hypertension

6. Signs and symptoms

Guide for the paper:

Suppose that you have already done the pedagogical process in the institution mentioned above using the poster that you designed, now in the paper reflect your experiences as a nurse educator.

1) Summary of teaching plan

a. The nurse used a Poster Presentation to inform the elderly about the prevention Hypertension:

    - Mention the advantages of the presentation poster and why it was selected

b. Mention the importance of teaching elders about the prevention of Hypertension.

c. Mention the objective of educating the elderly about the prevention of Hypertension.

d. Mention why this population should be the teaching focus of the nurse

2) Epidemiological rationale for topic

Hypertension in the elderly

3) Evaluation of teaching experience

a. Mention how you felt doing this education process for this community.

b. Evaluate your performance as a nurse to address the issue

c. Consider improvement opportunities for future activities

4) Community response to teaching

The population responded positively, were participatory and addressed the issue based on their experiences.

5) Areas of strengths and areas of improvement

You must demonstrate empathic writing to develop the points. The titles are points 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Its writing should be fluid as an essay addressing the items of each point.

Part 2 :

 1 page: As you finish this course, your philosophy of nursing has probably changed. 

1. As a final review, polish your philosophy of nursing (See file Personal nursing philosophy) based on your newly acquired knowledge.

2 pages: Write a summary reflection answering the following questions based on the readings and discussions throughout the course:

1. As an art and a science, how has your personal nursing philosophy unfolded?

2. Have there been ideas that have challenged your personal values or assumptions?

3. Have there been ideas that have caused you personal conflict and may lead to deconstructing those dispositions in a critical manner?

4. What actions have you taken that illustrate your personal nursing philosophy?

5. Describe your own definition of the concepts involving the meta-paradigm of nursing.

6. Has your first written philosophy of nursing changed? In what ways?

Psychotherapy With group

When selecting a psychotherapeutic approach for a client, you must consider the unique needs and characteristics of that particular client. The same is true when selecting a psychotherapeutic approach for groups. Not every approach is appropriate for every group, and the group’s unique needs and characteristics must be considered. For this Assignment, you examine psychotherapeutic approaches to group therapy for addiction. 

In a 3-page paper, address the following:

 Identify the psychotherapeutic approach that the group facilitator is using and explain why she might be using this approach.

 Determine whether or not you would use the same psychotherapeutic approach if you were the counselor facilitating this group and justify your decision.

 Identify an alternative approach to group therapy for addiction and explain why it is an appropriate option.

 Support your position with evidence-based literature.

PLs use this references with any additional one of ur choice


Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice. New York, NY: Springer.

Chapter 16, “Psychotherapeutic Approaches for Addictions and Related Disorders” (pp. 565–596)

Laureate Education (Producer). (2013d). Levy family: Sessions 1-7 [Video file]. Baltimore, MD; Author. 

Allyn & Bacon (Producer). (2000). Motivational interviewing [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA: Psychotherapy.net

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

It is a 3-pages essay in APA format (excluding title and citation pages) about my own personal philosophy of 4 metaparadigm concepts of client, health, nurse, and environment. All the information required is in the guideline and rubric

Medical Assignment

Please provide proper APA citation of your references. DO NOT COPY WORD FOR WORD (this includes both text book and all other forms of media- paraphrase and cite your reference). Remember to include a reference sheet with you references list IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER.

1. In your own words explain the purpose for using theory to develop community based health interventions. (This is not a one or two sentence answer. I am looking for a solid explanation, utilizing references, of why we use theory).

2. In your own words, describe the relationship between theoretical constructs and intervention activities. (This is not a one or two sentence answer. I am looking for a complete discussion of the interactions of theoretical constructs and intervention activities).

3. In your own words discuss the difference between primary and secondary data. (This is not a one or two sentence answer. Your response should demonstrate a complete understanding of the terms and must include examples... DO NOT USE EXAMPLES FROM THE TEXT BOOK!!!).

4. State and describe a specific priority population for whom an internet-based survey would be appropriate (notice I said describe not simply list). Why do you think it would work with this group (be complete in your response)? What research and/or statistics support your claim (this can be addressed with a simple web search. Do not forget to reference)? I am looking for a logical response to this question. Do not simply put something down without having firm evidence to support.

Each answer must contain 150 word answer minimum.

due in 8 hours

Early onset Schizophrenia

Childhood psychosis is extremely rare; however, children that present with psychosis must be carefully assessed and evaluated with appropriate interviewing of parent, child, and use of assessment tools.

For this Assignment, as you examine the client case study in this week’s Learning Resources, consider how you might assess and treat clients presenting with early onset schizophrenia.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

 Evaluate clients     for treatment of mental health disorders

 Analyze     decisions made throughout diagnosis and treatment of clients with mental     health disorders

The Assignment:

Examine Case 3: ( Case study in required media below) You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the diagnosis and treatment for this client. Be sure to consider co-morbid physical as well as mental factors that might impact the client’s diagnosis and treatment.

At each Decision Point, stop to complete the following:

 Decision #1: Differential     Diagnosis


     Which Decision      did you select?

     Why did you      select this Decision? Support your response with evidence and references      to the Learning Resources.

     What were you      hoping to achieve by making this Decision? Support your response with      evidence and references to the Learning Resources.

     Explain any      difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #1 and the      results of the Decision. Why were they different?



 Decision #2: Treatment Plan     for Psychotherapy


     Why did you      select this Decision? Support your response with evidence and references      to the Learning Resources.

     What were you      hoping to achieve by making this Decision? Support your response with      evidence and references to the Learning Resources.

     Explain any      difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #2 and the      results of the Decision. Why were they different?



 Decision #3: Treatment Plan     for Psychopharmacology


     Why did you      select this Decision? Support your response with evidence and references      to the Learning Resources.

     What were you      hoping to achieve by making this Decision? Support your response with      evidence and references to the Learning Resources.

     Explain any      difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #3 and the      results of the decision. Why were they different?



 Also include how     ethical considerations might impact your treatment plan and communication     with clients and their families.

Note: Support your rationale with a minimum of three academic resources. While you may use the course text to support your rationale, it will not count toward the resource requirement.

 Required Readings

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

· “Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders”

McClellan, J., & Stock, S. (2013). Practice parameter for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with schizophrenia. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 52(9), 976–990. Retrieved from http://www.jaacap.com/article/S0890-8567(13)00112-3/pdf

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2017b). A young girl with strange behaviors [Multimedia file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.