
- How do we view lifespan development?

 Available until Tuesday, September 7, 2021 11:59 PM CDT

For this discussion, I want you to think about how the ""lifespan"" is portrayed in contemporary society. I am asking you to first listen to a song (with video) OR view a clip from the Disney movie UP (with a song) that are related to lifespan development.

As you watch/listen to one or the other, think about what they indicate about how our society views development and aging.

Then, for the discussion, note your general reactions to the clip and what you think it says about how we view development and aging in our society.

Then, define ageism (see CH. 1 PPs for a definition of ageism), and discuss whether you have ever experienced or witnessed ageism, and if so, in what way.

After you have posted your answers, go back and respond to the answer of at least one other student.

Needed Links: (sorry- they may make you watch/read a brief ad first!!)

Listen to the song 100 Years to Live by Five for Fighting (and view the lyrics) at:


(about 4 minutes)


Watch the video clip with a song from the Disney movie UP (a couple meets when they are children, get married as adults etc.):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y4_BivnrwM  (sorry- a brief note comes up on the screen first- but it does not last long!)

(about 4 minutes long

Veterans Mental Healthcare Services

My barrier is on Veterans Mental Healthcare Services. For this assignment you will use the ""HLT-494 Capstone Project Approval Form"" to inform the instructor of the health care barrier or issue that you would like to focus on throughout this course. As a reminder, the topic you focus on must be relevant to the field of health care administration and should not focus on aspects of direct patient care. Use the ""HLT-494 Capstone Project Approval Form"" to present the purpose, the problem, and its significance to your instructor. The word count on this assignment should range from 250 to 500 words. Faculty will then provide you with feedback on your topic and suggestions on modifications you will need to make before beginning your logic model in Topic 2.APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected

Pathophysiology of osteoporosis

 What are the individual and lifestyle risk factors for osteoporosis

Pediatric Discussion

Please reply to the following discussion with one reference. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite resources in your responses to other classmates.  

JO Discussion:

Discuss the history that you would take on this child in preparation for the well-child visit. Include questions regarding her growth and development that are appropriate for her age.

In preparation for this patient’s well-child check, it is imperative to review the patient’s perinatal history (any complications during pregnancy), birth history (term/preterm, vaginal or c-section delivery), medical history, immunizations, hospitalizations, growth chart, vital signs, lab work (if applicable), family history, if any illnesses have occurred since birth. Important questions pertinent to growth and development include: does the infant’s diet consist of breast milk, formula, or both? If breastfed only, do you supplement with vitamin D? How many ounces and how often is the baby eating? How many wet diapers and bowel movements has the baby had in the last 24 hours? How is the baby sleeping? Does the baby respond to your voice? Does the baby coo or smile? Is the baby able to lift and hold head while on her stomach? Is the baby able to move all four extremities? Can she bring her hands to her mouth? I would also like to ask the parent if they have any concerns about the baby’s development.

Describe the developmental tool to be used for Asia, its reliability and validity and how Asia scored developmentally on this tool.

The developmental tool used to monitor children from birth to age 8, is the Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status PEDS test. This test is completed by the parents and is used as a reference for primary care providers to assess for autism and to analyze the patient’s behavior, development, and social-emotional/mental health (Bright Futures, 2021). The PEDS test and retest reliability studies were conducted on 193 pediatric patients over a 0–32-day span, revealed a 94% agreeance in PEDS Paths and parental concerns (PEDS Test, 2018). Asia’s PEDS test score of zero and her overall physical exam, she is developing appropriately.

Is she developmentally appropriate for her age? What immunizations will Asia be given at this visit; what is the patient education and follow-up?

As mentioned previously, given the PEDS results, reviewing trends in growth chart, and per the physical exam, Asia is developmentally appropriate for her age. According to the CDC immunization schedule, Asia should receive DTap, Hep B (second dose, as she received 1st Hep B after birth), Hib, IPV, PCV13, RotaV (CDC, 2021). Asia’s mother should obtain a handout about the immunizations Asia will receive at the visit and possible side effects the patient may experience after the immunizations have been given. Common side effects after vaccine administration include: tenderness and/or redness at injection site, low grade fever, fussiness, decreased appetite, and vomiting (CDC, 2021). Asia’s mother should be educated on the need to encourage Asia to drink plenty of fluids, and to administer Tylenol and Ibuprofen as needed for discomfort. The patient may experience redness at the injection site. Asia’s immunization card/record should be updated, and her mother should receive the 2-month Bright Futures informational handout. 


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Cdc vaccine schedules app for health care providers. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/schedule-app.html

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Possible side effects from vaccines. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/side-effects.htm

PEDS Test. (2018). Peds validation. Retrieved from https://pedstest.com/static/research/peds-standardization.html

Woolfenden S, Eapen V, Jalaludin B on behalf of the ‘Watch Me Grow’ study group, et al. Prevalence and factors associated with parental concerns about development detected by the Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) at 6-month, 12-month and 18-month well-child checks in a birth cohort

          BMJ Open 2016;6:e012144. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012144


write your personal definition of health informatics. Do not be concerned about being ""right."" The purpose of this activity is to establish your familiarity with the concept and identify preconceived notions.",https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK222271/

Dollar currency discussion

Based on current exchange rates, would you say that the USD is relatively ""strong"" against other currencies or relatively ""weak""? Who benefits from a strong dollar? Explain your thought process, and explain why it matters.

read the article below 


Bipolar and Substance Use Disorder

Schorlarly Article Review of Bipolar and Substance Use Disorder 

3page paper on a scholarly article review. the Article is attached and the instructions of the paper is included also.

Nutrition Report and 1 Page Reflection Assignment

Track your nutrition for at least 3 days. Try to include everything you have eaten. Then print out the report and attach. At the bottom of the bottom of the exercise diary click print full report, then select date range. Along with the 1 page reflection below.

Watch video and review links for assistance

Then write 1 page on how you are or are not meeting MyPlate guidelines.

What barriers are you experiencing?

What tips would you give others?

Do you think your culture plays a role in your nutrition?

How is your nutrition influenced by the socio-ecological model?


Discuss the implications of providing a “lifetime voucher” that distributes a one-time savings amount to all citizens of the United States. This healthcare resource distribution system allocates the same amount of money to all citizens, allowing them the autonomy to use this money however they choose over a lifetime. Discuss the moral, ethical, and legal implications of using a “lifetime voucher” system. Discuss the implications of this arrangement from the perspective of distributive, compensatory, and social justice reasoning. What is an appropriate age for this “lifetime voucher” allocation to occur?

Fundamentals of Nursing

Vital Signs 

1. You are a nurse caring for a 58-year-old ironworker who has been admitted to your unit with acute hypertension. He became extremely symptomatic at work and was brought to your emergency department (ED) via ambulance. After receiving a report from the ED nurse, he is brought to your unit asymptomatic (other than his BP of 178/106) and seems in good spirits. After completing his admission paperwork, he settles in and awaits his health care provider. Four hours later, you answer his call light and he reports headache (rated 6 on a 0-to-10 scale) and dizziness. a. Outline the pertinent information within this case study. b. How often would you expect to measure the patient’s vital signs based on his history? c. What would be your first intervention upon his reporting increased symptoms? Include rationale. d. What is the patient’s pulse pressure? e. Describe risk factors that could be contributing to your patient’s hypertension. 2. As a nurse in a critical care unit, your newest admission is a 24-year-old victim of a motor vehicle accident (MVA). Report from the OR nurse indicates that the patient has several surgically repaired fractures, a closed head injury, and elevated temperature. Additionally, he has IV fluid running postoperatively and dressing changes scheduled every shift. The patient is intermittently alert and disoriented, with his pain adequately controlled by IV analgesics. a. Outline the pertinent information within this case study. b. What factors could be causing the patient’s elevated body temperature? c. Why is determining the fever’s cause important? d. Indicate areas that are important to monitor in a patient with elevated body temperature. e. Describe cause-specific interventions useful in treating the patient’s elevated body temperature. 

PLEASE, answer each question in order and separately. PLEASE, this is the bibliography( Chapter 29-30). 1.Potter, P.A., &Perry, A. G. (2017). Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process, and Practice (9th ed.). St. Louis: MO: Mosby. ISBN: 9780323327404