Informal Fallacies

In this assignment, you will identify argument and fallacy forms.

Step 1: Consider the scenario:

Scientists from the Coalition of Concerned Scientists claim that fresh water is going to be the scarcest resource on the planet in 50 years. This claim, though alarming, is based only on a single study performed in the Appalachian Mountains over a span of 10 years. The study involved testing the percentage and availability of fresh, drinkable water along the mountain range once every April for 10 years. The study has many citizens concerned this could mark the beginning of a slippery slope, and many are beginning to think irrationally about how to maintain an abundance of clean water. As a well-respected environmental blogger, many have come to you looking for answers, and while you may not have the solutions they want, you do believe you can prove that the Coalition of Concerned Scientists study is riddled with fallacies.

Step 2: Examine the presence of fallacy.

Create content for a two to three-page (minimum) blog entry aimed at easing the anxiety of your readership, address the following statements:

 What type of argument is being presented? How does that differ or coincide with the fallacy form?

 What fallacy or fallacies are present in the Coalition of Concerned Scientists' claim? What are the ramifications of the fallacy or fallacies within this scenario?

 By what criteria can you distinguish between arguments and fallacies? In the case of the Coalition of Concerned Scientists study, what improvements would transform this into a viable argument?

 Are there any logical fallacies present in the scenario? If so, explain. How can you discern logical fallacies within an argument?

Step 3: When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Concepts of teaching and learning

In a Microsoft Word document of 6-7 pages formatted in APA 7 style, submit your instructional unit (care plan), which should include three lesson plans: one focused on patient education, one on family education, and one on staff development. Remember, your plans should demonstrate a logical approach to teaching, communicate what is to be taught and how, and outline how objectives are to be evaluated. For a refresher on what each final lesson should include (see attachment).

Building on the work that you started in Week 2 (see attachment), for all three groups of learners:

· Write two broad instructional goals for the educational experience for each group.

· For each learner group, write at least one learning objective related to each of the domains of Bloom’s taxonomy:

o Cognitive                                                                                

o Affective

o Psychomotor

· Describe the lesson content.

· Provide a sequence for teaching activities.

· Describe instructional methods.

· Indicate time allotted for each activity.

· Identify and describe the instructional resources (materials, tools, etc.) and technology to be used.

· Describe how the learning will be evaluated.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA 7 format. 

Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.

PICO and Literature Search

Purpose: PICO questions are used by practicing nurses and researchers to focus research questions and develop an efficient literature search strategy. It is essential that future nurses learn how to do this to develop evidenced-based solutions to patient care problems in a healthcare organization. 

Assessment: This assignment is worth 68 points and represents 20% of your final course grade. It is graded according to the embedded rubric in this submission folder. Late submissions will incur a 10% deduction per day, unless a Late Pass is used.


1. Write a PICO question based on a scenario you choose from the list of scenarios attached below. Use the templates in the EBP Step by Step 3 article to help create your questions. You may need to do a pre-search to finding an intervention (the ""I"") that has been studied and published to solve the problem.

2. Identify the PICO elements for each question. 

3. Develop a search strategy using at least 3 keywords from the P, I, and O parts of your PICO, 1 synonym for one of the keywords, and 1 MeSH term for one of your keywords. 

4. Locate 4 articles that help answer your PICO question. The articles must meet the following requirements: 

· must be primary source quantitative research articles. 

· No article can be older than 2016. 

5. Obtain pdfs of the four articles you selected from the ResU database. If not available for the ResU database, you may request access from the ResU Library, or you can email me the citation for the article, and I will attempt to locate a pdf of it. 

6. On a Word document, include your scenario; write your PICO question as a sentence; identify the P, I, C, and O for each question; and list the search terms (3 keywords, 1 synonym, 1 MeSH term) for each. You may use the template attached here. See also the link to the MeSH terms website below.

7. Provide a properly formatted APA reference page for your selected articles from Step 4 of these instructions. See the link to the APA and Writing LibGuide below.

8. Name each document (one Word doc and 4 article pdfs) as follows and upload to the appropriate submission folder in Brightspace: 

· Lastname PICO, 

· Lastname article 1,

· Lastname article 2,

· Lastname article 3,

· Lastname article 4


EBP Step by Step 3.pdf

(188.01 KB)

PICO and Lit Search Template with Example.docx

(30.11 KB)

PICO and Literature Search Scenarios.doc

(44.5 KB)

APA and Writing LibGuide

Link to MeSH Terms W


Please, Kindly work on Scenario 4 from the PICO and Literature Search Scenarios uploaded. Thank you.


.,List the elements of malpractice and give examples of each element in professional nursing practice, including ways to avoid or lessen the potential of future malpractice cases.

Read the following article: /sites/default/files/userfi les/for_providers/NP_ Malpractice_FAQ_NS O.pdf


Describe sampling theory and provide examples to illustrate your definition. Discuss generalizability as it applies to nursing research


Step 1 Explain three difficult concepts.

As you review the activities and the information presented in this lesson and the textbook, identify the three most difficult concepts (or parts of a concept) in respiratory anatomy and respiration for most anatomy and physiology students. Select one difficult concept from each of these topic areas:

 Anatomy of the Respiratory System

 Mechanics of Breathing


Step 2 Write an explanation of each concept.

Write a clear one-paragraph explanation of each of these three concepts. Use images from the Internet or those that you scan into the document, if possible. Your response should be a 500-word paper

Levels of Research

Review the PICO / Levels of Research rubric (see rubric attached)

Identify a nursing EBP or Research resource found by searching the internet. This article should be applicable to informatics (telehealth, EMR, Smart Cards, any other topic). Summarize the research article and findings. Is this a practice issue that is evidence-based and should be analyzed using PICO? Is this a non-clinical or research-based topic that should be evaluated using levels of research? Provide an overview of PICO or Levels of Research (whichever is appropriate for your article) and explain why they are used. Discuss how you used information literacy skills (PICO or levels of research evidence) to evaluate the healthcare information that you found.

Quantitative research article

This assignment will allow you to practice searching for a quantitative nursing research article by using an online database. Follow the search strategy given on the assignment instructions below. You will have one attempts to submit a correct article. When you are successful with this assignment, you may use this nursing quantitativeresearch article in a follow-up assignment in Module Four - The Evidence Based Practice Project: Finding the Evidence. Do not select a qualitative article, an Evidence Based Project article, or a Quality Improvement/assurance project, or a Literature Review, or a concept analysis, or Retrospective research, or a systematic review, or an article that is not published in a nursing journal or in any journal where a registered nurse is not listed as one of the authors . See criteria which is reiterated in the rubric and grading criiteria.Do NOT use:

 A retrospective study

 A mixed methods study

 A qualitative research article

 A systematic review

 A quality improvement article

 An evidence based practice article

 An article writen only by physicians [or non-nurses] and / published in a non nursing journal

Continuing education article

Social Determinants of Health

In the Pensacola, Florida community which has a population of 52,642 people, child poverty impacts quality and health care. 28.4% of Pensacola children live in poverty compared to 19.3% across the dashboard cities.

In 2016, over 40 million American citizens were living below the poverty line with 13.3 million being children. Children in poverty can be exposed to lead exposure, developmental and psychological delays, financial issues as well as children being unable to obtain a high school diploma. Children in poverty are more likely to become teenage parents and are more likely to suffer from medical ailments such as obesity and cancers with poor outcomes due to lack of access to healthcare and affordability of treatments (Dyjack, 2018).

As a DNP scholar, knowledge of health outcomes and social detriments of health engage nurses to be involved in the community to impact population health outcomes in a positive manner, and question care models and resources with equal opportunities to access care that involve political, social rights and opportunities. It is an ethical principle for a DNP scholar to impact changes that increase health outcomes for patients. Nurses need to be involved in the community and through multidisciplinary collaboration with physicians, stakeholders, politicians, public health, clinical care, and organizational leaders, and through networking and brainstorming there can be a positive response to helping improve an issue (Edmonson et al., 2017). Creating awareness of a community issue such as child poverty is the first step in being involved to educate the public that a problem exists. DNP scholars and nurses can also be involved in professional nursing organizations, as well as policy-making, health care reform, and advocating with organizations that are already directly helping child poverty such as the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP), Sponsor a Child and United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF). As a DNP scholar being involved in community events, community newsletters, consumer alerts, and attending community outreaches and school board meetings increase awareness of childhood poverty and increases others to help with resources (Edmonson, 2017).

#Childpoverty. Community networking to get involved and make a change. 1 in 5 children live in poverty #StampItOut #SAYNOToChildPoverty


Dyjack, D. (2018). On Poverty. Journal of Environmental Health, 80 (8), 54.

Edmonson, C., McCarthy, C., Trent-Adams, S., McCain, C., & Marshall, J. (2017). Emerging global health issues: A nurse’s role. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 22(1), 2–2.

Physical assessment

You completed your full head-to-toe assessment skills demonstration last week and now will document your results. Continue to document only the objective findings for this section without bias or explanation. Remember if you can’t feel something then it is “nonpalpable,” if you can’t hear something just state they were not heard such as no bowel sounds heard (unless you listened for the full five minutes which we wouldn’t want to do for our purposes – then you could document absent bowel sounds). Be descriptive if necessary but at the same time be brief