
What is the probability of having two offspring with the same genotype?,What is the probability of having two offspring with the same genotype?


1-What is the difference between the end point and equivalence point in a titration? How can you tell them apart?


2-...","1-What is the difference between the end point and equivalence point in a titration? How can you tell them apart? 2- If you have 15 mL of 2 M HCl, how many moles are present in solution? 3-Student 1 is titrating NaOH into HCl, the student pours 10.00 mL of 2 M HCl into an erlenmeyer flask and adds 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator and 15 mL of deionized water. The student places the burette with NaOH inside of it above the acid solution and records that there are 30 mL of 1 M NaOH in the burette. The student turns the stopcock to begin the titration. The solution in the flask turns pink and the student stops the titration. The student records that the volume of 1 M NaOH is now at 9 mL. How many moles of HCl were there? How many moles of NaOH were added to the flask during the titration? What is the experimental molar ratio of NaOH:HCl? What is the theoretical ratio? What is the percent error?

Chemistry Essay

,"Essay OutlineI. IntroductionA. Hook- interesting statementB. Thesis- what are you writing to proveC. Preview- a sentence which describes each of your three (or more)pointsII. Main Point 1A. A review of what you said in your preview statement that relates tothis point.B. An analysis and further description of your pointC. Quotes and evidence from the text to prove your pointIII-IVRepeat above for main points 2 and 3V. ConclusionA. Summary of your pointsB. Release the reader- let them know that you have proved your point 5 essays of 500 words EACH in APA format, based on Barron's E-Z Chemistry, are to be completed and submitted in the areas of: 1.definition of matter 2.definition and characteristics of water 3.theories of acids, bases 4.definition of organic chemistry 5.the impact of nuclear activity in our environment

Critical Thinking Principles

Prepare: In preparation for discussing the importance of critical thinking skills, please read Chapters 1 through 3 of Think Smarter: Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills, as well as the following articles: “Critical Thinking and the Challenges of Internet,” “Common Misconceptions of Critical Thinking.”  Critical thinking gets you involved in a dialogue with the ideas you read from others in this class. To be a critical thinker, you need to be able to summarize, analyze, hypothesize, and evaluate the new information that you encounter.  Write: For this discussionDefine, describe, and explain the principles of critical thinking.Search the Internet, media, or the Ashford University Library, and find an example of good, careful (critical) thinking, and explain why you think it exemplifies strong critical thinking skills. Post a link or reference information for that source, describe the content, and explain how it is a good example of critical thinking.Search the Internet, media, or the Ashford University Library and find an example that lacks good, careful (critical thinking). Post a link or reference information for that source, describe the content, and explain why you think it demonstrates poor critical thinking skills.Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references.Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length.


A student performed the nitration of Benzoic Acid. She/he started with 7.2 g of starting material and obtained 4.8...,A student performed the nitration of Benzoic Acid. She/he started with 7.2 g of starting material and obtained 4.8 g of product.Assuming Benzoic Acid is the limiting reagent; calculate the theoretical and percent yields. Show the equation and all steps of your calculations.( and are good resources to find molecular weights and densities etc.),

Food Ingredients

How you understand food ingredients?,"According to the definition of food additives, food additives are substances added to food to preserve flavor or enhance its taste and appearance. Some additives like salting have been used for centuries. The functions of food additives is to improve the food color, taste and longer shelf life of synthetic or natural substances extracted from plants and animals. Now at the mention of food additives, many can't help but fear in the mind, they think once eat foods containing food additives will harm to health. So how do the facts? How should we treat food additive or food ingredients?what is food additive? Food additives already been parts of our life. What are food additives? Whatever a food in your hand, a large part of food ingredients are the most common food additives, such as bleaching, colouring agents, food additives emulsifiers, preservatives, potassium chloride food additive. propylene glycol food additive, lactic acid food additive, etc. Since it contains so many kinds of food additives, does that mean the food we should not to buy? The advantages of food additives is cheap and convenient to get. From the examples of food additives, common food acids include vinegar, citric acid, tartaric acid, ascorbic acid, malic acid, fumaric acid, and lactic acid are added to make flavors ""sharper""; colorings are added to make food look more attractive; preservatives food additives prevent or inhibit spoilage; antioxidant vitamins act as preservatives; gluten free thickeners for the people who have food additives allergy to gluten.Each additive is assigned a unique number, that is E number, which is used in Europe for all approved additives. For example, we can see e100 food additive, e262 food additive, food additive 330, food additive 621, etc. According to E-407 you will get it is carrageenan food additive. whether artificial food additives are good or bad, people have different views. Such as artificial food dyes have stable color low costs. Food grade food colouring additives are widely used in food and beverages, the processing of a piece of cake may need green food colouring, red food colouring, black food colouring, white food colouring, etc. Whether food dyes in food ingredients is health and no toxic? Where to buy safe food ingredients? How to find reliable food additive suppliers or manufacturers? Many China food company are good choices and qualified.


It's Aleks homework if anyone is familiar with that, it's chemistry 131 and it's...","($20) general chemistry homework - due 9/10It's Aleks homework if anyone is familiar with that, it's chemistry 131 and it's not very complicated I just don't have the time to do it myself so any help would be appreciated, price is negotiable


What is the specific heat of a substance if 29.0 kJ are required to raise the temperature of 465 g...,What is the specific heat of a substance if 29.0 kJ are required to raise the temperature of 465 g of the substance from 30.0°C to 243.0°C?

Chemistry: The history, present, and the future of aircraft's metals

5 pages (contents) at least without counting the refrences' pages.5 (FIVE) references cited, one of them must be from a hard copy source not found in the intent. (Introduction, body, conclusion) This is a chimistray subjectWrite about the (The history, present, and the future of aircraft's metals). Discuss how metals may have led a civilization to eminence or decline. This is a chemistry: Metals and civilization. (The science course is intended to merge the contribuation metals have made to the rise (and fall) and change of civilizations through time.)

Term paper

– A 1 page paper that demonstrates you have:a topic,the structure (organization)very brief information for the paper sections, andthe specific sources (references) What is its purpose? -•   The outline is to show that you have started working on your paper.•   That you know what you will discuss (sections/subtopics) and where you can find this information (sources and complete references). •   It is important that you learn how to research and how to find relevant technical information for your paper. •   The topic you select must be listed on the Moodle site and first PowerPoint (introduction to the course). You will not receive credit if topic is from a previous semester and has specifically been removed from the term paper list. •   I must be able to locate your sources based on listed references. References must be properly formatted for the outline and final paper. Below is an example of the basic structure and length for the outline.You have to provide detailed information such as what is your topic, very briefly what will be discussed in each section, and specific references, properly formatted.This is a technical report; provide relevant content, omit the use of “I” and “we”.Start early. Don't wait until the last minute.Outline Sections (to include if appropriate)Topic (title of term paper)Abstract (go back and do this after paper is finished)Introduction MaterialsMaterial PropertiesProcessingApplicationsDiscussionReferences Acceptable Reference Format ExampleReferences[1] M. Kajiwara, S. Uemiya, T. Kojima and E. Kikuchi, Hydrogen permeation properties through composite membranes of platinum supported on porous alumina, Catal. Today 56 (2000), p. 65.[2] J. H. Arps, B. Lanning and G. Dearnaley, Maximizing a Potentially Significant Energy Source: SwRI researchers develop ultra-thin metal membranes for hydrogen gas separation, Technology Today, Spring 2006.[3] K. Hou and R. Hughes, “Preparation of thin and highly stable Pd/Ag composite membranes and simulative analysis of transfer resistance for hydrogen separation,” Journal of Membrane Science 214 (2003), p. 43. [4] J.N. Keuler and L. Lorenzen, Developing a heating procedure to optimize hydrogen permeance through Pd–Ag membranes of thickness less than 2.2 μm, Journal of Membrane Science 195 (2002), p. 203. [5] Y.S. Cheng and K.L. Yeung, Palladium–silver composite membranes by electroless plating technique, Journal of Membrane Science 158 (1999), p. 127.  _______________________________________________ Technical Paper Summary: The purpose is to become familiar with the behavior of materials in specific applications. The technical paper will build upon course material; its technical difficulty and content should be comparable to Callister/Rethwisch textbook. Topics for the Technical PaperGallium nitride semiconductorsOLED Technology3-D Printing high quality grapheneImprovements (or replacement materials for) Li rechargeable batteriesGraphene sensorsWearable sensors, self-powered monitors integrated in clothingSapphire materialsAdditive manufacturingIntermetallicsCarbon nitride in optics or electronicsAluminum FoamMEMS, NEMSUltra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) thermoplastic in biocompatible applications