
Answer to essay-200 words minimum (LD2),"write an answer based on this assignment. use at least 2 references but not the same that appears here. 

1. Describe a situation in which the nurse manager would use problem resolution in the workplace. Describe a situation in which the nurse manager would use negotiation to resolve a conflict (or potential conflict) in the workplace.    

Problem-solving skill is essential for any work environment. And the healthcare field is no exception. Especially for nurses who often deals with many people like, patients, doctors, other team members, patient’s families etc. While dealing with so many people and different variables, problems and disagreements arise. So, having a nurse manager that have leadership and conflict resolution skills is essential to help diffuse any adverse situation, and as a result, promoting a peaceful and friendly environment. Conflict often occurs in the hospital setting, especially between new nurses and more experienced staff. At one point, a family member expressed concern that a CNA was not attending the patient’s call lights in an acceptable time manner. I discussed and validated their concerns. In a private setting, I called the CNA aside and spoke with him about it. The CNA was very upset and felt it was not my place to tell him about it. The concerns of the family or the patient should never be dismissed. I spoke with the unit nurse manager to use the opportunity as a teaching moment. Healthcare providers are human, so it is normal for tensions to escalate at times. When that happens, it is the nurse manager duty to negotiate an acceptable solution, especially when the conflict is affecting patient care. Problem-solving is at the center of nursing practices and it is very important for nurses to improve their problem-solving skills to increase the patient care quality (Erol, Tanrikulu, Dikmen, & Akduran, 2016).

2. Compare and contrast strategies for resolving a conflict, using first the informal negotiation method and then the formal negotiation method. 

The process of resolving a conflict is a complex one that requires much careful thought beforehand and considerable skill in its implementation. The nurse manager must react knowing which are the sources of conflict, the mechanisms for their production and resolution. And more importantly, knowing how to solve them, whether in an active, regulatory or passive way.

It is essential to know that not all conflicts should be allowed to evolve without intervention. Poorly managed conflict and unresolved conflict have an influence on individuals, organizations, and, most importantly, patient outcomes (Johansen & Mary, 2012).

Handling conflict informally, as the name already says is basically trying to solve the problem in a more amicable and informal way. This approach entails, promoting communication, being a caring and effective listener, identify points of agreement and disagreement, development a plan for working each disagreement, and implementation of the plan.

Handling conflict in formal terms usually comes to place when all attempts to solve the conflict informally have failed. In this case employees can fille a formal complaint or claim that can be managed, either in court or through an extrajudicial resolution of conflicts, like mediation, conciliations etc.

3. Explore the American Nurses Association website for information on collective bargaining for nurses. Which states have nursing unions? Debate the issue of joining a union with another group of students. 

Collective bargaining involves a formal procedure governed by labor laws, such as the National Labor Relations Act in the United States. State that has union are California, New York, Florida, Texas, Minnesota, Hawaii, and Massachusetts.

4. PART 1: Log onto the website of your state nurses association and search for information on collective bargaining. Search for news articles, union websites, and other recent information on collective bargaining for nurses in your state. Is there a great deal of collective bargaining activity in your state? If not, why? If yes, what are the primary issues under discussion?

Florida is a right to work state; therefore, the right of an individual to work cannot be denied based on membership or non-membership in any labor union or organization. To ensure the orderly and uninterrupted operations and functions of government, Florida’s state employees do not have the right to strike.  Currently, there are seven labor organizations representing State Personnel System employees whose classes are assigned to one of 13 collective bargaining units.

PART 2: Review the pros and cons of becoming part of a collective bargaining unit. If you were a full-time staff nurse, would you want to join a union? Why or why not? 

Some nurses believe it is unprofessional to belong to a union. Others point out that physicians and teachers are union members and that the protections offered by a union outweigh the downside. The greatest disadvantage of using collective bargaining as a way to deal with conflict is that it clearly separates management-level people from staff-level people, often creating an adversarial relationship. Any nurses who make staffing decisions may be classified as supervisors and, therefore, may be ineligible to join the union, separating them from the rest of their colleagues


Erol, F., Tanrikulu, F., Dikmen, Y., & Akduran, F. (2016). Examination of problem-solving skills of nursing students in terms of some variables. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(3), 5460-5470. 

Johansen M., (2012). Keeping the peace: Conflict management strategies for nurse managers. From: https://journals.lww.com/nursingmanagement/fulltext/2012/02000/keeping_the_peace__conflict_management_strategies.13.aspx#O2-13-2

Whitehead, D. K., Weiss, S. A., & Tappen, R. M. (2009). Essentials of nursing leadership and management. F A Davis Company

Scope of Practice and Patient’s Healthcare Accessibility

Discuss your state NP community in terms of scope of practice. Include the your state’s scope of practice for NPs including: . Be sure that you carefully address each part of the assigned discussion, in full, with cited scholarly sources to support your statements. at least two paragraph each    My state is Maryland


     Level of independence of practice 

     Prescribing authority 

     Any limitations of practice 

     Process for obtaining licensure in your state 

     Certification and education requirements for licensure. 



 If you live in a restricted or reduced practice state, how has patient care been impacted in your local community from these barriers? For instance, is the ED used for primary care? Are the EDs overcrowded with long wait times? Are there urgent care clinics readily available? Is there adequate access to primary care? If you live in a full practice, how has independent practice of the APN resulted in improved patient access to healthcare?   

 How does access to NPs impacts any healthcare disparities? 

 Consider how patient care has been impacted in your local community by these practice barriers.


     For instance, is the ED used for primary care?

     Are the EDs overcrowded with long wait times?

     Are there urgent care clinics readily available?

     Is there adequate access to primary care?

     Are your rural communities adequately served?

     What healthcare limitations are present in your communities?



 Consider how unrestricted, independent practice of the APRN resulted in improved patient access to healthcare?

 Include in your discussion how access to NPs impacts any healthcare disparities. 


     Be sure you clearly understand the concept of ""health disparities"" as you address this portion of the discussion.



 As a reminder, all writing submitted should reflect graduate student quality and APA writing rules. All writing informed by outside sources should include APA formatted citations and associated scholarly, current references. Buppert, C. (2017). Nurse practitioner's business practice & legal guide (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett. 

 include outside references other than the book

 Chapter 8 - Risk Management

Letz, K. (2017). The NP guide: Essential knowledge for nurse practitioner practice. (3rd ed.). American College of Nurse Practitioner Faculty. Las Vegas, NV.

 Chapter 11 - Justifying and promoting the profession

Teitelbaum, J. B., & Wilensky, S. E. (2017). Essentials of health policy and law (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

 Chapter 13 - Public Health Preparedness policy


Health disparities are any difference in health outcomes between populations of people. Consider the impact of poverty, race, gender, disability etc. on various health outcomes. The goal of Healthy People 2020 was to eliminate health disparities and achieve health equity, thus improving health outcomes among all populations (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2020). 

Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) defines health disparity as:

    “a particular type of health difference that is closely linked with social, economic, and/or         environmental disadvantage. Health disparities adversely affect groups of people who have     systematically experienced greater obstacles to health based on their racial or ethnic            group; religion; socioeconomic status; gender; age; mental health; cognitive, sensory, or         physical disability; sexual orientation or gender identity; geographic location; or other           characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion"" (U.S. Department of             Health and Human Services, 2020).

The HP 2020 definition of health equity is as follows:

     “attainment of the highest level of health for all people. Achieving health equity requires         valuing everyone equally with focused and ongoing societal efforts to address avoidable         inequalities, historical and contemporary injustices, and the elimination of health and            health care disparities"" (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2020).

As you consider this week's discussion questions, be sure to review the information here, as you prepare your responses and interact with the discussion.

Here is an excellent podcast regarding the importance of the nurse in health equity efforts. 

Finally, please review this article  r/t the APRN's work in reducing health disparities. 

 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2020). Disparities. Retrieved from https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/about/foundation-health-measures/Disparities

Nutrition and Weight Status

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

An important role of nursing is to provide health promotion and disease prevention. Review the 2020 Topics and Objectives on the Healthy People website. Choose a topic of interest that you would like to address, in conjunction with a population at-risk for the associated topic. Submit the topic and associated group to your instructor for approval.

TOPIC SELECTED: Nutrition and Weight Status

Address the following:

Explain evidence-based approaches that can optimize health for this population. How do these approaches minimize health disparity among affected populations?

Create a 3 slide PowerPoint presentation for your topic. Include speaker notes and citations for each slide.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content

Closing the knowledge gap is an essential skill for the DNP practice scholar

. Reflect upon your application of evidence-based practice and professional formation to consider the following:,"Closing the knowledge gap is an essential skill for the DNP practice scholar. Reflect upon your application of evidence-based practice and professional formation to consider the following.

 What process do you employ to identify knowledge gaps in your nursing practice?

 What strategies will you use to overcome these knowledge gaps?

 As a leader in healthcare, how will you maximize others' potential as they overcome knowledge gaps?

 How will you lead evidence-based practice at your workplace?


Based on what you have learned so far in this course, create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Use clear headings that allow your professor to know which bullet you are addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with at least four (4) citations throughout your presentation. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the presentation. Include a slide for your references at the end. Follow best practices for PowerPoint presentations related to text size, color, images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements.

 Title Slide (1 slide)

 Traditional Authority, Legal-Rational Authority, and Charismatic Authority (3-4 slides).

 Stable democracy (3-4 slides)

 What are the issues surrounding implementation of a new policy? Discuss the opportunities and risks faced by school leaders. (1-2 slides)

 Special-interest group, public-interest group, and political-action committee (3-5 slides)

 Made in the USA (1-2 slides)

 References (1 slide)

- Explain the difference between Traditional Authority, Legal-Rational Authority, and Charismatic Authority. Explain an event in the past or present that would be an example of each authority.

- This module explains three factors that promote a social climate favorable to a stable democracy. What are these three factors? If they are present today, explain how they function. If not, explain what can be done to make them more present.

- No matter what news channel you watch it seems there is some sort of group lobbying for or against a potential right. Name a special-interest group, public-interest group, and political-action committee in today’s news and explain how each is prevalent in today’s democracy.

- Very few products we buy today have “Made in the USA” on the label or tag. Explain, in your opinion, why this is true

Medication Errors Led to Disastrous Outcomes

1. Search the internet and learn about the cases of nurses Julie Thao and Kimberly Hiatt.

2. List and discuss lessons that you and all healthcare professionals can learn from these two cases.

3. Describe how the principle of beneficence and the virtue of benevolence could be applied to these cases. Do you think the hospital adminstrators handled the situations legally and ethically?

4. In addition to benevolence, which other virtues exhibited by their colleagues might have helped Thao and Hiatt?

5. Discuss personal virtues that might be helpful to second victims themselves to navigate the grieving process.

use reference and scholarly nursing article.

Research Paper

In the Research Paper, you will apply the sources from your Annotated Bibliography (and others you may find after submitting the Annotated Bibliography) to explore the use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in healthcare, including options for Bible-based dispute resolution, focusing on the issues raised in using ADR to resolve malpractice claims without, or limiting, litigation.

Your paper must examine what options you would recommend for your healthcare facility with support from your research and analysis. 

The final paper must include at least 5 scholarly sources other than the Reading & Study materials and the Bible, cited in-text and in a reference list. You must also integrate biblical analysis of the topic into the paper.

The Research Paper must contain at least 1,500 words and follow current APA format. The title page, abstract, and reference list do not count towards the length requirement. 


Explore the use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in healthcare, including options for Bible-based dispute resolution, focusing on the issues raised in using ADR to resolve malpractice claims without, or limiting, litigation. Your paper must examine what options you would recommend for your healthcare facility with support from your research and analysis


What resources do you use to determine safety and effectiveness of complementary and alternative medicine?


Discuss some of the psychophysiological aspects of stress. Which evidence-based stress management interventions do you apply to clinical practice? How effective are they?


The peer review article I chose, was about using acetaminophen for pain management post op laparoscopic surgery ( Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 2017). I decided to use this topic, because I have been working in the ortho floor lately, and noticed a lot of physicians prescribing Tylenol to patients post op, around the clock. I kept asking the charge nurse and other nurses why, and nobody seemed to have a definite answer, as to why. Doctors would explain to me, that it was way to prevent prescribing hard core pain medications, instead. Due to the fact, that when the patients are discharged, they will not be able to get that IV Dilaudid, at home. 

    I searched for my article using the Walden University. I found the search for this article on the website, to be easy and user-friendly. On top of the search, the library gave me additional topics related to my search. Similar to Youtube, you can continue clicking on interesting things, and the next thing you know, two hours have passed, and you are reading on why cats have 9 lives! In other words, I found the Walden University library to be very useful for me and my colleagues. I would so recommend it to not just my colleagues, but to the whole Walden University campus, and future colleagues to com

Medication Errors Led to Disastrous Outcomes

1. Search the internet and learn about the cases of nurses Julie Thao and Kimberly Hiatt.

2. List and discuss lessons that you and all healthcare professionals can learn from these two cases.

3. Describe how the principle of beneficence and the virtue of benevolence could be applied to these cases. Do you think the hospital adminstrators handled the situations legally and ethically?

4. In addition to benevolence, which other virtues exhibited by their colleagues might have helped Thao and Hiatt?

5. Discuss personal virtues that might be helpful to second victims themselves to navigate the grieving process.

use reference and scholarly nursing article.