
The Tio Tino,"DUE Saturday 01/30/2016 by 10:00 am (Pacific Time Zone) Chemistry: Metals and Civilization  Much of the mineral wealth for the Romans Empire came from the astoundingly rich deposits at Rio Tino (called Tartessus by the Romans) in what today is Spain. It had a colorful history even before then. Long after the Romans left, it was reopened. The silver mines of Laurion were vital to the growth of Athens as a city-power and allowed the flourishing of the Greek culture. What to do: The history of Rio Tinto (pre-Phoenician {Tartessian}; Phoenician; Carthaginian; Roman). How to do it:Short easy. Then an outline (from the short easy) and a short description of the bullet points in your outline that clarifies you bullet points. Bullet points by themselves are insufficient but a single sentence will do. I do not want more than a single page of material. Also note that you must include the web addresses of your references In the attachment you will find a file with some useful references which you could you, but you have to cite anything you use in the paper

Fruit or Vegatables?

Please give your opinion to the article as well as cited work,"Many are often confused as to what is a ""fruit"" or what is a ""vegetable"". I often can be confused myself because you think of fruit to be a sweet and juicy taste and vegetables to be bitter, not tasty and of course green.Many that can be mistaken are tomatoes, avocados, pumpkin, cucumbers. Fruit is grouped together by seeds, flower of the plant and vegetables are grouped together by roots, leaves and stems.Also when shopping I find pepper, cucumber and tomatoes which are considered to be fruit, can be found mixed in by the vegetable section. I think that could a reason I automatically think of vegetable. They are considered a fruit because of seeds. Also when I think of fruit i think of sweet tasty desserts, picking an apple or peach from a tree, fruit pies, cold sliced watermelon in the summer. When I think of vegetables I think of what could be in a main dish, or a side of a main meal. I think of more savory or bitter tasting foods. No matter how you describe what is a fruit or what is a vegetable they both have great nutritional value and are healthy for us to eat.

Radioactivity and Radiation

Read the Purpose, Background, Materials, and Safety First sections of Experiment 52 in...","4.4.3 Lab: Radioactivity and RadiationDry Lab Points possible: 50Date: ____________  Overview (pgs. 311-312)Read the Purpose, Background, Materials, and Safety First sections of Experiment 52 in the Prentice Hall Chemistry: Laboratory Manual.Pre-Lab QuestionsComplete the pre-lab questions for this lab and submit them to your instructor or online instructor.Procedure (pgs. 312-313)Read the procedures for Geiger counter measurements.Observations (pgs. 314-315)Data Table 1: Effect of Distance on Radiation IntensityDistance from Source (cm)Radiation Intensity (cpm)4228288313321Transfer these measurements to the data sheet.Data Table 2: Effect of Shielding on Radiation IntensityShielding MaterialRadiation Intensity (cpm) Source: 14C Radiation type: βRadiation Intensity (cpm) Source: 137Cs Radiation type: β, γnone12841462paper11401458wood8621410aluminum4121326glass3631302lead241265cotton fabric10541445plastic11621452 Data Table 3: Effect of Time on Radiation Exposure (Source: 137Cs)Time (min)Total Counts113685684030408006081600Analyses and Conclusions (pg. 316)Answer questions 1 - 5 and ""Going Further"" in the lab manual using the data and observations provided above.#1. A Geiger counter is used for the detection and measurement of all types of radiation: alpha, beta and gamma radiation. It consists of a pair of electrodes surrounded by a gas. #3. Lead was the best shielding material.4. When you double the distance from a radioactive source, the energy at that distance decreases by a factor of four. So the counts per minute should also decrease by a factor of four.5. To a significant extent, yes. Radiation is not like poison, in that you can ""consume"" some and it can do damage to you later, at leisure. For the most part, radiation does its damage immediately (although the effects may only be felt over time), and it begins when you begin exposure, and then goes on until you stop. The longer you're exposed, the more damage. It's just like the fact that you get wetter the longer you stand in the rain. Generally, the harm radiation does harm you, if it is harmful at all, it’s proportional to the total energy you absorb, and that is equal to the intensity of the radiation multiplied by the length of time to which you are exposed to it. Develop a Hypothesis:Based on the results of this lab, develop a hypothesis to explain why the radiation from the 14C source could be shielded more effectively than the radiation from the 137Cs source. What do your results suggest about the decay mode of each radioactive isotope?   


Coal gasification electric power plants are now operating commercially in the United States and in other nations. This technology produces clean-burning hydrogen that can be transferred to customer facilities by pipeline. Hydrogen can also be transported in bulk by highway or rail.If there is a spill of liquid hydrogen, why will it likely burst into flame spontaneously?Why do experts recommend the use of a thermal-imaging camera for detecting a hydrogen leak from a pipe fitting connected to a steel cylinder of hydrogen?Your total response must be at least 200 words in length. Coal is mined worldwide for use mainly at power plants to generate electricity.Discuss why coal in a crushed, granulated, or pulverized form spontaneously combusts? In addition, what health effects are associated with coal dust?Another form of carbon is activated carbon. Discuss what activated carbon is, and provide at least two of its industrial or medical applications.Your total response must be at least 200 words in length


Welcome to Samples pageReaction 2 uses 0.600 mol/L of reactant. How many times faster is Reaction 2 compared to Reaction 1?

Express your answer as a...",Reaction 2 uses 0.600 mol/L of reactant. How many times faster is Reaction 2 compared to Reaction 1?


Consider the reactants of the reaction equation for the formation of the nitronium ion. What two conditions would result in the most active nitrating...,"Consider the reactants of the reaction equation for the formation of the nitronium ion. What two conditions would result in the most active nitrating mixture? Hint: Consider Le Chatelier's PrincipleWhy are powerfully electrophilic reagents needed to react with aromatic compounds?Why is the methyl dinitrobenzoate product less favorable than the mononitration product?What are two reasons the carbomethoxy group is a meta director.Name the three possible side products of the reaction and state how they are removed.Considering the possible side-products of the reaction, why was it necessary to keep the reaction temperature below 15.C?


1. How much heat is released when 94 grams of water is heated from 30.0° C to 39.0° C,1. How much heat is released when 94 grams of water is heated from 30.0° C to 39.0° C


Distinguish between extensive and intensive properties.give three examples of each,Distinguish between extensive and intensive properties.give three examples of each


Complete the three reactions shown below that are taking place throughout the experiment. Li2CO3+ H3C6H5O7-> Na2CO3+ H3C6H5O7-> K2CO3+ H3C6H5O7->,Complete the three reactions shown below that are taking place throughout the experiment. pleas balance them. Li2CO3+ H3C6H5O7-> Na2CO3+ H3C6H5O7-> K2CO3+ H3C6H5O7-&gt

Chemical Engineering

1.    Phosgene gas is widely used in chemical processing for a variety of materials. Phosgene can be made by the catalytic reaction between CO and chlorine gas in the presence of a carbon catalyst. The chemical reaction is CO+Cl2===>COCl2 Suppose that you have measured the reaction products from a given reactor and found that they contained 3.00 moles of chlorine, 10.00 moles of phosgene, and 7.00 mols of CO. Calculate the extent of reaction, and using that value, determine the initial amounts of CO and Cl2 that were used in the reaction.