Moles Calculation

Calculate how many moles of product would be produced if 0.500 mole of the first reactant were to react completely.

CO2+4H2...","Calculate how many moles of product would be produced if 0.500 mole of the first reactant were to react completely.

CO2+4H2 = CH4 +2H2O

Phylogenetics Using MEGA

For today’s lab we are going to work with the Molecular Evolutionary Genetic Analysis program ( to examine the phylogentic relationship of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene in several ants. These 10 ants were collected by amateur entomolgists in south Florida, five were collected from one location (ants 1-5) and five were collected from another location (6-10). The DNA was extracted from all of these ants and the COI gene was amplified and sequenced in order to compare the two populations. We were also supplied with sequence from Formica rufa a close relative of the ants being sequenced. Your goal is to identify each of these ants (using BLAST) (Camponotus atriceps_1) and create two distance matrices and two phylogenetic trees (using MEGA) to compare these populations and identify if these two populations are actually one giant population. In order to proceed, you will need to download the MEGAX program from . You will then make a MEGA alignment for the 10 ant species and the outgroup species (Formica rufa) using the sequence files provided. You will need to trim the sequences and correct any errors in the sequences by using the editing functions in MEGAX.

In order to visualize your sequences, you can open the .abi files in and use the trace files in MEGAX. Or you can use Chromas Lite for PC users ( or 4Peaks for MAC users ( Or alternatively you can use the .pdf files provided to correct the sequence. You will need to edit your sequences to get rid of bad sequence at both the 5’ and 3’ end. Your alignment can be made either with CLUSTAL W or Muscle. These are both available in MEGAX. Once you have made your alignment, save it as a MEGA file type (.meg) for use in later work. 

Answer the following questions using the MEGA manual (under the documentation tab of the MEGA website) and the following resources found in your BlackBoard shell including: the MEGA Tutorial Modified for this class; the presentation “Creating Phylogenetic Trees With MEGA;” the “Creating Phylogenetic Trees” video; the T. Ryan Gregory paper and any other resources. 

1. For your assignment you will need to make a distance matrix looking at the number of differences between each taxa and a distance matrix looking at p-distance. Which two ants (not including the outgroup) are the most different? Take a screenshot of each and explain the difference between the two types of matrices. 

2. Answer the question “What is an outgroup?” 

3.You will use your alignment file (saved as a .meg) to make a neighbor-joining tree that has been bootstrapped 500 times and using Formica rufa as an outgroup. Make a .pdf of the tree and submit it labeled “Phylogenetic tree for various ant species for Cytochrome Oxidase I using the Neighbor-joining algorithm and bootstrapped 500x.” Make sure your taxa are clearly identified with their species name (ie. Camponotus atriceps_1). 

4.You will use your alignment file (saved as a .meg) to make a maximum parsimony tree that has been bootstrapped 500 times and using Formica rufa as an outgroup. Make a .pdf of the tree and submit it labeled “Phylogenetic tree for various ant species for Cytochrome Oxidase I using the Maximum Parsimony algorithm and bootstrapped 500x.” Make sure your taxa are clearly identified with their species name (ie. Camponotus atriceps_1).

 5. What were the differences between your two trees? Are these a single population of ants? What method(s) is best for making a tree that compares two different populations? Explain your answer

Thermodynamic Steam

Water flows through the tubes of a boiler. The water enters a tube of diameter 0.13m under pressure 7 MPa and temperature 65°C and leaves the tube as superheated steam (6 MPa, 450°C). If the outlet velocity of the steam is 80m/s, calculate the velocity and volume flow rate at the inlet.


The Cation Experiment (Exp. 16) is a general chemistry ""rite of passage"". It is an integral part of the general chemistry curriculum all over the world. In this qualitative analysis of an unknown sample, you will be asked to determine the presence or absence of sixteen cations in a ""virtual unknown"". It is the kind of training that requires attention to details, logical reasoning, reading comprehension, patience, and perseverance!

You will study the procedure and its relation to the cation schematic. The videos provided will help you visualize those procedures and the positive/negative tests therein. In the Cation Analysis Presentation you will find an in-depth illustrated description of every step. Please use all these resources in combination with the schematic to better understand the identification of each cation.

You will be given a ""virtual unknown"", which will be represented by a set of observations/results based on the steps outlined in the procedure. You will analyze those results and decide if each cation is present or absent. Your instructor will guide you through this important laboratory training.

Bonding Theories in General Chemistry

 Applying Lewis Model, VSEPR, Valence Bond and Molecular Orbital Theories. 

     **The Concept Map** 

 •Prepare a concept map on “molecular shapes”. The concept maps must include the following “categories” (information): Octet rule, Lewis and VSEPR theory, Valence Bond(and hybridization), and Molecular Orbitals.

     **Construct a virtual 3D model**

Choose a molecule with everyday life application, like a drug, natural biological, organic synthetic, other. The Molecule must contain the following 

 •10 atoms•At least 1 double and/or triple bond (sigma and pi bonds).

 •Prepare a 3D model (virtual). Virtual: you can use an app (3D Molecules Editor), oronyour computer (, or any other you find.

     **Show and Tell** 

Write an essay (1000 words) including the following:

 •Explaining your concept map.

 •Tell 3 facts about the molecule you choose

 •Use your concept map to explain your model. In your explanation include the following information: pi and sigma bonds, hybridization and, if present, resonance and “charge distribution”(electron rich/electron poor areas).

Signal Transduction Presentation

Communication skills are of paramount importance in defining success in your career. Putting your communication skills to good use requires sound judgment in deciding when to speak, what to say, to whom, and for what cause. Thorough planning and preparation are essential for delivering an effective speech and presentation.

Give a 25-minute lesson teaching with a PowerPoint (10-15 slides) on one of the following topics:

Please pick a topic you are strong in 

1. GPCR signaling

2. Ion channels and neuronal communication

3. Receptor tyrosine kinases and cancer

4. Cell cycle regulation in the cell

The lesson presentation should include a title and reference slide and have between 10-15 content slides. At least four references should be cited (only one can be the textbook).

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center

Bonding Theories in General Chemistry

 Applying Lewis Model, VSEPR, Valence Bond and Molecular Orbital Theories. 

     **The Concept Map** 

 •Prepare a concept map on “molecular shapes”. The concept maps must include the following “categories” (information): Octet rule, Lewis and VSEPR theory, Valence Bond(and hybridization), and Molecular Orbitals.

     **Construct a virtual 3D model**

Choose a molecule with everyday life application, like a drug, natural biological, organic synthetic, other. The Molecule must contain the following 

 •10 atoms•At least 1 double and/or triple bond (sigma and pi bonds).

 •Prepare a 3D model (virtual). Virtual: you can use an app (3D Molecules Editor), oronyour computer (, or any other you find.

     **Show and Tell** 

Write an essay (1000 words) including the following:

 •Explaining your concept map.

 •Tell 3 facts about the molecule you choose

 •Use your concept map to explain your model. In your explanation include the following information: pi and sigma bonds, hybridization and, if present, resonance and “charge distribution”(electron rich/electron poor areas)

Fieldwork Essay

KINESICS: the study of body motion or body behavior.

 Emblems: gestures that have a direct verbal translation and can stand alone such as the “ok” sign.

 Illustrators: gestures that complement our words such as pointing when giving directions.

 Regulators: gestures that may prolong or terminate the conversation such as looking at your watch, walking away, or nodding and leaning forward.

 Adaptors: gestures that make you feel more comfortable in a communication situation such as twirling your hair or tapping your fingers.

 Affect Displays: facial expressions motivated by emotion such as a smile or frown.

 In this lesson, you will venture out and observe the people around you. Tune out what they are saying and then sit back and watch. Take notes on what type of gestures (emblems, regulators, illustrators, adaptors and affect displays) are they using? How often do they use each one? Are they aware of these gestures? You will then use your notes to write a typed two-page essay describing what you witnessed. Please let us know where you were, the mall, Starbucks, work, etc.. and who was involved, two men sitting at a table…

Describe at least ten separate gestures.

 What type?

 What are they conveying? How many repetitions?

 What are the circumstances?

Please submit your essay to this dropbox and include the following:

 At least two pages typed-- MINIMUM of 675 words

 Double spaced

 Paragraphs, not bullets

 Include nonverbal terminology


1. Make the following conversions using the correct conversion factors. Show work.

a) 7.0 km to mm

b) 157 mg to g

c) 22.9 gal to L

2. Complete the following conversion using the correct conversion factors. Show work.

a) 700.°C to Kelvin and°F

b) Camelshavebeenreportedtodrinkasmuchas22.5galofwaterin 12hr.Howmanyliters

can they drink in 30days?

c) 75 miles/hr to km/s

d) 4.5 in3 to cm3

3. Suppose one feather of an ostrich weighs 0.35 lb. How many milligrams does this feather weigh? Show work. [1000 g = 1 kg, 1 lb. = 453. 6 g, 1 g = 1000 mg].Use the only definitions you need for this question. 

4. Calculate the volume (in mL) of 20.g of ethyl alcohol. The density of ethyl alcohol is 0.789 g/mL

Use density as conversion factor.

5. There are 25 red flowers, 33 yellow flowers and 22 white flowers. What is the percentage of yellowflowers?

6. Make the following conversions and show work. 

a) How many cm3 are in a box that measures 1.20 inchx 3.50 inch x 7.70 inch? 

b) How many meters are in 4.1 yards?

7. What is the basic unit name for mass in SI system?

8. The water level in a graduated cylinder stands at 21.0 mL before and at 28.2 mL after a 13.54g metal bolt is submerged in the water. (a) What is the volume of the bolt? (b) What is the density of the bolt?

Osmosis Home experiment

Write a one page (double spaced) essay on what you observed by day 3. Include the three pictures to explain what is occurring at each step in this experiment and thw phenomenon observed by day 3