Respond to this discussion post. Do not argue. Do not repeat what the writer already has. Either agree or disagree with valid points. Add points . One page with 2 citations. LEARNING OBJECTIVE is below the discussion.    


   Psychometric Properties of the Quality-of-Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire

 The Quality-of-life enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LES-QSF) was founded in 1993, and it is a self-reporting tool that was developed to help researchers put together sensitive information during an interview process. (MAPI Research Trust,2018). There are two versions for the Q-LESQSF, A regular version, and a short-form version which is used to measure how much enjoyment and satisfaction is experienced by individuals on a daily basis in different areas of functioning (Petrović-Kitić & Janković, 2017). The short form of the questionnaire is made up of 16 questions but, only 14 are used to determine how satisfied individuals are with various areas of their life, including how pleased they are with their medications (Endicott et al., 1993). With that information, it is clear that the efficacy of psychopharmacological medications can be measured as to the degree of patient satisfaction.

 With the designer of the Q-LES-QSF, a research study was tried on a group of depressed patients which revealed that the measures might be sensitive to significant differences amongst the subjects that were not detected by other screenings tools which were implemented (Endicot et al., 1993). Based on the result of the study, the QLES-QSF was classified reliable and valid to measure the degree of enjoyment and satisfaction experienced by the patients in various areas of daily functioning (Endicott et al.,1993). In addition to the above research, another research study using observational and cross-sectional research methods were implemented along with the Q-LES-QSF short form to measure the clinical conditions of patients with schizophrenia; the results proved that the Q-LES-QSF was an appropriate, valid and reliable assessment tool for individuals who have been diagnosed with a mental illness (Petrović-Kitić & Janković, 2017).

 The number one reason for using screening tools in a mental health setting is to obtain helpful assessment information to supplement the data obtained during the interview process (Wheeler, 2014). The second reason is that screening tools are very valuable when critical, sensitive and problem areas need to be identified for psychotherapeutic focus and/or to form a differential diagnosis (Wheeler, 2014). Thirdly, using the quality-of-life scale during an initial consultation, when baseline measures are generated, is paramount, as it is useful in observing changes over time, measuring outcomes of psychotherapy, and justifying the treatment plan and its efficacy (Wheeler, 2014). Lastly, the Q-LESQSF screening tool is appropriate to measure the quality of life in clients with both medical and mental disorders (MAPI Research Trust, 2018).     References Endicott J, Nee J, Harrison W, & Blumenthal R. (1993). Quality of Life Enjoyment and

 Satisfaction Questionnaire: A new measure. Psychopharmacology Bulletin,

 1993(29), 321-326. Retrieved from


MAPI Research Trust (2018). Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LESQ). Retrieved from

 enjoyment and-satisfaction-questionnaire

Petrović-Kitić, A. & Janković, S. (2017). Translation, cultural adjustment, and evaluation of

 reliability and validity of “Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction

 Questionnaire – short form” for patients with schizophrenia. Acta Facultatis Medicae

 Naissensis. 34(1), 35-42.

Wheeler, K. (Eds.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing


 Assessment and Diagnosis of the Psychiatric Patient A sensitively crafted intake assessment can be a powerful therapeutic tool. It can establish rapport between patient and therapist, further the therapeutic alliance, alleviate anxiety, provide reassurance, and facilitate the flow of information necessary for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan. —Pamela Bjorklund, clinical psychologist Whether you are treating patients for physical ailments or clients for mental health issues, the assessment process is an inextricable part of health care. To properly diagnose clients and develop treatment plans, you must have a strong foundation in assessment. This includes a working knowledge of assessments that are available to aid in diagnosis, how to use these assessments, and how to select the most appropriate assessment based on a client’s presentation. This week, as you explore assessment and diagnosis of patients in mental health settings, you examine assessment tools, including their psychometric properties and appropriate uses. You also familiarize yourself with the DSM-5 classification system. Reference: Bjorklund, P. (2013). Assessment and diagnosis. In K. Wheeler (Ed.), Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.) (pp. 95–168). Springer Publishing Company. Learning Objectives Students will: • Evaluate elements of the psychiatric interview, history, and examination • Analyze psychometric properties of psychiatric rating scales • Justify appropriate use of psychiatric rating scales in advanced practice nursing Learning Resources Carlat, D. J. (2017). The psychiatric interview (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. • Chapter 34, Writing Up the Results of the Interview Sadock, B. J., Sadock, V. A., & Ruiz, P. (2015). Kaplan & Sadock’s synopsis of psychiatry (11th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.    • Chapter 5, Examination and Diagnosis of the Psychiatric Patient • Chapter 6, Classification in Psychiatry • Chapter 31, Child Psychiatry (Sections 31.1 and 31.2 only) American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (1995). Practice parameters for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents. American Psychiatric Association. (2016). Practice guidelines for the psychiatric evaluation of adults (3rd ed.). Sadock, B. J., Sadock, V. A., & Ruiz, P. (2017). Classification in psychiatry. In Kaplan and Sadock’s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry (4th ed., pp. 1–8). Wolters Kluwer. Sadock, B. J., Sadock, V. A., & Ruiz, P. (2017). Psychiatric interview, history, and mental status examination. In Kaplan and Sadock’s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry (4th ed., pp. 9–15). Wolters Kluwer. Sadock, B. J., Sadock, V. A., & Ruiz, P. (2017). Medical assessment and laboratory testing in psychiatry. In Kaplan and Sadock’s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry (4th ed., pp. 16–21). Wolters Kluwer.    Required Media (click to expand/reduce)  Getting Started With the DSM-5 This is not unlike what has occurred in the process of classifying mental disorders. A system that provides enough specificity to appropriately classify a large variety of mental disorders while also attempting to include all of the possible symptoms, many of which can change over time, is a daunting task when used by a variety of specialists, doctors, and other professionals with varied experience, cultures, expertise, and beliefs. The DSM has undergone many transformations since it was first published in 1952. Many of these changes occurred because the uses for the DSM changed. However, the greatest changes began with the use of extensive empirical research to guide the creation of the classification system and its continued revisions. In order to assess and diagnose patients, you must learn to use the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, usually abbreviated as the DSM-5, to render a diagnosis. In this second week of the course, you will examine how DSM-5 is organized and how clinicians use it to render diagnoses.  Review the Learning Resources this week, with special emphasis on viewing the Diagnostic Criteria video. This video explains the purpose and organization of the DSM-5 classification system, the purpose of the ICD-10 coding system, their relationship to one another, and the importance to the PMHNP role.  Discussion: The Psychiatric Evaluation and Evidence-Based Rating Scales Assessment tools have two primary purposes: 1) to measure illness and diagnose clients, and 2) to measure a client’s response to treatment. Often, you will find that multiple assessment tools are designed to measure the same condition or response. Not all tools, however, are appropriate for use in all clinical situations. You must consider the strengths and weaknesses of each tool to select the appropriate assessment tool for your client. For this Discussion, as you examine the assessment tool assigned to you by the Course Instructor, consider its use in psychotherapy. To Prepare: • Review this week's Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide regarding psychiatric assessment and diagnosis. • Consider the elements of the psychiatric interview, history, and examination. • Consider the assessment tool assigned to you by the Course Instructor. By Day 3 of Week 2 Post a brief explanation of three important components of the psychiatric interview and why you consider these elements important. Explain the psychometric properties of the rating scale you were assigned. Explain when it is appropriate to use this rating scale with clients during the psychiatric interview and how the scale is helpful to a nurse practitioner’s psychiatric assessment. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

Market Advertisement

For your Competency Discussion, review two or three online advertisements for healthcare products or services with which you are familiar in your professional or personal experience.

Next, consider the target market on which the online advertisements are focused. Then, reflect on how well the advertisement explains the features and benefits of the product or service. Finally, think about the strategy used to market this product or service and whether you think it is effective including your rationale.

To begin this Competency and meet your required engagement, post in the Discussion area a brief description of at least one advertisement you reviewed for a healthcare product or service. Next, describe whether you think the advertisement successfully explained the benefits and features of the product or service. Finally, explain the strategy used to market the product or service, whether you think it is effective, and why you believe that to be the case

Prenatal Education

Explore several websites related to prenatal health education and complete the following: 

1. Provide the web address of one website that would be useful to you if you were preparing an educational program for expectant couples. Please be certain that it is a reputable site such as March of Dimes, CDC, NIH/other federal government site, or academic medical center. 

2. Describe the main focus or purpose of the information that is provided on this website. 

3. Explain why you believe the information provided on this website is based on science and not just on “opinion”. 

4. Give three reasons why you believe the information provided would be helpful in preparing an educational program for expectant parents. 

Assignment points will be based on covering all of the above information. Your assignment may not exceed one page and must be uploaded into the iCollege Dropbox feature in a Word file. Answers may NOT be typed into the blank box on the screen. Follow the rubric for the assignment

Budgeting process

Discuss a budgeting process that you have been involved in and describe the success or failure of that process. 

Budgeting in Healthcare

Provide a budget from a healthcare organization and describe and define each entry in the budget


A 50-year-old woman diagnosed with osteoporosis has requested information to better understand the disorder.


 Discuss the pathophysiology of osteoporosis

 What are the individual and lifestyle risk factors for osteoporosis?

Leadership Discussion

What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic values?

 Give an example of a belief system.

 Give an example of a ethical issues you have been involved in your workplace

Clinical Application: Case Study

a. Summarize the treatment being researched in the study and the results

b. Describe how you can use the results in the research to actual treatment in

the clinic

c. Discuss the strength /weakness of the research conducted.

Comparing Existential-Humanistic Therapy to Other Types of Therapy

Understanding the strengths of each type of therapy and which type of therapy is most appropriate for each client is an essential skill of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. In this Discussion, you will compare Existential-Humanistic therapy to a therapy you select from the previous weeks of this course. You will identify the strengths and challenges of each and describe a fictional client that you think is best suited for each.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

 Compare types of psychotherapy

To prepare:

 Review this week's Learning Resources

 Review this week’s media and consider the insights provided.

 Review the other types of psychotherapy presented in this course and select the one that resonates with you the most at this time

By Day 3

Post a summary of the psychotherapy that you selected and explain why it resonates with you the most at this time. Then compare the psychotherapy you selected with existential-humanistic therapy. What are the strengths and challenges of each type of psychotherapy? Describe a fictional client that you think would be best suited for the therapy you selected and one fictional client you think would be best suited for existential-humanistic therapy. Explain why.

Advanced Primary Care of Family Practicum

: End of Life initial post. Due initial post due week 4 of class, and two peer responses on week 5 and 6 of class

End-of-Life Care (including advanced directives, palliation) Topics to review: Article: Nurses roles and responsibilities Providing care and support at end of life. /endoflife-positionstatement.pdf

For your initial post/ threat choose 1 focal point from each subcategory of practice, education, research and administration and describe how the APRN can provide effective care in end of life management

Using the American nurses association position statement, recommendations for improvement in end of life management focuses on practice, education, research and administration. Listed below are steps that nurses can take to overcome barriers in healthcare practice.


1. Strive to attain a standard of primary palliative care so that all health care providers have basic knowledge of palliative nursing to improve the care of patients and families.

2. All nurses will have basic skills in recognizing and managing symptoms, including pain, dyspnea, nausea, constipation, and others.

3. Nurses will be comfortable having discussions about death, and will collaborate with the care teams to ensure that patients and families have current and accurate information about the possibility or probability of a patient’s impending death.

4. Encourage patient and family participation in health care decision-making, including the use of advance directives in which both patient preferences and surrogates are identified.


1. Those who practice in secondary or tertiary palliative care will have specialist education and certification.

2. Institutions and schools of nursing will integrate precepts of primary palliative care into curricula.

3. Basic and specialist End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) resources will be available.

4. Advocate for additional education in academic programs and work settings related to palliative care, including symptom management, supported decision-making, and end-of-life care, focusing on patients and families.


1. Increase the integration of evidence-based care across the dimensions of end-of-life care.

2. Develop best practices for quality care across the dimensions of end-of-life care, including the physical, psychological, spiritual, and interpersonal.

3. Support the use of evidence-based and ethical care, and support decision-making for care at the end of life.

4. Develop best practices to measure the quality and effectiveness of the counseling and interdisciplinary care patients and families receive regarding end-of-life decision-making and treatments.

5. Support research that examines the relationship of patient and family satisfaction and their utilization of health care resources in end-of-life care choices.


1. Promote work environments in which the standards for excellent care extend through the patient’s death and into post-death care for families.

2. Encourage facilities and institutions to support the clinical competence and professional development that will help nurses provide excellent, dignified, and compassionate end-of-life care.

3. Work toward a standard of palliative care available to patients and families from the time of diagnosis of a serious illness or an injury.

4. Support the development and integration of palliative care services for all in- and outpatients and their families.