Research Article

Upload an article that relates to psychosocial theories of aging from the First, Second, or Third Generation of theoretical development. Article must contain the name of the chosen theory, within a 5 year span, and as it relates to Gerontological Theories of Aging


First, open the website I have created for you and watch the video, and be sure to take notes. Then click on the assignment and rubric and read every detail. You will be graded on those details, so be sure to include them, all of them. Then, begin!

Here is the website to get started.                                     

I included a lot of information so you can be sure to have everything you will need to be successful in writing this paper. It is an important one. Included in the website are:

 The instructions and rubric

 The EBSCOE database to search for articles (Be sure to click Peer Reviewed). You may use the full article as a source, or you may also use just the abstract as well if the article is lengthy (I am ok with that).

 The 5 websites I will allow for sources for your paper. Only these websites can be used besides peer reviewed journals. No other sources allowed except the ones provided.

 A link to the librarian and the SLC writing center. Reach out! Ask for help! That is why they are there, and they are magnificent and love helping students. So, if you are not confident in your writing, contact the writing center and get assistance. If you don’t know how to find the articles you are looking for, click ask a librarian. You will be so glad you did. :)

 ALL THE APA INFO YOU EVER DREAMED OF :) Well, in reality you need to click on EASYBIB and this will create your citations for you. Your paper will be in APA with a cover page and reference page and be 800 words (which is about 2 pages). There are videos showing you how to use the APA citation creator in the website as well, and also examples of APA etc. 

 The Instructions and rubric page also has all of the links you may need for the SMART Principles of goal setting as well as the two models you can choose between for your paper. Lastly, the link to the Real Age test is there as well. This is based on Chapter 1, so get out that textbook too!

Here is a brief outline to be able to frame your paper. If you did a brief paragraph on each number you will complete your paper in no time at all. The outline follows along with your rubric:

 Think back to your Module 1 Behavior Change Assessment and choose a behavior you want to change to improve your health. If you do not have one that stands out to you, or even if you do, I suggest ALL OF YOU take the Real Age Test at It is a Dr. Oz test that will tell you what physical age your body actually is based on a bunch of yes and no answers. So, do it, it only takes a few minutes and then you can use the results to help you decide what to do your paper on. It is awesome! And hey, if we were friends on FB and I posted it, you would probably take it anyway. :)

 Choose your behavior and goal. 

 Monitor it for a week. 

 Start writing! Your 1000 word paper will include:


     Cover Page


     Give background on why you have chosen this behavior and what are the potential and current health issues that stem from your behavior. (This is a good spot for your sources of information from the websites and database).

     Identify your goal and discuss if it is a SMART goal and how exactly is it Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely?

     Use BOTH of the two theories and explain how they best apply to your behavior. Transtheoretical Model AND Health Belief Model

     Discuss logging your behavior change topic. Identify clear and specific strategies to achieve your success and outline a clear timeline. 

     Determine how your chosen behavior change will impact ALL of the Dimensions of Wellness

     Summary and conclusion

     Reference Page



The Health Belief Model

The Transtheoretical Model

Capstone Project

In collaboration with the approved course preceptor, students will identify a specific evidence-based topic for the capstone project change proposal. Students should consider the clinical environment in which they are currently employed or have recently worked. The capstone project topic can be a clinical practice problem, an organizational issue, a leadership or quality improvement initiative, or an unmet educational need specific to a patient population or community. The student may also choose to work with an interprofessional collaborative team.

Students should select a topic that aligns to their area of interest as well as the clinical practice setting in which practice hours are completed.

Write a 500-750 word description of your proposed capstone project topic. Include the following:

 The problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project that will be the focus of the change proposal.

 The setting or context in which the problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project can be observed.

 A description (providing a high level of detail) regarding the problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project.

 Effect of the problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project.

 Significance of the topic and its implications for nursing practice.

 A proposed solution to the identified project topic with an explanation of how it will affect nursing practice.

Advanced nursing

Minimum 7 full pages (Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per part)

Parts 4 and 5 should be different, different writing and answers. However, you must answer the same questions.

              Part 1: minimum 1 page

              Part 2: minimum 1 page

              Part 3: minimum 1 page

              Part 4: minimum 1 page 

              Part 5: minimum 1 page

              Part 6: minimum 1 page 

              Part 7: minimum 1 page

Submit 1 document per part

Parts 4 and 5 should be different, different writing and answers. However, you must answer the same questions.

2)¨******APA norms, please use headers

          All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraphs

          Bulleted responses are not accepted

          Dont write in the first person 

          Dont copy and pase the questions.

          Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

         Submit 1 document per part

3) It will be verified by Turnitin and SafeAssign

4) Minimum 3 references per part not older than 5 years

5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question.


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX

6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering: 


Part 1.doc 

Part 2.doc 


Part 1:

A 56-year-old patient with newly diagnosed stage 1 hypertension has been referred to you for counseling regarding lifestyle modifications. He is married, with four children — two in high school, two in college. His job as a senior vice-president for a major retail chain requires that he work long hours and frequently eat at restaurants. He smokes two packs of cigarettes a day, has a body mass index (BMI) of 29 kg/m2, and a waist-hip ratio of 1.6. He usually drinks one to two dry martinis to relax after he gets home from work.

1. How would you develop a realistic plan to help this patient reduce his blood pressure and prevent complications?

2. Which risk factors would be among your top two or three priorities for this patient, and what interventions or recommendations would you provide for modifying these?

Part 2:

Therapeutic communication is important to ensure patients are part of treatment planning. 

1. How would you evaluate a patient’s ability to understand your instruction and their current knowledge base about their problem? What characteristics of the patient would be helpful?

2. How would you be certain that the patient understands your medication instruction?

3. What methods of therapeutic communication would be useful in advanced practice?

Part 3:

1. Discuss the role of advanced practice nursing in safe prescribing 

2. Discuss 3 prescribing barriers for APRNs.

Part 4:

1. why you decided to pursue and Advanced Practice major? 

2. What is the role of the advanced practice nurse? 

3. What is the evidence suggesting regarding the role of FNPs in primary care? 

4. What do you think Family Nurse Practitioners could do differently to improve patient outcomes? Is EBP the answer? Give specific examples.

5. What do you think are the Skills & Personality Traits to be a Successful Nurse Practitioner?

Part 5:

1 why you decided to pursue and Advanced Practice major? 

2. What is the role of the advanced practice nurse? 

3. What is the evidence suggesting regarding the role of FNPs in primary care? 

4. What do you think Family Nurse Practitioners could do differently to improve patient outcomes? Is EBP the answer? Give specific examples.

5. What do you think are the Skills & Personality Traits to be a Successful Nurse Practitioner?

Part 6:

Nursing faculty is responsible for creating an environment that is conducive to learning and accommodates the multiple learning styles and abilities of students. 

As a nurse educator:

1. How might you design learning experiences for class and clinical environments to promote positive and effective learning for all students? 

2. Do you think students should use their preferred learning styles and perhaps risk becoming rigid and unable to learn in different ways (should a situation demand a different learning style)? Or should educators encourage students to be open to different methods of learning, moving them away from their comfort zones?

Part 7:

The diversity of both students and faculty poses important considerations for teaching and learning. 

1. Reflect on the characteristic differences in gender, race, and culture, as well as the differences among the diverse generations in today’s nursing education classroom. 

2.When considering your personal philosophy of teaching, discuss how you might use these characteristic differences and diverse backgrounds and experiences of today’s nursing students as a teaching tool to connect students to nursing content and increase their understanding. 3. How might you incorporate the background and experiences of your students into your teaching methods to enhance the ability of all students in your classroom to think critically and problem solve patient-care issues?


Development of gynecologic patient histories requires practitioners to recognize the various elements that are necessary to construct a history that is accurate and relevant. This effort requires consideration of the chief complaint and multiple other elements, including effective communication with various populations including those in the LGBTQ+ community, to ensure a productive screening and subsequent examination.

For this discussion, you will explore the appropriate elements of a complete gynecologic history. You also will consider the appropriate questions to pose in a patient assessment. Answer the following questions in your discussion:

· What things do you need to consider for your patient? Think about considerations for LGBTQ+ individuals as well.

· What health maintenance guidelines might be needed for follow-up (i.e., bone density test, Gardasil vaccine, shingles, etc.)?

· What questions would you consider in your patient’s assessment? For example

§ What is your patient’s living situation?

§ Do they have stairs?

§ Do they live by themselves?

§ Do they have a working refrigerator?

Post your definition of the elements of a gynecologic history and an explanation of potential screenings you would recommend. Be specific and provide examples. Also, identify the health maintenance guideline questions you might need to consider when conducting a patient assessment. Include any additional information related to LGBTQ+ individuals. (Note: Your post should be at least 2-3 paragraphs with 3 current, scholarly sources



The purpose of this Assignment is to give you a practical application to implement your PICOT idea, supported by the evidence-based research you have obtained in during your systematic review. You will apply evidence-based research findings discovered from your clinical question, and then integrate those to support your suggested change in nursing practice.


 Identify your refined PICOT question.

 Using PubMed and the Cochrane collaboration database, do a systematic review of your clinical question.

 Describe your systematic review and include an errors analysis.

 Determine an evidence-based quantitative article from the search that contains an evidence-based randomized control trial.

 Summarize the case study selected.

 Describe the study approach, sample size, and population studied.

 Apply the evidence from this review to your practice specifically in your overview.

 Evaluate the outcomes, identifying the validity and reliability.

 Discuss if the study contained any bias.

 Determine the level of evidence identified in the review.

 The length should be no less than 10 Pages in APA format.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

 be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above)

 consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary;

 utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors; and

Your writing Assignment should:

 follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);

 be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;

 display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and;

 use APA 6th edition format


Discussion Question 1

Based on your performance and the expert feedback in your HISTORY collection, describe two missed questions and your understanding of why they were important to collect for this case history. Use specific references from your text to explain.

Discussion Question 2

Based on your performance and the expert feedback in your PHYSICAL EXAM collection, describe two errors in your exam performance or documentation. Use specific references from your text to explain the importance of these findings in correct assessment of this client.

Discussion Question 3

Based on your performance on the PHYSICAL EXAM collection, describe one key finding that you included in your list and describe a specific physical exam that you can perform at the point-of-care to further evaluate the finding. Use specific references from your text.

Discussion Question 4

Based on your performance and the expert feedback in your ASSESSMENT identification of problem categories, choose one missed/incorrect category and use specific references from your text to explain the importance of this category in arriving at correct differential diagnoses for this client.

Discussion Question 5

Based on your performance and the expert feedback in your ASSESSMENT of differential diagnoses, describe one incorrect/missed differential diagnosis and use specific references from your text to support the inclusion of the diagnosis for this client.

Ethical issues in health professional

Healthcare professionals face ethical questions every day. This is particularly true for those whose scriptural worldview may seem unfamiliar, or even antagonistic, to the secular scientific community. This assignment asks you to research and analyze the ethical issues involved in a healthcare environment that poses such ethical challenges.

Provide critical analysis on DNA TESTING (i) the ethical issues for society, (ii) the ethical issues for a Christian healthcare professional, and (iii) whether or not a Christian should participate in such efforts, and how they should participate. 

at least 3 scholarly peer reviewed sources and citations must follow current APA format 

400 Words

Global Ranking of Health Systems

Compare and contrast the differences between the U.S. health system and one of the higher ranked countries based on The Commonwealth Fund report:

NOTE: You may review interactive features, read the full report, or review the PowerPoint slides on the webpage to obtain details about the U.S. health system’s performance in comparison to other countries.

Your comments will be graded on how well they meet the Discussion Requirements posted under “Before You Begin.


Why We Should Design Policy to Care for Vulnerable Populations

Previous Next                                                

For the discussion, we will be reviewing the “For Your Consideration” box on page 122 of the Shi text. Shi states that we should care about vulnerable populations because of the following items:

 Vulnerable populations have greater health needs.

 The prevalence of vulnerability is influenced [by] and therefore should be remedied by social forces.

 Vulnerability is fundamentally linked with national resources.

 Vulnerability and equity cannot coexist.

After reviewing this and the required background reading (and doing any additional research) discuss your thoughts on these items. As Shi asks, “Are these points valid?” (p. 122) How does this affect health administrators?

Be sure to cite reliable sources in support of your answer