Psychiatric Care and Mental Health in the Community

Psychiatric Care and Mental Health in the Community

Read chapter 24 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation. Once done answer the following questions;

 Explain and give some examples of the concepts of community mental health and discuss the importance of community mental health promotion in special populations.

 Describe the biological, social, and political factors associated with mental illness. 

 Describe different types of evidence-based treatment for mental disorders, including the use of psychotropic medication management, community case management, and crisis intervention. Give at least one example.

 Describe the role of mental health nurses in the community.


As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, APA required font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard titled “Week 14 essay” and the SafeAssign exercise in the assignment tab of the blackboard which is a mandatory requirement.  A minimum of 2 evidence-based references (besides the class textbook) no older than five years must be used. You must post two replies on different dates to any of your peers sustained with the proper references no older than five years as well and make sure the references are properly quoted in your assignment. The replies cannot be posted on the same day; I must see different dates in the replies.   A minimum of 800 words are required and not exceeding 1,000 words (excluding the first and reference page). Please make sure to follow the instructions as given and use either spell-check or Grammarly before you post your assignment.

Please check your assignment after the week is due or after it is graded because I either made comments or ask for clarification in some replies or the assignment that required your response.

The assignment must be submitted in the requested. You need to number the question and answer it, no on an essay unless it is required. 


  Question one


  Question two


Due dates: Assignment – Wednesday, August 5, 2020, at 11:59 PM in the discussion tab of the blackboard, and in the SafeAssign exercise in the assignment tab of the blackboard.

Culture in nursing

Read the attached document that it is related to the chapter 14 of our class textbook. Once done present an analysis of the article expressing your point of view of the ""Cultural Competence in Ethical Decision Making"". Make sure you include the different areas where cultural competence in ethical decision making is use.  

 APA format word document, APA required font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard titled “Week 15 analysis” and the SafeAssign exercise in the assignment tab of the blackboard which is a mandatory requirement.  A minimum of 2 evidence-based references (besides the class textbook) no older than five years must be used. You must post two replies on different dates to any of your peers sustained with the proper references no older than five years as well and make sure the references are properly quoted in your assignment. The replies cannot be posted on the same day; I must see different dates in the replies.   A minimum of 800 words is required and not exceeding 1,000 words (excluding the first and reference page). Please make sure to follow the instructions as given and use either spell-check or Grammarly before you post your assignment.

Please check your assignment after the week is due or after it is graded because I either made comments or ask for clarification in some replies or the assignment that required your response.

Due dates: Assignment – Wednesday, August 5, 2020, at 11:59 PM in the discussion tab of the blackboard, and in the SafeAssign exercise in the assignment tab of the blackboard.

Nursing research

Conduct research on approaches to risk management processes, policies, and concerns in your current or anticipated professional arena to find an example of a risk management plan. Look for a plan with sufficient content to be able to complete this assignment successfully. In a 1,000‐1,250-word paper, provide an analysis of the risk management plan that includes the following:

 Summary of the type of risk management plan you selected (new employee, specific audience, community‐focused, etc.) and your rationale for selecting that example. Describe the health care organization to which the plan applies and the role risk management plays in that setting.

 Description of the standard administrative steps and processes in a typical health care organization's risk management program compared to the administrative steps and processes you identify in your selected example plan. (Note: For standard risk management policies and procedures, look up the MIPPA-approved accrediting body that regulates the risk management standards in your chosen health care sector, and consider federal, state, and local statutes as well.)

 Analysis of the key agencies and organizations that regulate the administration of safe health care in your area of concentration and an evaluation of the roles each one plays in the risk management oversight process.

 Evaluation of your selected risk management plan's compliance with the standards of its corresponding MIPPA-approved accrediting body relevant to privacy, health care worker safety, and patient safety.

 Proposed recommendations or changes you would implement in your risk management program example to enhance, improve, or secure the aforementioned compliance standards.

In addition to your textbook, you are required to support your analysis with a minimum of three peer‐reviewed references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Essay writing

Answer to essay-200 words minimum (mayfdez),"You have to write an answer based on this writing, a minimum of 200 words. You need to add references and quotes, do not use the same references that appear in the writing.

Irish people follow the unit of the nuclear family, which is the one that plays a primary role in their lives. The extended families are also an important part of Irish society. The family remains to be fundamentally important to individuals. The personal connection that is shared by family members, and the support that is received from each other is valued. An inequality dimension exists in social groups as defined by the status of one’s socio-economic, age, and gender is the ill-health experience and healthcare services access. There exists an interest in the inequalities experienced in ill health among ethnic groups, which are a minority, notes that the experiences and the lack of understanding of health vary across cultures and times (O'Rourke & Walsh 2015).

  However, religion and spirituality among the Irish minority ethnic groups also contribute to the outcomes of health. Despite focusing on health inequalities cultural explanations, there is a propensity of treating culture and relating it to health as an individual characteristic response to the behavior of individuals instead of taking culture as a social level that is dynamic and shared. The Irish people are influenced by their cultural experiences and diverse background concerning health behaviors (Purnell, 2015). Irish speak the Goidelic language of the European family. A few people only speak Irish in the Irish population. They, however, enjoy the status of their constitution as the Republic of Ireland language. Another example of a sociocultural variable is religion, whereby the largest population is Roman Catholic. The church is a strong pillar of society and the nation’s politics.

The family is considered to be the most important aspect of the life of Italian people. The family is the one that provides both the economic and emotional support to the individuals forming a basis of their social circles (Vollero et al. 2018) note that Italian families' organization is smaller in size due to the declined fertility rate. However, family dynamics have currently being changed as a result of the fast-economic pace witnessed in the 21st century. However, less contact time has been recorded for the Italian extended families, although their relationships help them remain extremely close. The Italian culture stands for deep respect for the members of the family. Senior family members are deeply dedicated to their children with their care coming with the expectations that their children will assist them later in life at their old age. On health statistics, Italy has recorded a lower mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure notes that smoking and obesity are mostly in men, and there exists a low mortality rate as a result of heart and respiratory disease (Purnell, 2015).

 The rates of Thalassaemia are higher among the Italian population. Mortality rates from diabetes are also very high. There exist traditional health concepts in Italy which come from humoral medicine. Except for the unskilled laborers in Italy, the community's attitude and knowledge about health issues are very different from the mainstream. Among the socio-cultural variables among the Italians is a language with their official language being Italian, although their first language is always spoken at a local dialect (Vollero et al. 2018). It becomes hard for the elderly population and that of migrants who are uneducated to speak fluent standard language in a correct way since not all people in Italy have an opportunity to learn English. Also, the Italian people's lifestyle is a risk factor that often presents itself in Italians as a result of their low patterns of exercise. The main problems they experience include issues of overweight and smoking among Italian men.

Family among the people of Puerto Rican forms the foundation of their social structure. They have got close family connections emphasizing the need for the well- being of a family. The interactions that exist between family members are expected to be courteous, considerate, and honorable. Among the Puerto Rican, the family honor is important and highly valued for the extended family. The organization of their families follows a modified, extended family system, which is the support system for the generations to come. Most of the challenges faced by poor Puerto Ricans have got their compounds from the traditions. Puerto Ricans use “folk medicine” to get healed. (Burgaleta, 2019) notes that the Puerto Ricans have some suspicion of scientific medical care, and thus, they find general health services as limited health horizons, unlike other ethnic groups. However, spiritualism, which is a cultural phenomenon, retards Puerto Ricans’ health status. They consider illness to be a possession of evil spirits consulting treatment medium rather than physicians.

They often disregard the advice given by physicians and fails to conform to their theories. It has also been recorded that the theory of male dominance among Puerto Rica people results in sexual promiscuity, venereal diseases, early marriages, breakdown of families, and other health-related problems (Purnell, 2015). The Puerto Ricans are people who overwhelmingly speak Spanish despite the efforts of fostering bilingualism. Spanish is a theory dialect, although African speech also contributes some words in their language. Another social, cultural variable is marriage. Despite a high rate of divorce and increased serial monogamy, there are many wedding ceremonies practiced in a religious way in Puerto Rica since marriage is an important marker of adulthood (Burgaleta, 2019).


Burgaleta, C. M. (2019). How an Irish-American Priest Became Puerto Rican of the Year: Joseph P. Fitzpatrick, SJ, and the Puerto Ricans. Journal of Jesuit Studies, 6(4), 676-698.

O'Rourke, B., & Walsh, J. (2015). New speakers of Irish: shifting boundaries across time and space. International journal of the sociology of language, 2015(231), 63-83.

Purnell, L. D. (2015). Transcultural health care: A culturally competent approach. FA Davis.

Vollero, A., Conte, F., Bottoni, G., & Siano, A. (2018). The influence of community factors on the engagement of residents in place promotion: Empirical evidence from an Italian heritage site. International Journal of Tourism Research, 20(1), 88-99.

Endocrine Case Study

Shirley, a 50 year old housewife, comes in complaining of progressive weight gain of 20lbs over the last year, fatigue, postural dizziness, loss of memory, slow speech, deepening of her voice, dry skin, constipation, and cold intolerance. She is concerned and wants labs to further evaluate her condition.

PMH: Anxiety disorder diagnosed 1 year ago

Meds: alprazolam .5 every 6 hours as needed for anxiety

Allergies: None

ROS: Negative except as listed above

Physical Exam:

 General: Obese female

 Vitals: T 98.6F, HR 58/min and regular, BP 110/60.

 Head: Normocephalic

 Eyes: PERRLA, EOMI, puffiness noted around eyes and face

 Neck: Thyroid gland is non-palpable

 Skin/Integument: pale, cool, dry, thick skin

The provider checks labs and determines Shirley has hypothyroidism.

Question answers should be based on evidence found in readings and from peer-reviewed literature. At least two sources must be used and cited in APA format for each question. Only one source can be a textbook. Resources should generally be within 5 years unless you are explaining the pathophysiology of a disease or providing pertinent background information.

Discussion Questions:

 Explain the action of thyroid hormone and how this impacts the diagnosis. Your answer should contain the impact of the thyroid hormone on functions in the body.

 As Thyroid Stimulation Hormone (TSH) levels rise, explain how this impacts the negative-feedback mechanism in the body.

 What are the roles of Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) in the body?

Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child

The needs of the pediatric patient differ depending on age, as do the stages of development and the expected assessment findings for each stage. In a 500-750-word paper, examine the needs of a school-aged child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old and discuss the following:


 Compare the physical assessments among school-aged children. Describe how you would modify assessment techniques to match the age and developmental stage of the child.

 Choose a child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old. Identify the age of the child and describe the typical developmental stages of children that age.

 Applying developmental theory based on Erickson, Piaget, or Kohlberg, explain how you would developmentally assess the child. Include how you would offer explanations during the assessment, strategies you would use to gain cooperation, and potential findings from the assessment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center

Comprehensive medical report

Write a comprehensive medical report on a disease we have studied up to this point. Be sure to include all relevant medical history, testing/diagnostics, treatment options, and recommended plan of action. Paper should be in APA format and 4–6 pages


Mrs. Johnson is a 73 y.o. female who presents to your office with right shoulder pain. Her and her husband just moved to the area a few months ago, and you have only seen her once for a sinus infection. Today she states that she is having increasing right shoulder pain over the past couple of weeks. She explains that her shoulders have “always bothered” her because she worked in a factory moving boxes for years. She states that she uses naproxen, “prescription strength” and that usually does the trick when her arthritis flares up, but she is out and would like a refill.

On exam, you note that her right shoulder is tender to palpate, and she has limited motion. She smells of BenGay but otherwise, she seems healthy. The area is edematous and when asked she does agree that her arm seems swollen. She denies any falls but remembers that she lost her balance and fell backward into her recliner a few days ago “kind of hard” but she caught herself when she grabbed for the coffee table. Otherwise, she does not recall any injuries. You decide to send Mrs. Johnson for an x-ray and she is in the waiting room until you get the results back.

The following radiograph is what is sent to you via teleradiology.

(Wikipedia, 2018)

For your assignment, respond to the following:

 What is in your differential diagnosis (top 3 minimum) as you think through this case?

 What would you order, if anything?

 What else would you like to ask Mrs. Johnson relating to how she may have been injured?

 There are at least two areas of concern on this x-ray—one is a pathological fx of her humerus. Research pathological fractures; review the physiology of the musculoskeletal system and compare and contrast this knowledge with this pathophysiological condition.

 After focusing on the pathophysiology of the fractured bone, discuss what other disorder you suspect from a review of the x-ray.

 What would be your primary choice for an underlying diagnosis for Mrs. Johnson, and why?

 What past pertinent information related to a pathological fracture and your second suspected diagnosis would you like to ask Mrs. Johnson?

 Are there any additional tests, radiological studies, etc. that you would order for Mrs. Johnson?

 Will you refer this patient, and if so, to whom?



Case Study Rubric

Note: Scholarly resources are defined as evidence-based practice, peer-reviewed journals; textbook (do not rely solely on your textbook as a reference); and National Standard Guidelines. Review assignment instructions, as this will provide any additional requirements that are not specifically listed on the rubric.

Case Study Rubric – 100 PointsCriteriaExemplary

Exceeds ExpectationsAdvanced

Meets ExpectationsIntermediate

Needs ImprovementNovice

InadequateTotal PointsContent of Case StudyThe writer demonstrates a well-articulated understanding of the case study subject matter in a clear, complex, and informative manner. The case study content and theories are well developed and linked to the course content, assignment requirements, and practical experience. The case study includes relevant material that fulfills all objectives of the assignment.

Cites three or more references, using at least one new scholarly resource that was not provided in the course materials.

30 pointsThe writer demonstrates an understanding of the subject matter, and the components of the case study are accurately represented with evidence-based practice, ethics, theory, and/or role content. Course materials and scholarly resources are present to support required concepts. The paper includes relevant material that fulfills all objectives of the case study.

Cites two references.

26 pointsThe writer demonstrates a moderate understanding of the subject matter, as evidenced by components of the case study and use of evidence-based practice, theory, or role-development. Course content is present but missing depth and/or development.

Cites only one reference.

23 pointsAbsent application to evidence-based practice, theory, or role development.

Demonstrates incomplete understanding of content and/or inadequate preparation.

Significant content of case study is vague, inaccurately portrayed, or missing.

No references cited.

Submits assignment late.

20 points30Analysis and Synthesis of Case Study Content and MeaningThrough critical analysis, the submitted case study provides an accurate, clear, concise, and complete summary of the scenario.

Information from scholarly resources is synthesized, providing new information or insight related to the context of the assignment by providing both supportive and alternative information or viewpoints.

All instruction requirements noted.

30 pointsCase study is complete, providing evidence of further synthesis of course content via scholarly resources.

Information is synthesized to help fulfill the case study requirements. The content supports at least one viewpoint.

Submission provides clarification of the assignment by correctly answering all posed questions within the instructions.

All instruction requirements noted.

26 pointsLacks clarification or new information. Scholarly reference supports the content without adding any new information or insight. Case study content may be confusing or unclear, and the summary may be incomplete.

Most instruction requirements are noted.

23 pointsSubmission is primarily a summation of the assignment without further synthesis of course content or analysis of the scenario.

Demonstrates incomplete understanding of content and/or inadequate preparation.

Missing some instruction requirements.

Submits assignment late.

20 points30Application of KnowledgeThe summary of the case study provides information validated via scholarly resources that offer a multidisciplinary approach to the scenario provided.

The student’s application in practice is accurate and plausible, and additional scholarly resource(s) supporting the application are provided.

All questions posed within the assignment are answered correctly in a well-developed manner, applying knowledge with citations for validation.

All instruction requirements noted.

30 pointsA summary of the study, findings, and knowledge gained from the assignment is presented.

Student indicates how the information will be used within their professional practice.

All questions posed within the assignment are answered within the case study. The answer to one question may be vague and/or limited in development, but as a whole all answers are correct.

All instruction requirements noted.

26 pointsObjective criteria are not clearly used, allowing for a more superficial application of knowledge between the assignment and the broader course content.

One question is answered incorrectly and/or two case study answers are vague or limited in development but remain correct.

Student’s indication of how they will apply this new knowledge to their clinical practice is vague.

Most instruction requirements are noted.

23 pointsThe application of knowledge is significantly lacking.

Demonstrates incomplete understanding of content and/or inadequate preparation.

Student’s indication of how they will apply this new knowledge to their clinical practice is not practical or feasible.

Application of knowledge is incorrect and/or student fails to explain how the information will be used within their personal practice.

Multiple questions are not answered or are answered incorrectly (e.g., two questions answered incorrectly, or three case study answers are vague or limited in development but remain correct).

Missing some instruction requirements.

Submits assignment late.

20 points30OrganizationWell-organized content with a clear and complex purpose statement and content argument. Writing is concise with a logical flow of ideas.

5 pointsOrganized content with an informative purpose statement, supportive content, and summary statement. Argument content is developed with minimal issues in content flow.

4 pointsPoor organization and flow of ideas distract from content. Narrative is difficult to follow and frequently causes reader to reread work. Purpose statement is noted.

3 pointsIllogical flow of ideas. Prose rambles. Purpose statement is unclear or missing.

Demonstrates incomplete understanding of content and/or inadequate preparation.

No purpose statement.

Submits assignment late.

2 points5APA, Grammar, and SpellingCorrect APA formatting with no errors.

The writer correctly identifies reading audience, as demonstrated by appropriate language (avoids jargon and simplifies complex concepts appropriately).

Writing is concise, in active voice, and avoids awkward transitions and overuse of conjunctions.

There are no spelling, punctuation, or word-usage errors.

5 pointsCorrect and consistent APA formatting of references, and cites all references used. No more than two unique APA errors.

The writer demonstrates correct usage of formal English language in sentence construction. Variation in sentence structure and word usage promotes readability.

There are minimal to no grammar, punctuation, or word-usage errors.

4 pointsThree to four unique APA formatting errors.

The writer occasionally uses awkward sentence construction or overuses/inappropriately uses complex sentence structure. Problems with word usage (evidence of incorrect use of thesaurus) and punctuation persist, often causing some difficulties with grammar. Some words, transitional phrases, and conjunctions are overused.

Multiple grammar, punctuation, or word usage errors.

3 pointsFive or more unique formatting errors, or no attempt to format in APA.

The writer demonstrates limited understanding of formal written language use; writing is colloquial (conforms to spoken language).

The writer struggles with limited vocabulary and has difficulty conveying meaning such that only the broadest, most general messages are presented.

Grammar and punctuation are consistently incorrect. Spelling errors are numerous.

Submits assignment late.

2 points5Total Points100

Nursing project

In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, describe the information collected about a person with a chronic illness. Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.

Using the information from the interview you conducted in Week 2:


 List the support needs of your participant beginning with the highest priority and then in descending order.

 Provide examples of appropriate interventions of the professional caregiver, for example, the nurse.

 Discuss how to implement objectives of Healthy People 2020 to increase wellness.

 Discuss nursing’s role as an advocate for participant acceptance of diagnosis and treatment.

 Discuss the impact of the environment on patient’s health.


     Include social determinants that impact care.



Support your responses with examples and information from library resources, textbook and lectures.

Developing a Culture of Evidence-Based Practice

As your EBP skills grow, you may be called upon to share your expertise with others. While EBP practice is often conducted with unique outcomes in mind, EBP practitioners who share their results can both add to the general body of knowledge and serve as an advocate for the application of EBP.

In this Discussion, you will explore strategies for disseminating EBP within your organization, community, or industry.

To Prepare:

Review the Resources and reflect on the various strategies presented throughout the course that may be helpful in disseminating effective and widely cited EBP.

This may include: unit-level or organizational-level presentations, poster presentations, and podium presentations at organizational, local, regional, state, and national levels, as well as publication in peer-reviewed journals.

Reflect on which type of dissemination strategy you might use to communicate EBP.

By Day 3 of Week 10

Post at least two dissemination strategies you would be most inclined to use and explain why. Explain which dissemination strategies you would be least inclined to use and explain why. Identify at least two barriers you might encounter when using the dissemination strategies, you are most inclined to use. Be specific and provide examples. Explain how you might overcome the barriers you identified.


Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Chapter 10, “The Role of Outcomes on Evidence-based Quality Improvement and enhancing and Evaluating Practice Changes” (pp. 293–312)

Chapter 12, “Leadership Strategies for Creating and Sustaining Evidence-based Practice Organizations” (pp. 328–343)

Chapter 14, “Models to Guide Implementation and Sustainability of Evidence-based Practice” (pp. 378–427)

Gallagher-Ford, L., Fineout-Overholt, E., Melnyk, B. M., & Stillwell, S. B. (2011). Evidence-based practice, step by step: Implementing an evidence-based practice change. American Journal of Nursing, 111(3), 54–60. doi:10.1097/10.1097/01.NAJ.0000395243.14347.7e. Retrieved from,_Step_by_Step_.31.aspx 

Newhouse, R. P., Dearholt, S., Poe, S., Pugh, L. C., & White, K. M. (2007). Organizational change strategies for evidence-based practice. Journal of Nursing Administration, 37(12), 552–557. doi:0.1097/01.NNA.0000302384.91366.8f

Melnyk, B. M. (2012). Achieving a high-reliability organization through implementation of the ARCC model for systemwide sustainability of evidence-based practice. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 36(2), 127–135. doi:10.1097/NAQ.0b013e318249fb6a

Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, E., Gallagher-Ford, L., & Stillwell, S. B. (2011). Evidence-based practice, step by step: Sustaining evidence-based practice through organizational policies and an innovative model. American Journal of Nursing, 111(9), 57–60. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000405063.97774.0e

Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, E., Giggleman, M., & Choy, K. (2017). A test of the ARCC© model improves implementation of evidence-based practice, healthcare culture, and patient outcomes. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(1), 5–9. doi:10.1111/wvn.12188