People of Greek Heritage. People of Cuban Heritage. People of Hindu Heritage

Present an 800 words essay contracting the cultural and health care beliefs of the Greek, Cuban and Hindu heritage. Please note we are studying two oriental and one occidental heritage. In the essay mention how the Greek and Hindu heritage has influenced the Cuban heritage in term of health care beliefs. You must cite at least 3 evidence-based references no older than 5 years. A minimum of 800 words must be presented excluding the first and reference page.

Indigenous health Australia

Reflective essay

Word limit: 1500 words +/- 10%

Using an essay format: (introduction, body and conclusion + reference list)

For the purpose of this assessment you are required to review the Statement of the Heart document available via the link below. From this you are to write a critically reflective piece (inclusive of support from academic literature) focusing on what the content of the statement means to you as an emerging midwife. You are also required to reflect on how the Statement of the Heart aligns (or not) with the Closing the Gap document in relation to yourself and Indigenous Communities within our current health care context. (Links to an external site.) 

You are required to utilise APA 7th edition, a minimum of 10 references will be required to support your discussion.

The reflective essay will show evidence of:

Associated marks

The professional understanding of the Statement of the Heart has been well discussed and supported with appropriate references.


Critical reflection in relation to the Statement of the Hearts alignment/nonalignment with Closing the Gap in the current health care context has been discussed and it is evident via description, analysis and implications.


Personal accountability is evident in terms of learning and understanding as an emerging midwife. (""I"" statements are appropriate in a reflective essay.)


Arguments, concepts and statements are supported by a wide range of published sources.


Demonstrates scholarship in the construction and presentation of the work.5

The Diet Analysis Project

The Diet Analysis Project is designed to:

 Assess recommendations for nutrient intake.

 Analyze nutrient intake for adequate intake of Choose My Plate Food groups.

 Describe food categories of ChooseMyPlate and unique characteristics and food belonging to each group.

/content/Term2021/475606-BSN1HUN_HUN1201675722/HUN 1201 Food Project Analysis Broward Spring 2020.docx

/content/Term2021/475606-BSN1HUN_HUN1201675722/HUN 1201 Broward Food Intake Record Spring 2020.doc



This learning activity and the grade you will receive are completely dependent on the effort you put into the project in the form of a PowerPoint. Students will record 3 days of dietary intake, using a tracker analysis tool, and provide an analysis with goals to demonstrate lessons learned. Be careful to follow the directions and examples provided.

Final PowerPoint projects should be the complete assessment of your personal dietary habits after collecting detailed data. 

Students are expected to put some personal insight into the final presentation and submit a complete, written project consistent college-level work. This includes proper citation of references, proper grammar, correct spelling, and APA format style.

Projects submitted after the publish due date and time will not be accepted, per the Course Syllabus.

Case Study Analysis

1- to 2-page case study analysis in which you:

 Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described.

 Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.

 Explain the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems

Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs

In 2- to 3-pages

 Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family.

 Describe strategies to address disclosure and nondisclosure as identified in the scenario you selected. Be sure to reference laws specific to your state.

 Explain two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your decision making in this scenario, including whether you would disclose your error. Be sure to justify your explanation. 

 Explain the process of writing prescriptions, including strategies to minimize medication errors.

 Include at least 4 references

Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative

Bioethics is defined as an area of study in ethics of medicine and the ethical issues involving life sciences (Grand Canyon University, 2018). Principalism of ethical decision making is referred to as the four principal approach because of the view that there are four ethical principles that make up bioethics in most health care settings (Reilly, n.d.). The four principles include:

 Respect for autonomy: This principle requires respect for the decision making of competent individual person

 Nonmaleficence: A principle that requires people to not cause harm to others

 Beneficence: Principles that require people to prevent harm, provide benefits and balance benefits against risks

 Justice: Principles that require fair distribution of benefits, risks and costs.

The idea behind these principles is that each case should be taken into account with details, factors and circumstances and these principles should be applied (Reilly, n.d.). In order to determine how which of the four principles should be weighted in a particular case, an individual needs to decide which of the four principles deserves the most priority in any given case especially regarding cases that are complex and have conflicts between principles (Reilly, n.d.).

In Christianity, there is a God who exits and has created the world with moral structure and purpose. What is truly right and wrong is a reflection of the character of God in the context of the Bible (Reilly, n.d). Principles come in the form of the divine commands and to be transformed into his image of Jesus Christ thus, thought to embody the virtues and character of Jesus himself (Reilly, n.d.). As a Christian, my view of health and health care will stem from the narrative of God’s purposes. The most important command from the Bible is to love God and the second is love your neighbor. In the Christian view, the problem with principlism is the lack of any inherent moral weight, and the four principles represent a consensus opinion because it is consistent with a majority of ethical theories (Reilly, n.d.).


Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references. Sources must be published within the last 5 years.

 The four principles, especially in the context of bioethics in the United States, has often been critiqued for raising the principle of autonomy to the highest place, such that it trumps all other principles or values. How would you rank the importance of each of the four principles? How do you believe they would be ordered in the context of the Christian biblical narrative? Refer to the topic study materials in your response.

Mental Health Discussion

Ryan is a 12-year-old diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). As a small child, Ryan was first diagnosed with Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder. He had just started preschool and was unable to remain in one place for more than a minute or two. His parents had already had a very difficult time in disciplining him because he would become very upset and throw temper tantrums when he could not do as he wished. He just seemed to be an unhappy, irritable child. This behavior continued in school. As time progressed, Ryan was diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, because he continued to refuse to listen to adults and comply with the rules.

By the age of 12, he has begun to bully and annoy others. His parents have decided that the approaches they have used in the past are not working, and they are more afraid his behavior will only get worse.

Initial Post                         

Provide explanations for these questions and statements:

 Describe the behaviors apparent for each disorder in this scenario (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder).

 If this behavior becomes worse and Ryan starts to violate the rights of others, what medical diagnosis will be given and why?

 Discuss at least two types of medication appropriate to treat Ryan and support your choices with rationale and credible resources

 Describe why therapy for the parent is important in this scenario including at least two supporting rationales


Briefly describe how the risk management program at the organization where you work (or at that of a typical health care organization) addresses social media and patient information privacy. Provide three examples of risk management steps your health care organization (or another health care organization) could take to further protect patient information. Support your analysis with a minimum of one peer-reviewed reference.


Explain the role of accreditation in mitigating risk compliance issues. Provide an example of a health care organization that was placed on probation by its accrediting body or by CMS within the last 3 years for a risk compliance issue. What caused the probation or loss of accreditation and how could it have been prevented?

Nursing Personal Philosophy

A personal philosophy/mission statement of nursing reflects your individual beliefs and interaction with nursing. This philosophy is not stagnant, but is ever evolving as you progress in your nursing career. As you learn and do more, your philosophy statement changes (and becomes longer!). Frequently, philosophy statements incorporate specific aspects of nursing that are important to you. Possibly you might include your theoretical basis for your nursing practice, based on the various nursing theorists that have and are contributing to the nursing profession. As you begin your career, your philosophy is naturally brief and vague. As your career progresses, so too does your philosophy.


 Reflect on your current nursing practice.

 Write your personal philosophy/mission statement of nursing. Include your mission statement as related to your nursing practice.

 Complete this assignment in 2-3 paragraphs using proper spelling, grammar, and APA formatting. Use of citations and references as needed